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Great Britain


Great Britain 1840 1d Blacks, spacefillers, from around 10% catalogue price. We get asked for these a lot, minimum catalogue £400 = $750 approx. at today’s exchange rate.

PB170) Great Britain 1840 1d Black, near 4 margin unplated example with neat Red Maltese Cross cancellation, lettered F J. Cut into top left corner and tiny nibble lever left. Small amount of gum residue on face. Still quite attractive, price $149

PB171) Great Britain 1840 1d Black, near 3 margin unplated example with neat Red Maltese Cross cancellation, lettered  J F. Cut into at  top and with small central thin, not visible from front. Quite nice looking, price $149

PB173) Great Britain 1840 1d Black, 3 margin plate 5 example on piece with neat black Maltese Cross cancellation, lettered M I. Minor faults including some black ink residue to lower right. Otherwise but quite ok looking. Price $175

PB177) Great Britain 1840 1d Black, 1 margin at base unplated example, but design is all there with Red Maltese Cross cancellation, lettered I L. Minor faults but quite ok looking. Price $95

PB178) Great Britain 1840 1d Black, 3 to 4 example, but with missing top left corner. Design is all there with slightly smudgy Aberdeen RubyMaltese Cross cancellation, lettered Q G. Better cancellation. Quite nice looking.  Price $149

PB185) Great Britain 1840 1d Black, rather tatty unplated example, but design is mostly all there with neat Red Maltese Cross cancellation, lettered D H. Cut into at top and top left, also missing lower corners. Price $70

GB859) Great Britain 1835 small entire to Brighton, ‘SOUTHAMPTON’ cds on reverse & scarce ‘A’ Receiving House mark in black beside the cds, Price $99
GB3245) Great Britain 1847-54 QV embossed 1/- Green SG 55, cut to shape tied to small cut square piece by indistinct duplex cancel, Nice used, attractive spacefiller, Cat £1000 as cut square, Price $69
GB3246) Great Britain 1855-57 QV watermark small garter no corner letters 4d Pale carmine ordinary thin white paper SG 64, slightly soiled appearance, couple of nibbled perfs, indistinct Scottish duplex cancel, Cat £500, Price $129
GB3244) Great Britain 1855-57 QV watermark large garter no corner letters 4d Rose-carmine ordinary white paper SG 66, short perf at right, centrally struck sideways ‘107’ duplex of Bradford Yorks, Nice used Cat £150, Price $49
GB3248) Great Britain 1867-80 QV large uncoloured corner letters 2/- Dull blue SG 118, centrally struck indistinct partial duplex cancel leaving much of the Queen’s head clear, Nice used, Cat £225, Price $99

GB1020A) Great Britain 1865-67 Large uncoloured corner letters watermark Emblems 6d Deep lilac (with hyphen) plate 5 SG 96, light crisp Scottish duplex cancel, Cat £200, Price $129

GB1019) Great Britain 1867-80 Large uncoloured corner letters watermark Spray of rose 3d Rose SG 103 plate 7, bold ‘383’ duplex cancel of Hull, attractive strong colour, Cat £70, Price $39

GB1018) Great Britain 1867-80 Large uncoloured corner letters watermark Spray of rose 3d Rose SG 103 plate 9, neat 159 duplex cancel of Edinburgh, attractive strong colour, Cat £70, Price $39

GB1016) Great Britain 1867-80 Large uncoloured corner letters watermark Spray of rose 6d Lilac (with hyphen) SG 104 plate 6, neat, light duplex cancel, Cat £185, Price $109

GB1015) Great Britain 1867-80 Large uncoloured corner letters watermark Spray of rose 6d Mauve (without hyphen) SG 109 plate 9, wing margin example (SH) crisp, light centrally struck ‘DERBY’ cds, Very fine used, Cat £90, Price $69

GB1030) Great Britain 1867-83 watermark Maltese cross 5/- Pale rose SG 127 plate 2, with sideways ‘RB’ private perfin, some discolouration, neat duplex cancel, Cat £1500 as normal, Price $399
GB923) Great Britain 1880-83 large uncoloured corner letters 1/-Orange-brown SG 163 plate 13, unusually with a manuscript cancel and a slight smudged Scottish duplex ‘131’ cancel of Edinburgh, most unusual, Cat £170, Price $99

GB105) Great Britain 1883 10/- Ultramarine on Blued Paper, lettered H – I, I - HSG 177 average used. Good centring. One nibbed perf at right. Cat. £8250. Cheap at $1775

GB2026) Great Britain 1883 Large coloured corner letters 6d on 6d Lilac surcharge SG 162 x 8, some shades, most with bold duplex cancels, Good-nice used, Cat £1200, Price $399

GB3054) Great Britain 1883-84 QV Blued paper 2/6d Lilac SG 175, tiny pin head sized hinge thin at top, with neat London Inland section barred numeral ‘105’ cancel, well centred, with normal white paper example for comparison, scarce stamp, total Cat £1660, Price $699
GB3248A) Great Britain 1883-84 QV 2/6d Lilac SG 178, couple of bends, centrally struck London barred circle cancel Good used, Cat £160, Price $39

GB816) Great Britain 1887-92 QV Jubilee 10d Dull purple & deep dull carmine SG 210a, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £625, Price $299
GB856) Great Britain undated entire to Liverpool with scarce ‘CHUMLEIGH’ circular ‘mileage erased’ handstamp in black on front, Price $99

GB3065) Great Britain 1998 Stamp Sets MUH Including: Endangered Species x6, Princess Diana Strip of 5, Queens Beast/Heraldry, Lighthouses, Comedians, National Health, Magical World, Carnival/Europa, Racing Cars, Christmas. Price $116
GB3067) Great Britain 2000, Stamp Sets MUH Including: Millennium Projects I -XII, Her Majesties M/S, Queen Mother's 100th Birthday M/S. Price $245

GB3068) Great Britain 2001, Stamp Sets MUH Including: New Millennium – Face Paintings, Occasions – Greetings, Cats & Dogs Sheetlet, Royal Submarines, The Weather, The Weather M/S, Royal Flags M/S, Fashion Hats, 150th Anniversary Double Decker Bus Strip, 150th Anniversary Double Decker Bus M/S, Pond Life, Punch & Judy Show Strip, Nobel Prizes, Christmas P&S. Price $200

GB3069) Great Britain 2002, Stamp Sets MUH Including: Kipling's Just So Stories P&S Block of 10, QEII Golden Jubilee, Occasions – Greetings, Circus, British Coastlines, Queen Mother, Passenger Jet Aviation, Passenger Jet Aviation M/S, World Cup M/S, Commonwealth Games, Children's Hospital – Peter Pan, Bridges of London, Astronomy M/S, Pillar Box, Christmas P&S, Wildings Definitives M/S. Price $227

GB3070) Great Britain 2003, Stamp Sets MUH Including: Occasions Greeting Block of 6, Genome – DNA The Secret of Life, Extreme Endeavours, Wilding Definitives M/S, QEII Jubilee Coronation Block of 10, Prince William's Birthday, Scotland, Pub Signs, Transport Toys, Transport Toys M/S, Fruit & Vegetables, Museum, Christmas P&S, Rugby World Cup M/S. Price $220

GB3071) Great Britain 2004, Stamp Sets MUH Including: Trains, Trains M/S, Lord of the Rings, Occasions, Northern Ireland, Cordiale, Liners, Liners M/S, RHS Flowers, RHS Flowers M/S, Royal Society for the Art, Woodland Animals, Christmas P&S, Christmas M/S, Scottish Parliament M/S. Price $315

GB3072) Great Britain 2005, Stamp Sets MUH Including: Farm Animals, South West England, Jane Eyre, Magic, Castles Definitives M/S, Royal Wedding Charles & Camilla, Heritage – UK/Australia Join Issue, Trooping the Colour, Trooping the M/S, End of the War M/S, Motorbikes, Olympic M/S, Food, Television, Smilers Booklet, Cricket Ashes Victory M/S, Battle of Trafalgar, Battle of Trafalgar M/S, Christmas P&S, Christmas M/S. Price $409

GB3073) Great Britain 2006, Stamp Sets MUH Including: Animal Tales, A British Journey, Brunei Bridge, Brunei Bridge M/S, Wales M/S, Prehistoric Animals, QEII Birthday, World Cup Soccer, Buildings, Victoria Cross, National Portrait, Year of the Three Kings M/S, Victoria Cross M/S, Musical, Smilers Booklet, Christmas P&S, Christmas M/S, Lest we Forget M/S, Celebrating Scotland M/S. Price $340

GB3074) Great Britain 2007, Stamp Sets MUH Including: Beatles P&S, Beatles M/S, Marine, World of Inventions M/S, World of Inventions P&S, Night Sky P&S, Slave Trade, England M/S, Wembley M/S, Seaside, The Machin Definitives M/S, Grand Prix, Harry Potter, Harry Potter M/S, Scouts, Birds, British Army Uniforms, QEII Diamond Wedding Anniversary M/S, QEII Diamond Wedding Anniversary, Lest We Forget, Christmas P&S, Christmas M/S. Price $400

GB3075) Great Britain 2008, Stamp Sets MUH Including: James Bond – Ian Fleming M/S, James Bond – Ian Fleming, Working Dogs, House of Lancaster & York, House of Lancaster & York M/S, Northern Ireland M/S, Mayday – Rescue at Sea, Insects, Cathedrals, Cathedrals M/S, Carry on, RAF Air Displays, Beijing Olympics M/S, Country Definitives M/S, RAF Uniforms, Womens Vote, Christmas Pantomime, Christmas P&S, Lest We Forget M/S. Price $340
Great Britain Booklets
We have a big stock of GB Booklets, please let us know your requirements. We use Stanley Gibbons Numbers from the Concise Catalogue

GBB096) GB FL2B 20 Sep 81 Booklet Postal History £1.30 Downey Head (Sept '81) Selvedge Right, price $60
GBB177) GB FS1aA 5 Apr 83 Booklet Birthday Box £1.60 Birthday Box (Feb ‘83) Selvedge Left, price $150
GBB178) GB FS1aB 5 Apr 83 Booklet Birthday Box £1.60 Birthday Box (Feb ‘83) Selvedge Right, price $263
GBB194) GB FT5aA 8 Oct 85 Booklet Social Letter Writing £1.70 Write Now (Revised) Selvedge Left, price $53
GBB195) GB FT5aB 8 Oct 85 Booklet Social Letter Writing £1.70 Write Now (Revised) Selvedge Right, price $32
GBB242) GB FX10 £1.90 Christmas Booklet 1988 (Sept ‘88), Price $42
GBB230) GB FW10 1 Dec 98 £2 Booklet Laminated Cover, Price $38
GBB052) GB FH42 1 Dec 98 Booklet Laminate Cover £1 Laminated Cover, price $27
GBB231) GB FW11 26 Apr 99 £2 Booklet Laminated Cover, Price $26

please contact Kevin Morgan on:
Phone:  0425 795 693

Post:  PO BOX 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia, 3158 

Orders up to $100 are strictly net. $101 - $250 deduct 10%, $251 - $500 deduct 15%, $501 - $1000 deduct 20%
Orders over $1000 deduct 25%
Orders over $2500 deduct 30%
All discounts can be applied to items from previous lists in order to achieve a higher discount level.
No discounts apply to items purchased on Layby

Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request.
Many smaller items, including a lot that are not on this list may be found in our eBay listings. Our store name is 21st-century-auctions
Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500. We accept all cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 9am – 4.30 Mon – Fri, but we will often answer the phone after hours.
All of our items carry our guarantee that if significantly mis-described, they may be returned to us within 7 days of your receipt.

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