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Discount Sale 
Early February 2025


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WANT TO GET YOUR ORDER SOONER? Pay by phone or bank deposit.
Our banking details:
CBA, BSB: 063 503 ACCT: 1041 3687
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd
Tel: 0425 795 693
All discounts can be applied to items from previous lists in order to achieve the next discount level.
We have 7 rotating lists with over $1,000,000 of stock.
This is list 2 of 7.

7/756 Burwood Highway, Ferntree Gully.

Office Hours: 9.30 – 4.30 Monday – Friday NOW BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, (Weekends by arrangement)
We will often answer the phone after these hours.


New Better Discount terms:
Under $50 strictly net,
$51 - $100 less 10%,
$101 - $ 200 less 15%,
$201 - $300 less 20%,
$301 - $500 less 25%,
$501 - $1000 less 30%,
$1001 - $2000 less 35%,
$2001 and above, less 40%.
All discounts can be applied to items from previous lists in order to achieve a higher discount level.
No discounts apply to items purchased on Layby terms.

EXCEPTIONS: There are no discounts on brand new catalogues or accessories.

Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request.
Many smaller items, including a lot that are not on this list may be found in our eBay listings. Our store name is 21st-century-auctions.
Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500. We accept all cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 9am – 4.30 Mon – Fri, but we will often answer the phone after hours.
All of our items carry our guarantee that if significantly mis-described, they may be returned to us within 7 days of your receipt.


GB285) 1971 Postal Strike Bannockburn Delivery, 2/- - 5/- Imperf. Specimen Ovpts. MLH (4) $29.95

GB282) 1971 Postal Strike Exeter Emergency Delivery Service, Set of 6, dual currency. Famous British Explorers MLH. Price $45

C2) Australia 1935 WASP Airlines Vignette sheet 6, 2007 reprinted version, no gum and no perforations, but with printed on perfs. Looks great in a Hagner and appears perforated! Price $29, (10 available)

C25) Great Britain 1937 Coronation complete mint sheet set of 60 Poster Stamps.  Engraved and printed by Harrison & Sons, and with Imprint at right, these are rarely seen in complete sheets. Other than some perf. separation and minor toning to a very few stamps, this is in superb fresh mint unhinged condition. Ideal for framing, there is only 1 complete sheet for immediate sale that I can find on the internet, price at over $800! Our price less than 25% of this at $199.

C12) Australia 1960 Anpex Labels, NSW 1d Sydney Views & Victoria 3d Half Length designs in full colour, Fresh mint unhinged complete sheet of 12. Lower left label is inverted! Never had one of these before either, price $59.50


Hutt River Province


HR10) Hutt River Province 1980 Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged $7.00


HR10a) Hutt River Province 1980 Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged Blocks of 4 $21.00


HR10b) Hutt River Province 1980 Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged Corner Blocks of 4 $30.00


HR10c) Hutt River Province 1980 Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged in se-tenant Gutter Pairs $15.00


HR10d) Hutt River Province 1980 Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged in se-tenant Gutter blocks of 4 (2 sets) $30.00


HR10e) Hutt River Province 1980 Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged in Gutter Strips of 10 Horizontal (5 sets) $75.00


HR10f) Hutt River Province 1980 Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged in Gutter Strips of 10 Vertical (5 sets) $75.00


HR10g) Hutt River Province 1980 Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged se-tenant gutter block of 4 from centre of sheet $29


HR10h) Hutt River Province 1980 se-tenant Christmas set of 4 Fresh Mint Unhinged in complete sheet of 100 (25 sets) $149

Accessories/Albums/Literature - we have a wide range of literature, please let us know of any titles you need.

SB1) 2 x Empty Springback Albums, new retail $149 each. One is near new, maroon Leather grain with approx. 50 unused quadrille pages. The other is a green Gibbons "Favourite" well used with about 25 unused quadrille pages. (Extra pages available at $40 per 50) $119 the two.

LR1) Qantas Aeriana. Ernie Crome’s famous book in Blue Hardback. 1st Edition, covering Qantas flights & airmail services from the beginning 1920 to 1954. Profusely illustrated with covers, etiquettes & aircraft, plus technical details. Fascinating stuff! One for the enthusiast! 195 pages. 1st we have seen in decades! $239

LR4) William Craig’s famous book, “The Revenue Stamps of The Commonwealth of Australia & its Territories” As new in Blue Ring Binder. 80 plus pages, published 1986. Includes prices and rarity ratings. Hard to find, 1st we have handled. $99


LR5) The Melbourne Mail Exchange 1917 – 1988 a history of its postal mechanisation, by Ken Sparks. Fascinating handbook with many colour illustrations. 200 pages, perfect bound. As new. $99


SGS1) Stanley Gibbons Senator Springback Album. Black leather grain and Gold Embossed, brand new. Includes 50 Senator leaves. Price 20 years ago was $95 and the cost to import new now is $119.50. Our special price, one only for $89

SGS3) Australian made quadrille leaves, to fit standard springback albums or Hagner style binders etc, with 3 or 4 rings. Not quite the heavy quality as Gibbons Senator Leaves. $33.50 per pack of 50.

HF1) THE NUMERAL CANCELLATIONS of NEW SOUTH WALES 2nd Edition by HUGH FREEMAN - BRUSDEN WHITE PUBLICATION – NOW ON CD ROM - 376 PAGES IN COLOUR. The first edition of this book by the late Hugh Freeman, published in 2012, quickly sold out and has been in great demand on the rare occasions when a copy shows up for sale. This second edition incorporates all new discoveries and revisions, with additional illustrations and adjusted rarity ratings. Hugh's research in this area has been acknowledged with the award of the Research Medal of the Australian Philatelic Federation. The book sells for $195 plus postage, when available. Great as a Christmas gift for yourself or a friend. Just 20% of the hard cover version. Price $39

ACS22) Auckland City Stamps 2022 New Zealand Catalogue in full colour 1855 - 2021. Handy A5 size catalogue with simplified listings in 3 grades, plus First Day Covers from 1906. Also includes Ross Dependency, Life Insurance and Revenue stamps. 148 pages, priced very keenly at $14.95. (around 10c a page!)

AP1) Australia Post luxury padded 4 ring binders, as new in Burgundy Colour. New price $25 each, $15 each or 5 for $62.50

AP2) Australia Post luxury padded 3 ring binders, to take Hagner style pages, as new in Black. New price $25 each, $15 each or 5 for $62.50

CA1) Dansco Push in coin albums, were $21.90 each 10 ye`ars ago, to clear at $18 each. Choose from: Australia: One Shilling (1/-), Florin (2/-) 1 & 2 cents, 5 cents, 10 cents, 50 cents, 2 Dollars.

CA2) Dansco Luxury Slide in Coin Albums (slide in) Were $64.90 10 years ago, now $49.50 each Choose from: Australia: One shilling (1/-), 20c & 50c coins, World: Crown sized coins.

Collections, Lots, Packets & Mixtures

CF1) USA 1870's to 2000 mainly & used collection in as new "Old Glory" album on 48 as new 7 strip Hagner pages, these alone worth $120.. Neatly arranged chronologically with only minor duplication. Also many extras on stocksheets. Guesstimate of 2000 to 2250 stamps here. Great value at under 10c each, plus the very nice album comes free! $195


CF2) Australia pre-decimal FDC's 1953 - 1965 clean and neatly addressed, 25 different for $125


CF3) Australia Decimal FDC's clean and neat official unaddressed 1972 - 2000, 100 different for $49


CF4) Australia Decimal FDC's clean and neat official unaddressed 2001 - 2010, 100 different for $98


CF5) Australia Decimal FDC's clean and neat official unaddressed 2011 onwards, 100 different for $196​


CF6) Australia Imprint blocks of 4, 1940's. Values to 6d 10 different, mainly unhinged for $29, 25 different for $69


CF7) Australia Postal Stationery Envelopes mint, values 20-c to 45c, 100 different for $45


CF8) Australia Postal Stationery Envelopes mint, values 20-c to 45c, 100 different cto used, mostly pictorial cancels and unaddressed for $25


CF9) Australia Picture Postcards, between 40 to 65 years old in the main. Many full colour and mostly real photographic. Wide range of scenes, both town and country. 50 different for $175, 100 different for $295. (Your choice of State, double those prices)

CEN1) One Man's trash is another's treasure so they used to say, and a lot of money is still made today by secondhand dealers. We get a lot of items we cannot immediately sell, and so they go into our big wicker chest. When it's full it weighs about 50kg, and it's getting that way now. About 1kg a week goes into the box and it could contain anything, packets, covers, collections, on paper, off paper, evenmaybe  some in matchboxes! We simply do not have the time to sort it out...and here is where you come in. You get to buy our totally unsorted merchandise and benefit in 3 ways...  1) you will almost certainly find some useful items for your collection, 2) you may find things you can re-sell at a profit and 3 you will get a lot of fun while you sort it, instead of being fixated on the dreaded goggle box. (TV to you younger people) So here goes, see if you can help us clear it. Choose from Australia only or all World. 1kg for $95, 3 kg for $269, 5kg for $429 or 10kg for $795.


CMAU1) FINLAND Collection 1875 - 1961in 'DAVO' blue printed album with slipcase. Nearly all fine used with neat cds cancels - SG £1,163 cat = $A2,325 for the stamps - neatly pencil noted on each set and page, and the Dutch 'DAVO' peg fitting album and matching hard slipcase, retail $175 new, so we have $2,500 here in insurance/replacement value. Must be nearly 95% complete for the period, a few mint and mostly in complete sets. $995


CMAU4) Netherlands commercial covers and cards, 1959 - 2020. Formed by the late Aart Hopman MBE RFD RD. Aart Hopman served as a Lieutenant Commander, Royal Netherlands Navy, 1939-1952, and Royal Australian Navy 1954-1977.Aart was a submariner with the Royal Netherlands Navy and was based in Western Australia during the Second World War. He married into an Australian family and they later settled in Perth, where Aart joined the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). After a period of time at sea as the Captain of HMAS Emu, Aart was appointed as Assistant Director Naval Intelligence Technical (ADNIT), aposition he held until he retired from the RAN in 1977.This collection consists of covers and postcards received by him from friends and relations in the Netherlands and Netherlands Indies,displayed on Hagner pages in two Red ring binders. Includes Taxed (postage due), registered, postal stationery, priority mail, Australian Border Force inspected, Holographic stamps etc. 150 items plus 60 as new Hagners and binders which alone cost over $150. A very worthwhile lot at under $2 per item. $295

CMAU5) India & states, massive lot Queen Victoria to late 1990's in old Scott printed speciality album, on stockcards, album leaves, club book, Hagnersetc. Many full sets and better values here, mainly postally used with some mint & a few covers. 1000's! v this is a serious philatelic workout!Weighs 6kg! $895


CMAU6) United Nations New York Office 1962 - 65 Corner Blocks of 10 mint unhinged in special Program folder 1964, in presence of U Thant General Secretary UNO. 27 blocks of 10. $54

CMMY1) The jumble box! Miscellaneous stuff mainly from deceased estates. Expect to find any or all of the following: Stamps on and off paper, album leaves, Hagner pages, albums, stockbooks, odd packets, covers and who knows what else! Choose form Australia, Worldwide or a mixture of both. 100's of stamps to plough through! 20kg parcel for $549, 10kg for $289, 5kg for $149.

CMMY6,) Papua New Guinea Year Books, as issued with protective sleeve. 1986 $37.50, 1987 $35, 1988 $45, 1989 $40, 1990$37.50, all 5 for $185


CMMY8) Netherlands 1979 - 1984 Mint unhinged collection in nice condition Burgundy 16 Black Page stockbook. Appears complete for the period. About 125 stamps & 6 minisheets. Cheap at $15 per year, only $90

CMMY10) Amazing collection of mainly 19th Century World Forgeries. Housed in near new Red 32 black page stockbook plus album pages & Hagners. Includes forgeries by de Thuin, Ferrari, Fournier, Spiro etc.. IncludesBr. Guiana, Br. Caribbean, Cape of Good Hope, China, German States, Indian States, Korea, Latin America, Mauritius, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Nova Scotia (with a forged Bisect cover), Persia,Tibet and much much, more, also a few Cinderellas and Stamps on Stamps thematic at back. Comes with 2 handbooks, "Postal Forgeries of the World" by Fletcher and"The Forged Stamps of Alll Countries" by Dorn. Remarkable lot of near 1200 stamps. $3600.00

CMF5) World Cup Football, 1990 covers and stamps from participating countries in Maroon Binder on Official FIFA pages. 11 items including entry ticket for the 1974 Final Germany vs Netherlands. Cheap at just $79

CMF10) World letters Foreign Countries A – C in Arch Lever File on thick pile of leaves. Very wide range of mint & used, early to modern with very good Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Bolivia & much more. Appears mostly all different with many good pickings, 3500 – 4000. Well worth 10c a stamp, $375

CMF15) Hong Kong Queen Victoria -2015 mint & used in Green Lighthouse 64 Black Page stockbook, as new. Retail is $90. Noted KGV & VI to $1, QEII to $50 x 8! Strength is in QEII to 2000. Many, many complete sets, and a lot are present both Mint Unhinged and Fine Used, otherwise very little duplication. Must be close to 1000 here! Great value at around 50c a stamp, $495


CMN5) Yugoslavia, early to modern, mainly postally used or cto, few mint. Light duplication here & there, a nice clean lot. Plenty of complete sets. 950 – 1000 plus here. Really has to be worth 10c a stamp, $98


CMN9) Liberia, mint & cto used in large green stockbook. Early to modern with many complete sets. Rich in nice thematics. 250 to 300 all large, all different. Very colourful, and well worth 15c a stamp, $45


CMAU2) Two Hagners of GB 1880’s on piece, with full duplex postmarks. Mostly 6d Grey-Brown with large coloured corner letters. Also 6d on 6d overprint x 2 one with the ”Slanting dots” variety cat. from £450! and some 3d Rose in pairs. Mainly London NW, SW different types, also Brighton & Brixton. Huge catalogue of £3400 plus as simply used stamps. Great research material, 36 pieces, 39 stamps in all. Priced at around 10% of catalogue for the stamps alone. Price $675

CMMY10) Papua New Guinea FDC collection 1958 – 76, mostlyofficial un-addressed, plus some Pope John Paul II covers. Housed in 2 bulging red Gibbons Pioneer Cover Albums. Spotted many better inc. 1961 Legislative Council, 1964 Birds Defins. to 10/-plus 1966 Butterflies Defins., Shells & Panorama Defins. Looks compete for the period. Very clean and attractive lot. 114 items all up, has to be worth well over $2 each, price $225

CMMY12) Australis Post’s fabulous collections of die proofs, posthumously reproduced from the original plates and presented in lavishly illustrated albums with interleaving, brass corners and slipcases. This is the first lot for these we have handled as a complete group for a decade or more! About 80 in all, these are each fully listed in the Specialist Catalogues for $20 to $30 each and often sell for more than this for the more popular stamps. So around $2000 catalogue value here not including the lavish albums. As a group we can offer these at well under a half,$875

WWF1) Australia World Wildlife Fund Collection including 1998 Birds, 2006 Whales, 2009 Dolphins and 2011 Mammals in a WWF padded black stockbook with matching slipcase. Each set includes stamps, m/sheets, FDCs and fact sheets. Price $200

WWF2) Australian Antarctic Territory World Wildlife Fund Collection including 2001 Leopard Seals & 2007 Royal Penguins in a WWF padded black stockbook with matching slipcase. Each set includes stamps, m/sheets, FDCs and fact sheets. Price $150

CMF1) Germany 2000 – 2014 FDC collection mainly official un- addresssed, very clean and almost impossible to source era. 60 different, many of these sell individually at $5 - $8 each. Price under $3 each, $179

CMF2) East Germany stack of Maximum Cards, with stamps affixed, and special cancels. All very clean un-addressed with many full sets, and nearly all nice thematics. 93 here, mainly all different. Retail at around $20 for a set of 4. These are mid to late 1980’s towards the end of the Soviet Block era. Well priced at $3 each, $279

CMF3) Canada 1976 Montreal Olympics, set of official un-addressed covers, each for a different event, stored in heavy duty cover pages. 24 in all, each with own envelope. Cheap lot for an Olympics fan. $69

CMF7) Australia 1966 – 87 in dark blue “Royal” springback album on leaves, near complete mostly fine used, some mint. Includes 1970 Cook Minisheet & 1971 Xmas block of 7 both mint & used, plus 100’s more. Previous well known dealer had price at $130. Very cheap at $97.50


CMF14) BMA 1947/48 ovpt. on Straits Settlements small covers from 31st Company Royal Engineers Captain to his parents in Sussex. Various frankings inc. multiples of 2c 3c, 6c, & 10c. Also one unstamped sent from Kirkee, India. These are not easy to find nowadays, and this group could certainly make the start of a collection or display. 9 covers, price $135

CMF20) Germany, West. Off paper mixture mostly large commems, values to 3DM, mostly 1960’s to 2000. Very wide ranging colourful lot. About 10,000 to the kg. Around 6c per stamp. Price per 100g $69, 250g $159, 500g $295

CMN5) Australia Decimals used, 1983 – 1986 duplicated dealer stock in bulging near new European Black 48 black page stockbook, alone worth $80 new. Many better inc. booklet stamps, Framas etc. 2000 plus stamps, all appear clean many with light cancels. Under 10c each plus the very nice stockbook is free! Many complete sets here.$179 the lot.

CMN11) Papua New Guinea dealer stock of complete sets mint unhinged 1966 – 1983 mostly 5 of each in date order contained in Burgundy “Alligator” Leatherbound 64 page stockbook weighing in at near 2kg. Includes many definitive sets like Shells, Panorama, Head Dresses etc. Probably 300 plus sets here, retail would be huge! Originally priced at $675, our knockdown price $435

CMN13) Worldwide Balloon flown covers & cards. Amazing collection of 130 flown covers & cards, 1965 -1995. Most of these sell for $5 to $10 each maybe more. Some are pilot signed. Very clean lot, some minor duplication of a few items, no more than 3of each. Countries include New Zealand, France, Czechoslovakia, Aitutaki, GB, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, USA, Austria, Sweden, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Jersey and Vietnam. Wide variety of cachets & frankings. Very cheap at under $3.75 per item. Take what you want and sell off the rest!$485

CMN16) Channel Islands and Isle of Man, 75 different mint unhinged sets for $159, or choose 25 different sets of Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of man for $49.

CMN20) Brisbane Lions Club Christmas Seals, 8 different mint sheets of 20 or 25 issued 1984 – 1991. Very colourful, and even good to use today on parcels and presents. We sell these individually at $10 each, but as a lot under half price $39, 5 lots for $175.

CMAU1) AUSTRALIA, AAT, COCOS, XMAS ISa rather large 6 volume collection of FDC’s covering the period—AAT 1979-2013, Xmas Island 1996-2013, Cocos 2011-2013—some base cancels AAT, the lot contains Mini sheets, sheetlets. Australia covers the period 1994 -2013 plus some earlier issues starting 1971 Xmas. Housed beautifully mostly on very expensive Vario pages and in ring binders—includes peel and stick issues, miniature sheets, Internationals—looks most comprehensive if not complete for the periods mentioned.The face value alone for the 6 large folders is almost $1,950 and for anyone who is prepared to even soak the stamps off the covers (which are in fact perfect!) still a bargain lot and also brilliant for a reseller. 600 + + covers for just $1625

CMY14) CANADA: PRIVATE COURIER STAMPS & LOCAL: 1960s-1990s in mostly unused assortment in Lighthouse Vario Pages inc. many Juan De Fuca Despatch 1965-1987 issues, all with specialised catalogue references, many issues in sheetlets or strips, also 1981-89 'British Columbia/Private Courier' issues, plus Canada Strike post, Kaulbach Island and Winnipeg-Pembina Courier emissions etc. etc. Suit specialist or re-seller. 750 or so. Very cheap at around $1 per stamp. $749

CMF3) French Polynesia, 1954 – 2000 Complete Mint Unhinged on as new Lighthouse hingeless pages in Burgundy Album & slipcase. (1st two pages are lightly hinged) Album alone cost $500 plus! Retail of stamps approx. $3400. $3900 replacement value here for just $2575.

CEN1) French Colonies pre-independence issues. Collection of 500 different mint & postally used with a brand new $52 Prinz Dark Blue 32 black page stockbook. Very hard to fine nowadays. Price $325

CMJ12) Australia Yearbook: 1987/88 Bicentennial edition with grey cover (Sydney retail listed price $325) Not in stock anywhere. We rarely see these, maybe 1 every 5 years. Price $375.


CMJL18) Worldwide Junk lots, anything could be tossed in here, schoolboy collections, album leaves, Hagners of stamps, stamps on and off paper, odd packets, first day covers, modern new issues, accessories, outdated catalogues, our own incoming mail etc. any or all of this could be in there. Really do not know what you might get!  Not really that bad, but too small to list as individual lots. 1kg for $95, 2 kg for $179, 5kg for $395.


CMJL20) India FDC's as above, smaller lot of 40 going to 1977 for $29.


CMAP4) Australia High Values, both commems. & defins. Build your collection for under 50c per stamp. Fine used most with cds cancels. Pre-Decimal to £2, Decimal to $10 or $20. All above letter rate at time of issue. 100 different for $49


CEJ2) Australia - first day & commemorative covers: 1970S- early 2000S FDCS array in kiwi fruit carton, ALL appear unaddressed, many of the 1990s-2000s covers still in their Australia Post display packs, a few internationals also a few PSES; generally, very fine. (FEW 100s) Great re-seller lot. Price $285


CEJ3) Australia - first day & commemorative covers: 1970S-2000S decimal array with earlies including 1971 Christmas 7c BLOCK OF 7, plus many others early sets on non-generic APO covers; noughties era with M/S to $10, sheetlets etc, all in very fine unaddressed condition. Huge retail potential! (About 1250) very cheap at around 50 cents each. Price $645


CEJ4) Australia. Deceased New Issue Dealer’s FDC new issue stock. 1971 – 2007 all unaddressed Post Office covers. Quantities vary from 1 to 5 or more of each. Very clean re-saleable stock. Around 3000 covers. Price under 60c each, $1795


MOC22) Germany WW1 Feldpost Postcards, inc. Real Photographic, many groups of soldiers, cavalryman with horse and sweetheart etc. Many clear date readable cds postmarks and various Feldpost markings. As usual for these, no stamps, as not available in the field. 92 items in way better than usual condition for these. $1150 the lot.

CF6) Papua New Guinea Big lot of 1000 mint unhinged, 1952 - 2000 values to 5K. Includes blocks, minisheets etc. Many, many complete sets. Price $495


CF6a) As above, but lot of 500. Price $259

CJL9) KGV Heads C of A wmk. Extensive collection mint & used on Hagner Pages inc. plate blocks, imprint pairs and blocks, large positional blocks, annotated varieties etc. 2093 stamps inc. well over 100 x 1/4d value. Price $9895


CMA4) Great Britain Mint Unhinged Collection 1989 -1999 in near new Red Lighthouse 48 Page Stockbook. Includes Definitives, Commemoratives, Regionals and Booklet panes. Retail approx. $1150. Also includes a fair bit of used in blocks which has not been valued. Around 1200 stamps. Price $595


CS29) France. Substantial 99% complete used collection to 2001 in 3 Lighthouse Illustrated Hingeless Albums, with slipcases. Huge catalogue/resale value, persons interested in a purchase into 5 figures which could be split into several payments should contact us. Price is negotiable.


MJL5) Mystery or Clearance boxes, seems every dealer has these, we are no exception! Stamps, Covers, Collections, Packets, huge variety & value. Better than the average clearance lot. Ask for Australia, Worldwide or Mixed. 2kg lot for $169, 5kg for $395, Best value lot 10kg for $695


MJL9) Olympics and Sports, 1924 – Modern Collection in Brown Leather-look 32 page stockbook. Includes both mint & used sets, and is a bit disorganised, but I managed to count at least 175 complete sets. Most are Olympics but there are other sports issues and some bits and pieces of other countries/topics which are not counted in the value. Has to be easily worth $1.50 a set across the board. Price $259


MJL24) Papua New Guinea mint unhinged stock 1952 – 2002 in 2 x Brown Davo 64 page stockbooks. Massive lot ideal re-seller, Ebayer or hoarder! Pre-decimals are sparse, but then later sets up to 20 of each. I guestimate there would be 2500 sets total her if not more, with the average retail per set around $5. So that is around $12,500 retail. This is a real steal for someone at ONLY 20% OF RETAIL $2495 FOR THE LOT!


CO10) Australia Post 2006 Commonwealth Games folder, containing 17 sheetlets and 5 stamps released for the Commonwealth Games. The stamps are selling fine commercially used for around $2.50 each, which gives you a vast retail of $325, and these are mint unhinged. My price for the lot of 130 plus stamps is $195

NM60) Japan modern mission mix, about 50% Commems by weight. Very well trimmed singlepaper and around 6000 per kg. Around 7c per stamp. $44.50 per 100g, $105 per 250g

NM62) Australia off paper, widest possible range. Mostly decimal with recent, up to 2000 different this mix mostly large and with many better values. So cheap at about 2c per stamp! Around 12,500 to 15,000 per kg, 250g for $82.50, 500g for $155, 1kg for $295

MN49) Japan Commems. on paper. Large modern mix, in high demand. Modern mix on very well trimmed single paper, we only get about 1kg of this every 2 to 3 months. About 3750 – 4000 per kg. $59 Per 100g, $145 per 250g.


MN50) World & Australia on & off paper, wide ranging ex deceased estate. Last time we had some of this about 3 – 4 years ago we were inundated with repeat orders. We only have about 3kg currently, and believe me it will sell fast. Wide range or early to modern, large and small. Count would be around 4500 per kg.  Price $119 per kg, 500g for $62.50


PM105) Australia High Values, both Commems. & Defins. (No internationals) We have just a small amount of this. About 4000 stamps on single well-trimmed paper. Values to $10, $325 per kg, 500g for $169, 250g for $89, 100g for $37.50


PM81) Papua New Guinea, 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $49


PM82) Norfolk Is., 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $49


PM83) Samoa, 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $49


PM84) Nauru, 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $49


Great Britain 1840 1d Blacks & 2d Blues


Great Britain Other Issues


GB1028) Great Britain 1840 2d Blue SG 5 K/E with black MX cancel, two ample margins, just touching at upper & lower right, Nice used Cat £975, Price $329


DB410) Great Britain 1854 ‘Union Bank of Australia’ banking entire London to Dublin with 1854-57 perf 16 QV 2d Pale blue SG 20, tied by indistinct small obliterator, indistinct back stamps, vertical filing fold well away from the adhesive, some soiling mostly on the reverse, Cat £200 on cover, Price $139

BD225) Great Britain 1862-64 Queen Victoria small uncoloured corner letters 3d Bright carmine-rose SG 76, light cds cancel, attractive, above average example, Cat £350, Price $199

GB712) GB 1862-64 small uncoloured corner letters 1/- Deep green plate 1 SG 89, few nibbled perfs, somewhat untidy barred numeral cancel, Cat £500, Price $149

GB1004) Great Britain 1862-64 Small uncoloured corner letters 6d Lilac SG 84, light barred numeral cancel, Cat £140, Price $89

GB1021) Great Britain 1862-64 Small uncoloured corner letters 9d Straw SG 87, couple of nibbled perfs, good colour, crisp ‘HULL’ cds, above average example Fine used, Cat £475, Price $299


GB832) Great Britain 1865-67 Queen Victoria large uncoloured corner letters 1/- Green plate 4 thick paper SG 101b, couple of slightly nibbled perfs, right wing margin example, bold duplex cancel, Cat £380, Price $99


GB704) GB 1865-67 large uncoloured corner letters watermark large garter 4d Vermilion plate 14 SG 94, nibbled perf at base, very lightly hinged fresh Mint, Cat £775, Price $249


GB1005) Great Britain 1865-67 Large uncoloured corner letters watermark Emblems 9d Straw SG 98, good perfs, neat barred numeral cancel, Cat £600, Price $379


GB701) Great Britain: GB used abroad British Levant, 1867-74 Queen Victoria 5/- Rose plate 2 SG 122 with barred ‘C’ cancel of Constantinople SG Z121, couple of nibbled perfs at lower left, Cat from £275 (NB plate 2 with regular GB usage is Cat £1500), Price $199


GB716) Great Britain 1867-80 Queen Victoria watermark spray of roses large uncoloured corner letters 9d Straw plate 4 SG 110, bold duplex cancel Good used, Cat £325, Price $139


GB838) Great Britain 1867-80 Queen Victoria watermark spray of roses large uncoloured corner letters 10d Red-brown plate 1 SG 112, horizontal pair, right unit with trimmed wing margin, few short/trimmed perfs, untidy but lightly struck duplex cancels, Cat £800, Price $199

GB719) GB 1867-80 watermark Spray of roses 2/- Milky blue plate 1 SG 120b, wing margin at left, some perf faults, oily, indistinct barred numeral cancel, Cat £2000, Price $399


GB1032) Great Britain 1867-83 5/- Rose Plate 4 SG 134 Anchor Wmk. on white paper. Well centred (unusual for these) full perf. Example lettered EG-GE. Indistinct barred cancel. Cat. £3,800. Price $2,450


GB703) GB 1867-83 watermark Maltese cross 5/- Pale rose plate 2 SG 127, very light corner wrinkle at upper left, bold but neat centrally struck barred numeral cancel, centred to lower left, attractive stamp Cat £1500, Price $499


GB691) Great Britain 1870-79 Queen Victoria ½d Rose plate 3 SG 49, small part original gum, Cat £250 as Mint, Price $79


BD223) Great Britain 1870-79 Queen Victoria ½d Rose plate 6 SG 49, Mint, Cat £120, Price $69


GB44) Great Britain 1870-79 Queen Victoria ½d Rose plate 13 SG 49, Mint with large part original gum & paper adhesion, Cat £120, Price $49


GB722) GB 1872-73 watermark Spray of roses 6d Grey plate 12 SG 125, slight surface soiling at left (possibly light ink smudge), few nibbled perfs at top, gum a little aged, Mint with hinge remains, Cat £1900, Price $499

GB727) GB 1877 watermark large garter 4d Sage green plate 16 SG 153, somewhat heavy duplex cancel, Cat £300, Price $129


GB1033) Great Britain 1878 10/- Greenish Grey Plate 1 SG 128 Maltese Cross Wmk. Lettered CE-ECwith Duplex 92 cancel. Small tear at top. Cat. £3200. Price $945


GB724) GB 1880 watermark Orb 2½d Rosy mauve plate 17 SG 141, centred to upper right, light hinge remains fresh Mint, attractive example of this scarce plate number, Cat £1700, Price $1299


GB721) GB 1880 watermark Orb 2½d Rosy mauve plate 15 SG 141, centred to upper left, some hinge remains fresh Mint, Cat £525, Price $379


BD227) Great Britain 1880-83 Queen Victoria large coloured corner letters 1/- Green plate 10 SG 150, lightly struck duplex cancel, Cat £200, Price $79


GB3266) Great Britain 1883-84 QV 2/6d Lilac SG 178, slightly untidy duplex cancel, Nice used, Cat £175, Price $69

GB3263) Great Britain 1883-84 QV 5/- Rose SG 180, private perfin ‘G.B.L/l’, multiple bold strikes of oval cancel Good used, Cat £250, Price $79

GB3264) Great Britain 1883-84 QV 5/- Rose SG 180, private perfin ‘HSB’, minor toning at top, neat duplex cancel, Nice used, Cat £250, Price $69


GB3294) Great Britain 1883-84 QV 5/- Crimson SG 181 with partial private perfin ‘G/S’, light slightly smudged cds cancel, Nice used, Cat £250 as non perfin, Price $99

GB1043) Great Britain 1883-4 Queen Victoria 10/- Cobalt on blued paper, SG 177a, cat. £12,500. One of the finest we have seen. Lettered CC-CC. Well centred with great colour and perfs. (just one nibbed perf at top) Cancelled by lovely clear cds strike of Manchester OC 2 84. Price $9750

GB15) Great Britain 1883-84 Queen Victoria 1/- Dull green SG 196, Nice used with slightly untidy partial octagonal cancel, good colour, Cat £325, Price $169


GB14) Great Britain 1883-84 Queen Victoria 1/- Dull green SG 196, Good used with bold barred cancel, good colour, Cat £325, Price $149


BD230) GB 1883-84 5d Dull green SG 193, lightly struck barred numeral cancel, Cat £210, Price $79


GB696) GB 1883-84 1/- Dull green SG 196, couple of nibbled perfs at base, good colour, small portion of barred cancel at top, Cat £325, Price $139

GB822) Great Britain 1883-84 Queen Victoria 2/6d Lilac SG 178, private perfin punctured ‘DRB’ (Dresdner Bank in London), slight smudged ‘REGISTERED/THREADNEEDLE STREET’ oval cancel, Cat £160 for unpunctured, Price $69

GB731) GB 1883-84 1½d Lilac SG 188, centred to lower right, fresh MUH, Cat £125 as hinged, Price $269


GB734) GB 1883-84 2½d Lilac SG 190, centred to the left, fresh MUH, Cat £95 as hinged, Price $149


GB735) GB 1883-84 2½d Lilac overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ SG 190s, very lightly hinged Mint, Cat £85, Price $99


GB738) GB 1883-84 3d Lilac SG 191, horizontal pair with full colour, fairly light ‘364’ duplex of High Wycombe, attractive multiple, Cat £200, Price $139


GB739) GB 1883-84 QV 10/- Ultramarine SG 183, light bend, and 10/- Pale ultramarine SG 183a, few nibbled perfs, both with slightly smudged cds cancels, Cat £1075, Price $349

GB266) Great Britain 1883/4 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- all blued papers, SG 175-177, Cat. £13,750. Reasonable used set, 2/6d & 5/- expertised on reverse. Price $2295


GB263) GB QV 1883-84 SG180s 5s Rose lettered H N – N H Specimen Ovpt. Type 9, fresh mint hinged. Centred to upper right and with one short perf. at top. Cat. £450, price $275


GB660) GB 1883 5/- Crimson, SG 181. A superb used example with Bridport M.O. & S.B. (Money Order & Savings Bank) steel cds. Well centred with full perfs. Cat. £250, price $349


GB265) Great Britain 1883 – 84 10/- Cobalt Blue, SG 182. Very rare shade, cat £8250. Bright colour, well centred used example with heavyish London Rubber cds of 21 JUN 90. A few nibbled perfs top left, otherwise a very nice sound stamp. Price $1230

GB3066) Great Britain 1883-84 QV ‘Green & lilacs’ 2½d, 3d, 4d, 5d & 6d SG 190-94, all with good colour & cds cancels, unusual to find this issue so nice, Cat £780, Price $449

GB3265) Great Britain 1883-84 QV 2/6d Deep lilac SG 179, short parfs at top, slight wrinkle, untidy duplex cancel, Good used, Cat £225, Price $49

GB3267) Great Britain 1883-84 QV 5/- Rose SG 180, light overall soiling, bold duplex cancel Good used, Cat £250, Price $59

GB839) Great Britain 1887-92 Queen Victoria Jubilee 1/- Dull green SG 211, Nice used with lightly struck duplex cancel, Cat £80, Price $39

GB657) Great Britain 1902 2/6d & 5/- KEVII used and with private perfins. “BNZ” (Bank of New Zealand) These perfins may be seen on various high and low value GB QV and KE VII etc., stamps on mail from their Threadneedle Street branch in London.  Scarce pair, $165

GB3261) Great Britain 1902-10 Edw VII 2/6 Lilac SG 260, faint centrally struck cds, Fine used Cat £150, Price $79

GB3262) Great Britain 1902-10 Edw VII 2/6 Lilac SG 260, neat ‘COLEMAN’ cds, Fine used Cat £150, Price $79

GB3260) Great Britain 1902-10 Edw VII 2/6 Lilac SG 260, bold indistinct cds, Cat £150, Price $59

GB3258) Great Britain 1902-10 Edw VII 2/6 Dull purple SG 262, slightly smudged LONDON cds, Nice used, Cat £180, Price $89

GB3259) Great Britain 1902-10 Edw VII 2/6 Lilac SG 260, private perfin ‘W.B/S Co’light oval cancel, Fine used, Cat £150, Price $69

GB3256) Great Britain 1902-10 Edw VII 5/- Bright carmine SG 263, two oval REGISTERED cancels, Nice used, Cat £220, Price $109

GB3257) Great Britain 1902-10 Edw VII 5/- Bright carmine SG 263, two fairly lightly struck oval cancels, Nice used, Cat £220, Price $109

GB3255) Great Britain 1902-10 Edw VII 10/- Ultramarine SG 265, multiple strikes of LONDON cds, Nice used, Cat£500, Price $249


GB692) Great Britain 1911 Edw VII perf 14 2½d Bright blue SG 276 Mint with light hinge remains, Cat £65, Price $39


GB655) Great Britain 1912 5/- Posthumous issue for KEVII. Somerset House printing, fine well centred cds example with good perfs. SG 318 Cat. $200. Hard stamp to find in nice condition, and seriously under catalogued by Gibbons. Only in use for One Year before the introduction of the Seahorse Issues of KGV. The DLR printing is catalogued at more, yet was in use for 10 years.  Try to find another as nice. Price $375


GB78) GB 1915 DLR Seahorses set of 3, fresh mint lightly hinged. Lovely set to 10/-, between SG 408 – 413, the 2/6d being the Seal Brown. Way above average for these.  Cat.  £4,375. Price $3375


GB13a) GB 1915 5/- Pale Rose Seahorse SG410. DLR printing, fine used cds example, well centred and with full perfs. Cat.  £500. Nice looking example, and hard to find in this condition. Priced at just 30% cat. Price $249


GB693) Great Britain 1918 2/6d Pale Brown Seahorse, SG 415a. Nice mint example cat. £175. Centred right and with blunt lower left corner perf. otherwise, good perfs. Couple of light tone spots in gum, cheap at 25% cat. $79


GB166) GB 1939 2/6d Brown on early 1940 Censored Airmail Cover to Sydney.  Rare solo use on cover. Cancelled by London cds of 17 FE 40m and with Red Censor Tape. Roughly opened at top left but still an attractive typewritten address cover. Very scarce, price $149


GB196) GB Guernsey 1941-44 Occupation issues ½d Bright green & 1d Scarlet on bluish French bank note paper SG 4-5, Mint, Cat £50, Price $59


GB810) GB 1948 Silver Wedding, registered illustrated first day cover. Bears irregular block of 3 of the 2½d value neatly central cancel with Potter's Bar, Hertfordshire cds of 26 AP 48 cds. Neat typed address. Have never seen one like this before, scruffy unregistered covers with a single stamp sell at up to $55 each! ($600 to $700 with both stamps) Neat & clean, price $49.50


GB811a) As above but just a little aged (still way better than most) Price $37.50


GB222) Great Britain - 1948 (SG.494) Silver Wedding £1 corner MUH block of 4 with Plate No. '1', and sheet No. excellent centering, together with the 2½d in a corner block of 4. (8). Superb fresh Mint Unhinged. Cat. £160+, price $239


GB3250) Great Britain 1948 Silver Wedding 2½d Ultramarine x 3 on illustrated registered FDC, with Potters Bar reg. label, attractive, Price $24.99 (4 available)


GB174) Great Britain 1953 Small Typewritten Airmail Cover to USA. Bears solo use 2/6d Green 1951 Festival. Minor aging. Scarce solo franking. Price $69

MGB115) Great Britain 1998 Commem. Stamp Sets MUH, Price $30.75


MGB221) Great Britain 1999 Millennium (1-48) & Time Keepers Minisheet MUH Price $129

MGB265) Wales 2002 - 2010 / 2013 Country Definitives MUH Price $37.50

MGB262) Scotland 2002 - 2010 / 2013 Country Definitives MUH Price $36.75

MGB259) Northern Ireland 2002 - 2010 / 2013 Country Definitives MUH Price $37.50


MGB124) Great Britain 2008 Commem. Stamp Sets & Minisheets MUH, Price $144.75


MGB169) Great Britain 2009 Commem. Stamp Sets & Minisheets MUH, Price $158

MGB299) Great Britain 2009 Christmas P&S, Christmas Minisheet MUH Price $36


MGB153) Great Britain 2011 Thomas the Tank Engine + Minisheet MUH, Price $28.50


MGB130) Great Britain 2013 Sporting Minisheets (3) MUH, Price $51.75


MGB101) Great Britain 2013 Merchant Navy MUH pairs, $33


MGB132) Great Britain 2013 Stamp Sets, Minisheets MUH, Price $177


MGB133) Great Britain 2013 Classic Locomotives Minisheet & Booklet Panes MUH, Price $42


MGB135) Great Britain 2015 Stamp Sets, Minisheets & Booklet Panes MUH, Price $335.25

MGB175) Great Britain Post n Go Birds of Britain MUH, Price $45


New South Wales

NSW289) NEW SOUTH WALES: 1854-59 (SG.98) 8d dull yellow-orange, complete margins (close at right & base), fragment of adjoining stamp evident at left, SYDNEY 'AP/1860' & 'NSW'-in concentric ovals cancels, Cat. £1500. Price $1695


NSW5) New South Wales 1859 small cover Sydney – Auckland. Bears 4 margin 6d Grey Brown Diadem, error of watermark (8 instead of 6) SG 96a (cat. £110 off cover) Stamp has been removed and re-affixed with a hinge to easily display the wmk. Variety. Exceedingly scarce on cover. Cancelled by Sydney cds of OC 13 59, and with Auckland arrival cds on face of OC 28 1859. Neat clean cover, minor tear centre top has been neatly repaired internally with a hinge.  Price $525


NSW23) NSW 1880 1d Salmon perf. 10, SG 208a. Mint Original Gum with massive diagonal plate scratch and two white voids either side of the Queen’s Crown. Striking error. Cat. £250 as normal. Price $395


NSW126) NSW 1885-86 5/- Lilac & green overprinted 'POSTAGE' in black perf 12 x 10 SG 238b, very slight gum wrinkling, few nibbled perfs at left, fresh Mint, Cat £800, Price $749

NSW87) NSW 1888-89 watermark double lined 5/- 20/- Carrington SG 262, usual uneven perfs, lightly aged gum Mint, Cat £750, Price $849


NSW24) NSW 1891 12½d on 1/- red, Listed by SG as perf 12 x 11½, but mostly 11½ with error in perf 12 at top right corner in 2 directions.  SG 268d. Used by indistinct cancel. Price $149


APC681) PC Farm Cove, Sydney, British Man of War, Australia, used to Toulon, France, Bears 3 x ½d Green NSW Cancelled by Sydney Duplexes No.10 of JA 26 04 GC, Price $89




Q39) Queensland 1871-72 Postal Fiscals watermark large crown & Q 1/- Green SG F18 with fiscal cancel partially cleaned and subsequently used postally with an almost full strike of 'BRISBANE/L/FE 2/86/QUEENSLAND' cds, Price $69


South Australia


SA330) South Australia 1858-59 watermark large star first rouletted issue 2d Red SG 9, an attractive range of mainly paler shades including a pair (8), Fine used, Cat £176, Price $229

SA192) South Australia 1860-69 second roulette issue 1d Bright yellow-green SG 19, with almost full original gum Mint, Cat £150, Price $229


SA194) South Australia 1860-69 second roulette issue 1d Sage-green SG21, Fine used with light Adelaide cds, Price $69


SA202) South Australia 1860-69 second roulette issue 1/- Lake-brown SG 42, fresh Mint with full original lightly hinged gum, Cat £250, Price $349


SA544) South Australia 1869 watermark large star rouletted 2d Orange-red SG 164 horizontal pair Fine used, Cat £54, Price $69

SA534) South Australia 1870-71 watermark large star perf 10 1/- Chestnut SG 98, Fine used, Cat £45, Price $59


SA535) South Australia 1870-71 watermark large star perf 10 1/- Chestnut SG 98 x 2 shades, some uneven perfs, Fine used, Cat £90, Price $79

SA314) South Australia 1870-73 watermark large star perf 10 x 11½-12½ or 11½-12½ x 10 2/- Carmine SG 110, Fine used, Cat £65, Price $89


SA548) South Australia 1871 watermark V over Crown perf 10 2d Brick-red SG 166, Fine used, Cat £50, Price $69

SA317) South Australia 1871 watermark V over Crown perf 10 4d Dull lilac SG 111, a ‘narrow’, Fine used example of this scarce stamp, slightly weak top right corner perf, Cat £325, Price $349


SA341) South Australia 1871 watermark V over Crown perf 10 4d Dull lilac SG 111, Fine used example of this scarce stamp, Cat £325, Price $429


SA551) South Australia 1876-85 watermark broad star perf 10 6d Bright blue overprinted ‘OS’ SG O14, two distinct shades Nice-fine used, Cat £40, Price $59

SA538) South Australia 1876-1900 watermark broad star perf 11½-12½ 3d on 4d Surcharge SG 112, Fine used, Cat £40, Price $59


SA540) South Australia 1876-1900 watermark broad star perf 11½-12½ 1/- Reddish lake-brown SG 126, ‘fluffy’ perfs, Mint, Cat £95, Price $139


SA322) South Australia 1876-1900 watermark broad star perf 11½-12½ mixed small & large holes, duplicated shade study of the 1/- value SG 125-131 range with all SG listed shades appearing to be represented, virtually all are Fine used, approx Cat £105, Price $149


SA11) South Australia 1884 watermark Crown over SA 2d Orange-red rouletted, overprinted ‘REPRINT’, Mint hinged with gum Price $39


SA319) South Australia 1901-02 watermark Crown over SA perf 11½-12½ (large holes) 9d Claret SG 146, two shades Mint, Cat £40, Price $55


SA588) South Australia 1905-12 2d Bright violet SG 295, showing heavy over inking at right, Adelaide cds cancel Nice used, unusual, Price $49



T93) Tasmania 1857-67 Chalon imperf wmk double lined numeral 1d Brick-red SG 27, margins close to touching, Mint no gum, Cat £475, Price $179

TAS383) Tasmania 1857-67 watermark double-lined numeral 1d Dull vermillion SG 28, possible cleaned fiscal m/s cancel at left, MNG appearance Cat £400 as Mint, Price $39

T241) Tasmania 1860-67 6d Slate-violet Chalon SG 48, indistinct second allocation BN cancel, 2 close margins, 2 just touching, Price $89


T337) Tasmania 1871-75 QV Sidefaces watermark ‘TAS’ perf 11½ 5/- Mauve SG 149b, short perfs at top, hinge remains Mint, Cat £325, Price $299


T332) Tasmania 1871-75 QV Sidefaces watermark ‘TAS’ perf 11½ 5/- Mauve SG 149b, two tiny gum tone spots, hinge remains Mint, Cat £325, Price $299

T339) Tasmania 1899-1901 Pictorials 2½d Indigo SG 232, couple of usual gum wrinkles, fresh MUH, Cat £26 as hinged, Price $39

T340) Tasmania 1899-1901 Pictorials perf 14 4d deep orange-buff (1900) punctured ‘OS’ sideways, ink mark on reverse, light indistinct cds cancel, unlisted in BW as the perf 14 London printing was issued prior to Federation, but not replaced until 1907. Price $29



V157) Victoria 1850 Half-length second state of the dies 1d Pale dull red-brown SG 5a, three good margins, cut into at right, indistinct barred numeral cancel, Cat £450, Price $299

V851) Victoria 1856 Queen on throne 1d Yellow-green SG 40, three good to large margins, close to just touching at right, small portion of indistinct cancel Fine used, Cat £48, Price $59

V307) Victoria 1884-92 Stamp Duty 2/6d Yellow orange with unframed ‘MARYBOROUGH/B/AP12/85VICTORIA’ cds, Price $69


V313) Victoria 1884-96 Stamp Duty 1d Bistre, two distinct shades, both with postal cancels, Price $69


V312) Victoria 1884-96 Stamp Duty 6d Ultramarine perf 12½ SG 266 with light, indistinct barred numeral cancel, couple of nibbled perfs, Price $49


V311) Victoria 1884-96 Stamp Duty 1/- Blue on blue & 1/- Blue on yellow, both with bold postal cancels, couple of nibbled perfs, Price $69

V310) Victoria 1884-96 Stamp Duty 1/- Blue on yellow, simplified selection of three different shades all with postal cancels, one with some minor toning, Price $129


V871) Victoria 1885-95 “STAMP DUTY’ series 1d Yellow-green, 2d Lilac, 3d Bistre-yellow & 8d Bright scarlet/pink SG 297,98,99b & 302, hinge remains Mint Cat £140, Price $179

V874) Victoria 1885-95 “STAMP DUTY’ series 8d Bright scarlet/pink SG302, three distinct shades, large part original gum or Mint, some hinge remains Cat £105, Price $129


V875) Victoria 1886-96 “STAMP DUTY’ series 1d Green (few ink marks on gum), 2½d Red/yellow & 6d Dull blue SG 312, 315b & 318b, hinge remains Mint, Cat £91, Price $109


V876) Victoria 1896-99 “STAMP DUTY’ series ½d Emerald, 2½d Blue & 4d Red SG 331, 335 & 337, hinge remains Mint, Cat £122, Price $149


V31) Victoria 1895 Halfpenny Yellow/Orange wrapper used to London. Cancelled by Duplex 327 Tarnagulla JE 28 95. Fine and scarce, price $69


V67) Victoria 1895 ½d Yellow-Orange newspaper wrapper simply addressed to “Punch Melbourne” Cancelled by clean strike of Nagambie second 712 Duplex of AP 5 95. Clean and attractive, small tear at left does not detract. Price $59

V880) Victoria 1897 Charity Fund 1d (1/-) Blue SG 353, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £28, Price $39

V882) Victoria 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ issue watermark Crown over A perf 12½ 5/- Rose-red & ultramarine SG 430, faint surface stain at upper left, heavy hinge remains Mint, Cat £85, Price $99

V878) Victoria 1899-1901 “STAMP DUTY’ series 2d Violet SG 359, hinge remains Mint, Cat £48, Price $59


V879) Victoria 1899-1901 “STAMP DUTY’ series 2/- Blue-green SG 369, hinge remains Mint, Cat £55, Price $69


V985) Victoria 1901 without ‘POSTAGE’ 1/- Yellow SG 381, light indistinct barred numeral cancel Nice used, Cat £50, Price $59


V861) Victoria 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ issue watermark V over Crown perf 12 x 12½ 3d Dull orange-brown SG 389, horizontal pair, light hinge remains Mint, Cat £40, Price $49


V863) Victoria 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ issue watermark V over Crown perf 12 x 12½ 5d Purple-brown SG 391a, light overall gum toning MUH, Cat £15 as hinged, Price $24.99


V862) Victoria 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ issue watermark V over Crown perf 12 x 12½ 9d Pale red SG 393b, centred to lower right MUH Cat £20 as hinged, Price $29


V864) Victoria 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ issue watermark V over Crown perf 12 x 12½ 1/- Orange/yellow three shades (two type A, one type B) SG 394 group, some hinge remains Mint, minimum Cat £81, Price $99


V866) Victoria 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ issue watermark V over Crown (inverted) perf 12 x 12½ 1/- Yellow-orange (type A) SG 394, hinge remains Mint Cat £38, Price $49

V865) Victoria 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ issue watermark V over Crown perf 12 x 12½ 1½d Dull red/yellow, 4d Bistre-yellow, 5d Reddish-brown, 6d Emerald, 9d Pale red & 1/- Yellow-orange (type A) SG 386-94 group, all Mint with some hinge remains, minimum Cat £87, Price $109


V85) Victoria 1905 1d Rose red SG 417, Double Perfs. Used by Melbourne machine cancel is well centred with full perfs. Complete row of double perfs. at top and also double perfs. along right side. Spectacular! Price $169

V869) Victoria 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ issue watermark Crown over A perf 11 6d Yellowish-green SG 440a, Mint Cat £22, Price $24.99


V330) Australia, Victoria 1906 1½d dull red-brown Queen Victoria with V over Crown watermark, perf. 12½ x 12, used on a taxed postcard from Camberwell 7 JAN 1906 to The Hague, Netherlands. The postcard is a picture of The Royal Mint, Melbourne, the stamp and the card are fine. SG 386b. Price: $49


Western Australia


WA173) Western Australia 1854-55 4d Blue swan imperf, SG 3a, three good margins, just touching at right, Fine used, Cat £250, Price $279


WA172) Western Australia 1855 1/- Pale brown swan imperf SG 4c, just cut into at top, close at left, Fine used, Cat £325, Price $399

WA176) Western Australia 1860-64 2d Orange-vermilion swan imperf, SG 25, four good to just touching margins, Fine used, Cat £80, Price $119


WA177) Western Australia 1860-64 2d Orange-vermilion swan imperf, SG 25, three good to close margins, just touching at right, Fine used, Cat £80, Price $119


WA179) Western Australia 1861 perf 14 4d Vermilion swan SG 40, couple of nibbled perfs, Fine used, Cat £180, Price $249

WA184) Western Australia 1863-64 No watermark 6d Dull violet SG 51a, l uneven perfs but above average for this issue, Fine used, Cat £55, Price $59

WA458) Western Australia 1864-79 watermark Crown CC perf 12½ shades etc selection with 1d Bistre, 1d Yellow ochre (2 ea), 2d Yellow (3), 4d Carmine (2), 6d Violet, the 4 SG listed colours/shades & 1/- Green (2) SG 52-62 range, Nice – fine used, minimum Cat £146+, Price $199


WA165) WA 1872-1912 mounted used collection of Swans, all punctured ‘OS’ sideways, with 1d Red/pink (11), 2d Yellow (10), 3d Brown (17), 4d Brown (3), 6d Violet (2) & 1/- Green (faults), various perfs, watermarks etc, condition mostly fine, a fantastic basis for expansion, Price $299


WA479) Western Australia 1876-81 watermark Crown CC perf 14 2d Chrome-yellow SG 71, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £120, Price $149


WA188) Western Australia 1882-85 watermark Crown CA perf 12, 4d Carmine SG 84, Fine used, Cat £60, Price $75


WA480) Western Australia 1884 Surcharges perf 12 ½d on 1d Yellow-ochre SG 90, two distinct shades, Mint, Cat £34, Price $49

WA485) Western Australia 1888 watermark Crown CA perf 14 2d Grey SG 104, some light gum tones Mint, Cat £85, Price $69


WA532) Western Australia 1888 (SG.103var) 1d carmine-pink "Wmk Crown to the right of CA and reversed", fine used. To be listed in future edition of Gibbons as SG.103y. Price $475


WA680) WA 1888 watermarks Crown CA perf 14 1d Carmine-pink SG 103 with light but distinct offset on reverse, Fine used, unusual, Price $49


WA486) Western Australia 1893 Surcharges watermark Crown CA ‘ONE PENNY’ on 3d Pale brown SG 109, gum adhesion Mint, Cat £85, Price $69


WA478) Western Australia Postal fiscals 1893 ‘IR’ overprints in black 3d on 3d Lilac, unlisted in SG, ASC F11. Lightly hinged Mint, advertised retail $125, Price $99

WA533) Western Australia 1898 (Jul 29) use of 1893 green 'Half-penny' on 3d, 1895 red & green 'Half-penny' on 3d and 1885 green 'IR' on 1d ochre on local Fremantle cover (small tear). A very rare and unusual franking. Minor corner faults to base. Very attractive piece, price $2550


WA510) Western Australia 1898-97 watermark W Crown A 1/- Olive-green SG 116, four shades Fine used, Cat £28, Price $39


WA487) Western Australia 1898-1903 watermark W Crown A 2d Bright yellow SG 113, hinge remains Mint, Cat £38, Price $49

WA678) WA 1902 2d Yellow Swan with diagonal ‘Medical’ handstamp in violet, slightly untidy barred cancel, These handstamps were used by the Health Department from early July 1902 until mid 1904 (refer Juhl page 62), and are scarce, Price $79

WA488) Western Australia 1902-11 watermark V over Crown perf 12½ x 12 1d Carmine-rose watermark sideways & upright SG 117 & 117a, gum a little aged Mint, Cat £54, Price $49


WA489) Western Australia 1902-11 watermark V over Crown perf 12½ x 12 1d Carmine-rose watermark upright SG 117a, very lightly hinged Mint, Cat £25, Price $35


WA514) Western Australia 1902-11 watermark V over Crown perf 12½ x 12 9d Yellow-orange wmk upright SG 122a, Fine used, Cat £40, Price $49


WA515) Western Australia 1902-11 watermark V over Crown perf 12½ x 12 9d Yellow-orange wmk upright SG 122a, Nice used, Cat £40, Price $49

WA462) Western Australia 1902-11 watermark V over Crown perf 11 2/- Bright red/yellow SG 134, hinge remains Mint, Cat £300, Price $379


WA522) Western Australia 1905-12 watermark Crown over double lined A perf 12½ x 12, ½d to 10d, ex the 4d & 8d, but includes both SG listed shades of the 9d, SG 138-46 group, mostly Fine used, minimum Cat £90+, Price $119

WA519) Western Australia 1905-12 watermark Crown over double lined A perf 12½ x 12 5d Pale olive-bistre & 5d Olive-green SG 143 & 143a, Fine used, Cat £64, Price $79


WA520) Western Australia 1905-12 watermark Crown over double lined A perf 12½ x 12 9d Orange wmk upright SG 145b, two distinct shades, Nice-fine used, Cat £64, price $79


WA57) 1910 usage of 1d Blue Postal Stationary Postcard, Mount Magnet to Perth. Cancelled by cds of Perth 14 NO 10. H & G 17, cat. $400. Very fine with 2 staple holes and bend to upper left corner. Price $195


WA34) Western Australia 1911 real photographic postcard “Greetings from Fremantle” to St. Louis, USA. Bears Halfpenny Green and 1d Rose Pink SG 138/9. Cat £12.25 and from x 12 on cover. Neat & clean, price $175


WA525) Western Australia 1912 watermark Crown over single lined A 6d Bright violet SG 168, some nibbled perfs Nice used, Cat £30, Price $24.99


WA526) Western Australia 1912 watermark Crown over single lined A 6d Bright violet SG 168, one nibbled perf at top, Fine used, Cat £30, Price $29

Australia Kangaroos


K3016) Australia 1913 Kangaroos first watermark ½d Green, 1d Red Die 2A & 2d Grey all variety ‘Watermark inverted’ BW 1a, 4a & 5a, centreing a little mixed, Good to fine used, odd nibbled perf, Cat $300, Price $199

K3024) Australia 1913 Kangaroos first watermark 1d Red die 2A, 2d Grey, 3d Olive die I, 6d Ultramarine & 9d Violet all punctured small ‘OS’ BW 4ba, 5bc, 12bc, 17bc & 24bb, odd nibbled perf, usual mixed centreing, all with cds cancels Cat $350, Price $269

K343) Australia 1913 Penny Red Kangaroo used x 36 on annotated album pages. Noted "Rostage" x 2, Coil / Booklet Stamps x 2, + varieties not listed for this value, inc. "Missing Inner Frame Top Left" and "Shading Line Over One Penny Missing". Condition generally good to fine used. Minimum Cat. $847. Price: $539

K3040) Australia 1913 Kangaroos first watermark simplified set ½d to 1/- ex 5d, odd perf fault, most are well centred and all with mostly light cds cancels, Nice-fine used, Cat $259, Price $199


K4210) Australia 1915 Second wmk 1/- Green & 1915-18 Third watermark 2d Grey & 2/- Brown kangaroos BW 7, BW 31 & BW 37, all tied to piece by two strikes of Melbourne 1919? cds, Fine used, attractive mixed watermark, three colour franking, Cat $150, Price $129


K4123) Australia 1929 Kangaroos SM watermark: 6d Chestnut, 9d Violet, 1/- Blue-green & 6d Chestnut overprinted ‘OS’ BW 22, 28, 34 & 22(OS), mixed centring, mostly lightly hinged Mint, Cat $440, Price $329

1st Watermark

K1155) Australia 1913 ½d Green Kangaroo first watermark BW 1, a vertical coil join pair with WARWICK QLD machine cancel (see note 13, page 2/22, BW Kangaroos 2017 edition), the coil join margin attached to the upper stamp being a partial CA Monogram, the lower stamp with a fault at lower right, a rare item, Price $349

K3017) Australia 1913 Kangaroo first watermark 1d Red Die 2A punctured small ‘OS’ BW 4ba, centred to left, slightly ‘fluffy’ perfs MUH, Cat $225, Price $179

K86) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 2d Grey Kangaroo. Nice mint unhinged example with good perfs, centred right, cat. $300, price $120


K1154) Australia 1913 2d Grey Kangaroo first watermark 2d Grey punctured large ‘OS’ horizontal pair, the right-hand unit variety ‘Retouched upper frame at left’ BW 5(1)h, odd nibbled perf, unusually well centred, two cds cancels, attractive multiple, Cat $100, Price $79

K2173) Australia 1913 2½d Indigo Kangaroo first watermark BW 9, horizontal pair, very faint central gum bend, centred to left MUH, Cat $750, Price $549

K1147) Australia 1913 2½d Indigo Kangaroo first watermark BW 9, block of 4, centred a little to the right, lower units MUH, some slightly ‘fluffy’ perfs, lovely, fresh multiple, Cat $900, Price $699


K3020) Australia 1913 Kangaroo first watermark 3d Olive die I punctured large ‘OS’ BW 12ba, couple of nibbled perfs at left, centred to lower left, light cds cancels, Cat $125, Price $69


K2194A) Australia 1913 3d Olive Die I Kangaroo first watermark BW 12A, nibbled perf at base, very faint gum bend, nicely centred MUH, Cat $675, Price $429


K1538) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 3d Olive First watermark Die I punctured small ‘OS’ BW 12bc, centred to right, light hinge remains, Cat $550, Price $349


K3023) Australia 1913 Kangaroo first watermark 3d Olive & 3d Olive-green die I both punctured small ‘OS’ BW 12A/Cba, former centred to lower left, bold cds cancel, latter well centred with light cds cancel, couple of nibbled perfs, Cat $250, Price $169


DB826) Australia 1913 3d Olive Kangaroo, Die I. Nice mint lightly hinged example with good perfs. Has light gum bend not visible from front. Cat. $250, price $119




K88) Australia 1913 4d Analine Orange Kangaroo. ACSC 15B Mint lightly hinged. Lovely fresh example, centring to top right. Rare shade. Cat $2000. Rarely offered. Price $595

K1140) Australia 1913 4d Orange (Aniline) Kangaroo first watermark BW 15B, centred to left, nibbled perf at left, light, indistinct Tas cds, scarce, Cat $275, Price $149


K1138) Australia 1913 4d Orange Kangaroo first watermark punctured large ‘OS’ BW 15ba, centred a little to upper right but still above average centring for this issue, the gum appears a little flat, but is fresh and Mint unhinged, very scarce, Cat $1500, Price $1199


K4115) Australia 1913 4d Yellow-orange Kangaroo First watermark BW 15F, nibbled perf at lower right, slightly smudged centrally struck cds cancel, nicely centred, Cat $150, Price $89

K4053) Australia 1913 5d Pale Chestnut Kangaroo from base of sheet, cto DEC 1913. Clean without gum. Full perfs. centred right. ACSC 16Bwb cat. $100, price $55


K2195) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo first watermark BW 16, centred a little to upper right, couple of nibbled perfs at right, some hinge remains Mint, Cat $250, Price $169


K785) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo with variety. Fresh nicely centred int unhinged with good perfs, has the variety Colour Flaw off WA Coast. Listed as ACSC 16(U)d. Cat. $450 for hinged = approx. $1200 for unhinged. Price $895

K89) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo mint unhinged. Well centred and fresh with a few shortish perfs at base. Cat. $650, very well priced at just $189


LM12) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo, “Kissprint”. Nice well centred example with full perfs, fresh mint very lightly hinged. Coastline appears doubled almost all around. Cat $250 as normal. Price $495

K740) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo, Melbourne CTO with full lightly hinged gum, ACSC 17Awb, one short perf at right, centred low, Cat $100, Price $49


K4216) Australia 1913 First wmk 6d Ultramarine kangaroo BW 17 x 2 tied to small piece by two strikes of ‘JUNEE/5? P 10??14/N.S.W.’ cds, Nice used, Cat $70, Price $49


K899) Australia 1913 9d Violet Kangaroo first watermark BW 24 with gutter margin at right, centred slightly to the right, light central horizontal crease, fresh MUH, Cat $1000, Price $399

K650) Australia 1913 1/- Emerald, variety ‘’Watermark inverted’ ACSC 30Aa, a fine commercially used example, Cat $500, centred a little to the left. ’ELIZABETH STREET NORTH’ cds of December 1913, scarce thus. Price $399


K805) Australia 1913 1/- Pale blue green Kangaroo first watermark, variety ‘watermark inverted’ BW 30a, commercially used with indistinct VIC cds dated ‘6 JA 14’, slightly nibbled perf at right, centred to left, the 1/- with inverted watermark is scarce commercially used (see note 1, page 2/115 BW Kangaroos, 2017 edition), Cat $500, Price $329


K4098) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo First watermark BW 35, centred low, one short perf at right, centred low, commercially used with very light cds cancel in blue and scarcer than CTO, Fine used, Cat $250, Price $169

DB777) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo 1st wmk SG 12. Nice used example with corner cds. Good perfs centred a little to lower left. ACSC 35A Cat $250. Keenly priced at $119


K587) Australia 1913 2/- Dark brown 1st wmk. Kangaroo, punctured small ‘OS’ ACSC 35Bbb, Cat $400, an unusually well centred example with an indistinct cds cancel. Price $249


K4132) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo First watermark BW 35, centred to the left, few nibbled perfs, light cds cancels, Cat $250, Price $149


K4213) Australia 1913 First wmk 2/- Brown kangaroo BW 35, tied to small piece by indistinct 1914 cds, light wrinkle at upper left slightly affecting the adhesive, Cat $250, Price $199

K4133) Australia 1913 5/- Grey & yellow Kangaroo First watermark BW 42, centred low, good perfs, untidy parcel cancel, Good used, Cat $350, Price $199

2nd Watermark


ML534) Australia 1915 2d grey Kangaroo 2nd wmk centred high Mint, light HR, advertised retail $175 for well centred, price $89

K4127) Australia 1915 2d Grey Kangaroo Second watermark BW 6, centred to the left, light hinge remains Mint, Cat $225, Price $159

K4128) Australia 1915 2½d Indigo Kangaroo Second watermark BW 10, centred to the right, light vertical bend, some hinge remains Mint, Cat $225, Price $109


K1144) Australia 1915 2½d Indigo Kangaroo second watermark BW 10, horizontal strip of 4, centred a little low, hinged on the two central stamps only, couple of very minor gum bends, Cat $1200, Price $799


K4214) Australia 1915 Second wmk 6d Ultramarine & 1916 Third wmk 1/- Blue-green Die II kangaroos BW 18 & BW 32, both tied to a small piece by two strikes of ‘FREMANTLE/2.45P 18DE16/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’’ cds, Nice-fine used, Cat $70, Price $49


K2170) Australia 1915 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo second watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 18ba, centred to upper right, slightly nibbled perf at left, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $850, Price $599


K4130) Australia 1915 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo Second watermark BW 18, centred high, very lightly hinged Mint, Cat $400, Price $299


K4217) Australia 1915 Second wmk 6d Ultramarine & 1915 Third wmk 3d Olive Die I BW 13E & BW 18, both tied to a small piece by two strikes of ‘GEELONG/4-P17NO15/VIC’ cds, the 3d affected by diagonal crease, Nice-fine used, Cat $58, Price $35


K4220) Australia 1915 Second wmk 6d Ultramarine BW18, tied to small piece by Victoria machine cancel, Cat $40, Price $29


K4129) Australia 1915 9d Violet Kangaroo Second watermark BW 6, centred high, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $375, Price $279


K372) Australia 1/- Bright Blue Green Kangaroo, 2nd wmk, Socked on Nose. Nice scarcer shade socked on nose by Spencer St. Melbourne cds of 19AU15. Well centred with good perfs. Cat. $150, price $110


K204) Australia 1915 1/- Green Kangaroo 2nd wmk. Perf. OS. Good/fine used with 2 partial cds’s of Perth. Well centred, some short perfs at base. Has skipped perf at lower left.  ACSC  31Aba, cat. $475, well-priced at $89.


K891) Australia 1915 1/- Green Kangaroo second watermark BW 31, an attractive paler shade, well centred, fresh Mint with light hinge remains, Cat $375, Price $299


K4140) Australia 1915 1/- Green Kangaroo Second watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 31ba, nibbled perf at upper right, nicely centred, light, crisp cds cancel, Fine used, Cat $475, Price $329


K937) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 36A. Superb used example with double ring cds of South Yarra Vic, dated 13.7.15. Fine looking stamp, centred to top with full perfs. Cat. $350, price $237.50


K742) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 36, an attractive well centred example with partial ‘STOCK EXCHANGE MELBOURNE’ cds. Cat. $350, price $229


K649) Australia 1915 2/-Light Brown Kangaroo 2nd wmk ACSC 36A, Cat $350, a superb used example with excellent centring, light oval ‘PERTH REGISTERED’ datestamp, a premium stamp. Price $299


K244) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 36A. Well centred full perf. used example cancelled by partial Brisbane Qld. cds. Cat. $350, cheap price, $125


K4135) Australia 1915 2/- Light brown Kangaroo Second watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 36ba, centred to lower left, good perfs, indistinct cds cancel, Nice used, Cat $400, Price $329

K140) Australia 1915 5/- Deep Grey & Chrome 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC43B.  Nice used example with light partial circular cancels. Centred high with some fluffy perfs., usual for this issue Cat. $675 this one cheap at a third cat. $225

K827) Australia 1915 5/- Deep grey & yellow Kangaroo second watermark BW 43, with unlisted variety ‘Partial light offset of the kangaroo’ on reverse, usual fluffy perfs, fairly well centred, scarce and most unusual, Price $999

K4114) Australia 1915 5/- Deep grey & yellow Kangaroo Second watermark punctured ‘OS’ variety ‘Break in right frame opposite Cape York’ BW 43b/d(u), slight wrinkle at upper right, centred a little to the left, two light cds cancels Fine used, Cat $1875, Price $1299


3rd Watermark


ML531) Australia 1915 2d grey Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die I punctured 'OS' two faintly toned perfs Mint unhinged. Centred to top right with good perfs. ACSC 7Aba, cat. $225 price $69


K4221) Australia 1915 Third wmk 2d Grey punctured ‘OS’ BW 7ba horizontal pair & LM wmk KGV ½d Green punctured ‘OS’, all tied to a small piece by two strikes of ‘STRATFOED/1 DE 19/VIC’ cds, Fine used, Cat $58, Price $49

K4223) Australia 1915 Third wmk 3d Olive Die I & Third wmk 6d Ultramarine Die II horizontal pair kangaroos BW 13E & 20, tied to piece by two strikes of ‘HOBART/3-P-9DE16/TASMANIA’ cds, slight wrinkle affecting the adhesives, Nice-fine used, Cat $68, Price $39

K2186) Australia 1915 3d Olive Die I Kangaroo third watermark BW 13E, centred a little to lower right, light hinge remains Mint, Cat $75, Price $59

K2181) Australia 1915 6d Ultramarine Die II Kangaroo third watermark BW 19, centred to upper right, light hinge remains Mint, Cat $225, Price $159


K4218) Australia 1915 Third wmk 6d Ultramarine kangaroo punctured small ‘OS’ BW 20b, missing corner perf at lower right, tied to small piece by partial April 1921 Wallaroo SA cds, Cat $75, Price $39

K141) Australia 1915 6d Milky Greyish Blue Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. ACSC 19G Harrison Printing. Fine used with Condobolin NSW cds of SP 21 19. Well centred and with good perfs, this stamp shows the undocumented variety “Broken/Missing ears” very striking! The bite out of leg of this issue catalogues $2250, and sells for around $1500. Price $995

K2008) Australia 1915 6d Dull grey-blue Kangaroo Third watermarkBW 19E, short perf at upper left, well centred with centrally struck ‘ROOMI? NSW’ 1919 cds, appears to be on highly surfaced paper, ref BW note 2, page 84, attractive stamp, Cat $50, price $29

K4125) Australia 1915 2/- Brown Kangaroo Third watermark BW 37, light hinge remains, nicely centred Mint, Cat $450, Price $379

K4045) Australia 1915 10/- Grey & Intense Analine Pink 3rd wmk Kangaroo cto with gum, perf OS. ACS Massive upwards perf shift, so that part of lower stamp is showing. Fresh & clean with full perfs. ACSC 48Dwa Cat. $200 as the cheapest shade. Price $269


K4144) Australia 1916 3d Olive Die II Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 13ba, good perfs, unusually well centred, very light cds cancel, scarce & attractive stamp, Cat $275, Price $249

K2198) Australia 1916 9d Violet Die II Kangaroo third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 26ba, centred high, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $275, Price $209

K2197) Australia 1916 9d Violet Die II Kangaroo third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 26ba, couple of nibbled perfs at left, centred to left, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $275, Price $179


K639) Australia 1916 9d Pale violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die II ACSC 26B, Cat $375, centred to right, fresh MUH. Price $199


K613) Australia 1916 9d Pale violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die II ACSC 26B, Cat $375, centred to right and with tiny natural paper inclusion in the gum, fresh MUH. Price $179


K263) Australia 1916 9d deep Violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die II. Fine used example of this scarce shade lightly cancelled by cds at left. Well centred with good perfs. ACSC 26C Cat. $200, price $149


K799) Australia 1916 9d Violet Kangaroo third watermark Die II BW 26, centred a little to the right, MUH, Cat $375, Price $299


K4142) Australia 1916 9d Violet Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 26ba, centred high, nibbled perfs at top, light crisp cds cancel, Cat $75, Price $45


K4219) Australia 1916 Third wmk 1/- Blue-green Die II BW 32 x 5 including a block of 4 (one unit damaged) and KGV 1d Green x 2 all ried to parcel fragment by 80% complete bold strike of ‘PARCEL OFFICE/MELBOURNE/ELIZABETH STREET’, unusual, Cat $120+, Price $79


K2180) Australia 1916 1/- Blue-green Die II Kangaroo third watermark BW 32, centred to lower left, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $150, Price $109

K3001) Australia 1916 1/- Blue-green Die II Kangaroo third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 32b, centred to lower left, couple of minor gum bends, some ‘fluffy’ perfs MUH, Cat $475, Price $299


K709) Australia 1916 1/- Blue green Kangaroo third watermark Die II, BW 32, quite well centred, MUH, Cat $375, Price $299


K692) Australia 1916 1/- Dull greyish-green Kangaroo third watermark Die II, BW 32C, centred to upper right, light hinge remains, fresh Mint, distinctive shade, Cat $250, Price $169


K855) Australia 1916 1/- Blue-green Kangaroo third watermark Die II, variety ‘Watermark inverted’ BW 32a, horizontal pair, right unit with nibbled perf at top, centred low with very light indistinct cds at top, VFU, attractive multiple, Cat $550 as singles, Price $399

K367) Australia 1916 2/- Greyish Brown Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Perf OS. Scarce shade, listed as ACSC 37Hba. Indicative cat. $700. The normal OS used being $125, 3.5 times the used regular stamp, and the shade cat. at $200.
This stamp is well centred with mostly good perfs, a couple at base are nibbed. Cancelled by 2 x Melbourne slightly heavier cds cancels. A nice stamp for the shades collector. Well-Priced at 30%, $210


K4033) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo Third watermark variety ‘Colour spot off WA coast’ BW 37(1)g, perfs a little uneven, REGISTERED cds Nice used, Cat $300, Price $169

K4034) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo Third watermark variety ‘Flaw on S of AUSTRALIA’’ BW 37(2)j, centred to the right, couple of nibbled perfs, light parcel cancel, Nice used, Cat $450, Price $279

K4036) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 37ba, centred to lower right, slightly smudged cds cancel Nice used, Cat $125, Price $79

K4037) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 37ba, couple of nibbled perfs at right, quite well centred, slightly smudged cds cancel Fine used, Cat $125, Price $69

K4043) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 37ba, couple of nibbled perfs at lower left, centred a little high, slightly smudged cds cancel Fine used, Cat $125, Price $69

K4035) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 37ba, faint bend, few nibbled perfs, light cds Fine used, Cat $125, Price $69

K1114) Australia 1917 5/- Grey & yellow Kangaroo third watermark BW 44, centred a little to the lower right, couple of nibbled perfs at right, slightly smudged cds Cat $225, Price $139


K1112) Australia 1917 5/- Grey & yellow Kangaroo third watermark BW 44, a horizontal pair, centred a little high, odd nibbled perf, two bold strikes of ‘REGISTERED SYDNEY’ cds, attractive & scarce multiple, Cat $450 as singles Price $299


K4215) Australia 1917 Third wmk 5/- Grey-black & yellow kangaroo, usual fluffy perfs, faint corner crease at lower right & KGV Single wmk 1d Green BW 44 & BW 77, tied to small piece by light, indistinct Adelaide cds, attractive, Cat $250+, Price $169


K1118) Australia 1917 5/- Grey & yellow Kangaroo third watermark BW 44, nicely centred, light indistinct cancel, Cat $225, Price $179


K1133) Australia 1917 5/- Grey & pale-yellow Kangaroo third watermark BW 44, centred to top, two indistinct lightly struck cds cancels, Cat $225, Price $169

K92) Australia 1918 2d Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Die IIA, mint unhinged, small amount of gum disturbance at top otherwise fresh. Nice centring with good perfs. Cat. $225, price $65


DB796) Australia 1918 6d Pale Greyish Violet Dull Blue Kangaroo Subs. Cliché. 3rd wmk SG 38ba (shade), ACSC  19Gja, nicely centred and with good perfs and 2 x partial Sydney cds cancels. cat $3750. Hard stamp to find, price $1950

K54) Australia 1918 9d Violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb. Nice mint lightly hinged example with perfect perfs, centred a tad high. Has light overall gum toning and one toned perf. at left, not visible from front. Cat. $125, cheap at $37.50


K797) Australia 1918 9d Pale violet Kangaroo third watermark Die IIb BW 27, with gutter margin & part Mullett imprint, centred to upper left, fresh MUH, Cat $375, Price $269


K796) Australia 1918 9d Violet Kangaroo third watermark Die IIb, variety ‘Watermark inverted’ BW 27a, couple of nibbled perfs at top, centred to the left, indistinct cds cancels, Nice used, Cat $275, Price $149

K277) Australia 1918 1/- Blue Green Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb. Melbourne mint lightly hinged example Sideways Wmk. Centred left with full perfs., ACSC 33Aaa Cat. $200, Priced well at $99


K4209) Australia 1918 Third watermark 1/- Blue-green Die II & 2/- Brown kangaroos BW 32 & BW 37, both tied to a small piece by two strikes of an indistinct 1920? Victorian cds, Nice used, Cat $65, Price $49


K832) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & Yellow Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Well centred full perf example MNG. Price $139


K4089) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & pale yellow Kangaroo Third watermark BW 44, couple of faint wrinkles, centred a little to upper left, very light indistinct cancel, Cat $250, Price $119

K4090) Australia 1918 5/- Grey-black & chrome Kangaroo Third watermark BW 44A, pulled perf at top, nicely centred, light indistinct cds cancel, Cat $250, Price $119

K4096) Australia 1918 5/- Grey-black & chrome Kangaroo Third watermark BW 44A, pulled perf at base, centred to upper left, light indistinct cds cancel, Cat $250, Price $109


K4134) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & deep yellow Kangaroo Third watermark BW 44, couple of nibbled perfs, bold SYDNEY cds, Cat $250, Price $139

K4136) Australia 1918 5/- Grey-black & chrome Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’BW 44b, two nibbled perfs at base, centred to lower left, ’12 AU 30/N.T.’ cds, Cat $200, Price $129


K4075) Australia 1918 £2 Grey Black & Crimson 3rd wmk. Kangaroo ovpt. “Specimen” type B, fresh mint lightly hinged with full perfs, centred left. ACSC 56Bxb Cat. $600. Price $495


K2184) Australia 1919 9d Violet Die IIB Kangaroo third watermark BW 26, few nibbled perfs at base, nicely centred lightly hinged Mint, Cat $150, Price $89

K3009) Australia 1919 9d Violet Die IIB Kangaroo third watermark punctured ‘OS’ CTO with unhinged gum BW 27wa, centred to left, Cat $75, Price $59


K727) Australia 1919 1/- Blue-green Kangaroo third watermark Die IIb, variety ‘Watermark sideways’ BW 33aa, centred to upper left, fresh MUH, Cat $200 for Mint, unpriced for MUH, Price $299

K2179) Australia 1920 1/- Blue-green Die IIB Kangaroo third watermark BW 33, with unlisted variety ‘Scratch from second A of Australia to map’ couple of nibbled perfs, centred to left, MUH, Cat $425, Price $299

K2177) Australia 1920 1/- Blue-green Die IIB Kangaroo third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 33ba, faint gum bend, centred a little to upper right, MUH, Cat $425, Price $329

K2185) Australia 1923 3d Pale olive-green Die IIB Kangaroo third watermark BW 14D, centred to lower right, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $100, Price $69


K2175) Australia 1923 Kangaroo third watermark 6d Chestnut punctured ‘OS’ BW 21ba, nibbled perf at left, centred to left, light hing remains Mint, Cat $100, Price $69


K2183) Australia 1923 6d Chestnut Kangaroo third watermark BW 21 horizontal pair with the right unit showing ‘No line of shading immediately above or below ‘SIX PENCE’, while printing disturbance around the value slug is often found, this is much more pronounced than usual, some gum creasing, mainly on the left unit, MUH Cat $200, Price $149

K94) Australia 1923 6d Chestnut Kangaroo 3rd wmk, ACSC 21A. Nice mint unhinged example well centred and with good perfs. Has skipped perfs. at top creating a larger than usual stamp. Cat. $250, priced at just a half catalogue. $125


K731) Australia 1923 6d Chestnut Kangaroo 3rd wmk variety ‘Broken leg on kangaroo’ BW 21(3)d, centred to lower left as usual for this variety, fresh Mint, Cat $250, Price $169

K793) Australia 1923 6d Chestnut 3rd wmk. Broken Leg Kangaroo. Top right hand inter-panneau marginal pair, mint unhinged. Variety stamp cat. $250 as hinged, unhinged would be 2.5 x that. Very desirable. Price $465


K2178) Australia 1924 Kangaroo third watermark 2/- Maroon BW 38, couple of nibbled perfs at base, nicely centred, hinge remains Mint, Cat $300, Price $199


K3030) Australia 1924 Kangaroo third watermark 2/- Maroon punctured ‘OS’ CTO BW 38wc, centred to upper right, Cat $100, Price $69

K3031) Australia 1924 Kangaroo third watermark 2/- Maroon punctured ‘OS’ BW 38ba, well centred, light corner cds cancel Very fine used, Cat $100, Price $89

K3032) Australia 1924 Kangaroo third watermark 2/- Maroon punctured ‘OS’ BW 38ba, centred high, bold corner cds cancel Nice used, Cat $100, Price $69

K1527) Australia 1924 Kangaroo 2/- Maroon Third watermark BW 38, with ‘Split watermark’ which is unusual in third wmk., short perf at right, centred to lowe right, crisp ‘COLLINS ST’ cds, Cat $60, Price $39


K528) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo 3rd wmk. perf OS.  Faintly toned top right corner perf, centred low Mint lightly Hinged, ACSC 38Aba advertised retail $325 for fine, cat. $550, price $99

ML528) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Nicely centred full perf. mint hinged example, cat. $300. Well-priced at under as half. $149


K4039) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo Third watermark variety ‘White flaw under second L of SHILLINGS’ BW 38(1)f, well centred, ‘fluffy’ perfs, light, smudged cancel, Cat $150, Price $99

K4042) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’ variety ‘White flaw under Tasmania’ BW 38ba(1)o, couple of nibbled perfs at top, nicely centred, cds cancel Fine used, Cat $300, Price $199

K4101) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo Third watermark CTO BW 38w, centred to lower right, Cat $100, Price $69

K4138) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo Third watermark punctured ‘OS’ BW 38ba, neat Brisbane parcel cancel, nicely centred, Cat $100, Price $69

Small Multi Watermark


K3005) Australia 1929 6d Chestnut Kangaroo SM watermark BW 22, well centred with light crisp cds cancel, Very fine used, Cat $30, Price $24.99

LM15) Australia 1929 Sml. Multi. Wmk., 6d Chestnut “Kissprint “of left frame MUH. Super Post Office Fresh left marginal example, well centred and full perfs. Unrecorded variety. Price $249


K4225) Australia 1929 SM wmk 6d Chestnut & 1/- Green kangaroos x 5 & KGV SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ 2d Brown, all tied to parcel fragment by ‘SYDNEY CHIEF PARCEL OFFICE’ roller cancel, two 1/- have faults and the piece has overall wrinkling affecting some of the adhesives, Good used, Cat $120+, Price $69


K795) Australia 1929 6d Chestnut Kangaroo SM wmk punctured ‘OS’ BW 22b, very well centred, fresh MUH, Cat $125, Price $99


K573) Australia 1929 Sml. Multi. Wmk., 9d violet ACSC 28A fresh MUH Cat $375, centred to lower left, one short perf at base. Price $149

K2189) Australia 1929 1/- Blue-green Kangaroo SM watermark BW 34, centred low, some hinge remains Mint, Cat $125, Price $79

K600) Australia 1929 1/- Blue Green small multi. wmk. Kangaroo punctured ‘OS’ ACSC 23Aba, centred slightly to the left, one nibbled perf at top MVLH Price $49


K810) Australia 1929 1/- Blue-green Kangaroo small multiple watermark BW 34, centred to the right, two nibbled perfs at right, fresh MUH, Cat $300, Price $169


K765) Australia 1929 1/- Blue-green Kangaroo small multiple watermark BW 34, block of 4, centred to lower left with bold central indistinct cds, lower right unit with a couple of nibbled perfs, attractive multiple, Cat $100 as singles, Price $69

K4102) Australia 1929 1/- Blue-green Kangaroo SM watermark CTO BW 34w, centred to right, Cat $75, Price $49


K3007) Australia 1929 2/- Maroon Kangaroo SM watermark punctured ‘OS’ CTO with gum BW 39wa, centred to upper left, Cat $75, Price $59


K4040) Australia 1929 2/- Maroon Kangaroo SM watermark variety ‘Flaw on S of AUSTRALIA’’ BW 39(2)j, centred to the left, couple of slightly nibbled perfs at right, slightly smudged cds cancel, Nice used, Cat $200, Price $119

K4100) Australia 1929 2/- Maroon Kangaroo SM watermark CTO withgum BW 39w, centred to lower left, Cat $125, Price $79

K4052) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Orange Yellow Kangaroo Sml. Multi. Wmk., nice tidy used with partial Rialto Melbourne cds cancels. Well centred, with the odd nibbled perf. at base. ACSC 45A Cat. $250. Price $149

K1132) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & yellow-orange Kangaroo small multiple watermark BW 45, centred to lower right, central wrinkle, couple of nibbled perfs at right, cds cancel, Cat $250, Price $109


K4076) Australia 1929 10/- Grey & Pale Pink Kangaroo sml. multi. wmk. Ovpt. “Specimen” fresh very lightly hinged mint, with full perfs. Centred to upper right. ACSC 49x, cat. $475. Price $445


K485) Australia 1929 Small Multiple Wmk. 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo. Fresh Mint Top marginal Block of 4! Lower pair are superb unhinged, others lightly hinged. A well centred block with full perfs. Cat. $12,000 as singles, blocks are exceedingly rare. Cat. $8200 as singles, price $7550


K2) Australia 1929 Small Multiple Wmk. 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo, fine used dated Melbourne cds 4NO31, and with variety “Very short Spencer’s Gulf” ACSC49 (D) f, cat $1100, price $695


K37) Australia 1929 Small Multiple Wmk. 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo, mint unhinged. Centred lower left and has a couple of nibbed perfs. Facially quite attractive, but gum is toned. Cat $3000, price just $695

C of A Watermark

K3034) Australia 1932 Kangaroos 6d Chestnut overprinted ‘OS’ both SM & C of A watermarks BW 22(OS) & 23(OS), both well centred, bold cds cancels Nice used, Cat $145, Price $99

K3038) Australia 1932 Kangaroos C of A watermark 6d Chestnut overprinted ‘OS’ BW 23(OS), centred a little low, light cds cancel, Fine used, Cat $70, Price $49

K4024) Australia 1932 5/- Grey & yellow-orange Kangaroo C of A watermark BW 46, unlisted variety ‘Roo with ‘scalloped’ back just above tail’, perf faults at lower right, cds cancels Nice used, Cat $35, Price $19.99

K4022) Australia 1932 5/- Grey & yellow-orange Kangaroo C of A watermark BW 46, some underinked lines of shading in bight, couple of nibbled perfs at top, centred a little to the right, light cds cancel Fine used, Cat $35, Price $19.99

K4019) Australia 1932 5/- Grey & yellow-orange Kangaroo C of A watermark BW 46, variety ‘Break in right frame opposite Cape York’ position R44, BW states ‘The break in the right frame on R44 found in Third & SM watermarks was corrected prior to the printings on C of A watermark, leaving only the two yellow spots on the map’ however on this stamp the break is clearly present but the spots are absent, similar to the state of the variety found in first, second & third watermarks, centred a little to the left, small perf tear & couple of nibbled perfs, cds cancel Nice used, unusual, ‘Two yellow spots’ variety, BW 46(D)ub Cat $400, Price $199

K4020) Australia 1932 5/- Grey & yellow-orange Kangaroo C of A watermark BW 46, variety ‘Break in right frame opposite Cape York’ position R44, BW states ‘The break in the right frame on R44 found in Third & SM watermarks was corrected prior to the printings on C of A watermark, leaving only the two yellow spots on the map’ however on this stamp the break is clearly present but the spots are absent, similar to the state of the variety found in first, second & third watermarks, centred a little high, small perf tear at top & a few nibbled perfs, cds cancels Nice used, unusual, ‘Two yellow spots’ variety, BW 46(D)ub Cat $400, Price $199

K4021) Australia 1932 5/- Grey & yellow-orange Kangaroo C of A watermark BW 46, unlisted variety ‘Upper NSW coast thinned/broken’ centred a little to the left, PERTH cds, Nice used, Cat $35 as normal. Price $59

K4050) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Pink C of A wmk Kangaroo, used with partial Melbourne cds cancels. Well centred and with good perfs. ACSC 50, cat. $300, price $225

K4071) Australia 1934£2Grey Black & Rose Crimson Kangaroo C of A , centred lower left used withneat cds cancels. Lovely looking stamp, just a couple of nibbed perfs. ACSC 58B, cat. $900.Very hard stamp to find currently. Price $675


K612) Australia 1935 2/- Kangaroo C of A wmk ACSC 40A, horizontal marginal pair fresh well centred MUH, the l/h unit showing unlisted variety ‘Colour flaw under P of Postage’ Price $24.99

Australia KGV Heads

G1402) Australia 1914 Single watermark KGV smooth paper 1d Carmine-red punctured ‘OS’ BW 71bb, nicely centred MUH, Cat $50, Price $39

G1403) Australia 1915 Single watermark KGV ½d Emerald punctured ‘OS’ BW 63ba, centred a little high MUH, Cat $50, Price $35

G1224) Australia 1915 Single watermark KGV 4d Pale orange-yellow BW 110E, centred slightly to the right, centrally struck ‘WEST MAITLAND/11 MY 16/N.S.W.’ cds, Nice used, Cat $50, Price $39

GS23) Australia 1917 1d Orange Red KGV. Post Office fresh Mint Unhinged. Nice full perf example, centred left. ACSC71P, (G24.5) Cat. $600. Supplied with Drury 2004 certificate. Price $475


GS17) Australia 1918 1d Rose Pink Rough Paper KGV. Post Office Fresh mint unhinged, nicely centred with full perfs. ACSC 72H (G67) Cat. $1500, very rare stamp, Supplied with Drury and Bozic 2011 Certificates. Price $1195

G813) Australia 1918 Single watermark KGV 1d Rosine, rough paper, punctured ‘OS’ BW 72Ibb (G68) with 2019 Drury certificate (incorrectly listed as G69 on the cert.), centred to the lower left, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $350, Price $269


G814) Australia 1918 Single watermark KGV 1d Damson, rough paper, punctured ‘OS’ BW 72Kbb (G70½) with 2012 Drury certificate, centred to the lower left, light cds cancel, Fine used, Cat $500, Price $369


G1076) Australia 1919 LM watermark KGV 1d Carmine-rose punctured ‘OS’ BW 74b, excellent centreing with a very light corner ‘(A)UST’ cds of CTO appearance, however CTO is not listed for LM wmk in BW, a superb example, Cat $175, Price $169


G1398) Australia 1919 LM watermark KGV 1d Carmine-rose punctured ‘OS’ BW 74b, centred low, MUH, Cat $475, Price $399

G19) Australia 1920 1/4d Turquoise KGV Single wmk. Mint unhinged, centred lower right. Fresh full perf example, advertised retail $650, my price just $295


G3190) Australia 1920 Single wmk KGV 1/4d Turquoise-blue BW 128, centred a little to the upper left MLH, Cat $675, Price $225


G468) Australia 1920 2d Orange perf OS wmk. Inverted. ACSC 95Eba inv. Cancelled by Melbourne Sept 1922 cds. Well centred and with good perfs. Non OS inverted wmk is cat. $8000. Price $125


K1245) Australia 1920 Third watermark Kangaroo 1/- Blue-green variety ‘Watermark sideways’ BW 33aa, centred to the left as usual for this variety, light hinge remains Mint, Cat $275, Price $219


G1269) Australia 1922 Single watermark KGV 1d Violet punctured ‘OS’ BW 76bb, light diagonal bend, light hinge remains Mint, Cat $125, Price $69

G1036) Australia KGV 1922 Single watermark 4d Ultramarine variety ‘Thin FOUR PENCE’(retouch) BW 112ra, centred to right, lightly struck ‘MASCOT’ cds, clear of the variety, Nice used Cat $450, Price $379

G1414) Australia 1923 Single watermark KGV ½d Orange punctured ‘OS’ BW 66ba, quite well centred MUH, Cat $50, Price $39


G361) Australia 1924 1d Green single wmk block of 4, upper l/h unit variety ‘Wattle line’, lower l/h unit variety ‘Flaw under neck’ and upper r/h unit ‘Nick near top of left frame’ ACSC 77(4)f/g/h, upper units MLH, lower units unhinged, centred a little low, Cat $200 as hinged, price $149


G1399) Australia 1924 No watermark KGV 1d Green punctured ‘OS’ BW 79ba, unusually well centred MUH, Cat $225, Price $179


G455) Australia 1924 2d Deep Red Brown perf OS Grossly Misperfed. ACSC 97Bbb. Used with slogan cancel and showing part of adjacent stamp at top. Cat. $50 for used in the lighter shade. Price $79


G1262) Australia 1926 SM watermark perf 13½ x 12½ 1d Green Ash sans-serif imprint block of 4 appears to be plate 1 or 2, BW 81(1/2)zc/za MUH, unpriced MUH, Mint Cat $100, Price $139


G593) Australia 1926 1½d Rose Red on translucent paper. Plate 1a top right block of 4, with plate dot. Fresh mint unhinged, with some gum disturbance to lower right unit. Centred left. Rare! Cat. $1000 as hinged on normal paper. Translucent ought to be 5 x that. ACSC91aa(1a) z. Price $2495


G1231) Australia 1926 SM watermark perf 14 KGV 1½d Rose-red horizontal pair, left unit variety ‘Heavy coloured line below lower frame’ BW 91(3)e, nicely centred MUH, extrapolated Cat $140, Price $99


G1228) Australia 1926 SM watermark perf 14 KGV 3d Blue type A & type B singles BW 106A & 106B, type B slightly off centre to the left, light hinge remains Mint, Cat $165, Price $129


G70) Australia 1927 3d Dull Blue KGV smw. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5 die 1a. Mint unhinged gutter block of 4, 2 x vertical pairs of type A & B. ACSC 107c, cat. $1150 as two pairs. Very scarce, price $725


G326) Australia 1927 4d Greenish Olive KGV Sml. Multi. Wmk perf. 14, Ash imprint pair ACSC 115(3)z (pair), centring a little mixed as usual, fresh MUH. Price $795

G391) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk Ash imprint block, ACSC 131Az, one unit MUH, others MLH, stamps centred towards gutter, Cat $1000, Price $725


G392) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk Ash imprint block, ACSC 131Az, some perf reinforcing, mainly in lower right margin, stamps centred towards gutter, Mint, Cat $1000, Price $625


G393) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk Ash imprint pair, ACSC 131Az (pair) some very light gum bends, stamps centred towards gutter, lightly hinged Mint, Price $229


G458) Australia 1932 1d Green C of A wmk, ovpt. OS, Grossly Misperfed. Also with ovpt. Misplaced a little to left. Cancelled by wavy line machine canceller. Misplaced perfs. show part of adjacent stamp at right. Price $49


G655) Australia 1932 KGV C of A wmk 1d Green optd ‘OS’ horizontal pair variety ‘Misplaced perforations’ BW 82(OS)b, used with machine cancel, Cat $150 ea for Mint, unpriced used, Price $199


G454) Australia 1932 KGV C of A wmk 1d Green optd ‘OS’ with perforations misplaced vertically and to the left, showing part of the adjoining stamp at base, cds cancel, striking variety, fine used, Price $149

Australia Pre- Decimal issues


APD8740) Australia 1929 3d Airmail type A BW 134, vertical right marginal strip of three, upper unit light corner crease, lightly hinged Mint, others MUH, Cat $70, Price $45


APD8554) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d Ovpt. OS fresh mint unhinged marginal examples. These come with an APTA Warranty Certificate signed by President Stewart Robbins. Exceptional pair cat. $1250. Exceptional pair, price $965

APD8546) Australia 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4, inc. both printings of the 2d. Nice mint unhinged, cat. $1575. Price $1175

APD547) Australia 1932 1/- Yellow Green Lyrebird MISPLACED Ovpt. OS fine cds used. Well centred full perf. Stamp with overprint misplaced 3mm to the left so that the S is central. Unlisted in ACSC and not seen by us before. Other misplacements of OS overprints or surcharges are priced at 25 x to 125 x the normal stamp, and so would give this a minimum catalogue value of $2500. Possibly unique, price $1875

APD302) Australia 1934-48 1/6d Hermes SG153,1153a &153ab. All fresh mint unhinged.  Sydney retail $108 Price: $80


APD306) Australia 1934 McArthur SG150/2. All fresh mint lightly hinged. Sydney retail $71.00 Price: $53.00


APD8768) Australia 1935 2d Carmine-red Jubilee upper right Plate 2 block of 4 BW 166(2)za, few minor gum wrinkles, mostly in margins MUH, Cat $50, Price $29


APD269) Australia 1935 2/- Jubilee with extensive ink stripping around the king and horse, unlisted in the ACSC, quite a striking variety, Fine used, Price $179


AB31) Australia 1935-37 2/- (12 x 2d) Black on Green Pre-Decimal Booklet Cover and interleave, without stamp panes. Cover with front & back advertisements reversed ACSC 81348Ab, interleave shows 'IMPORTANT. PLEASE NOTE SPECIALLY' and 'PRINCIPAL P.O. SERVICES-CHARGES' as per ACSC #B53. Price: $315

APD8556) Australia 1936 NSW Sesqui. Set, fresh mint unhinged, attractive set cat. $50, price $37.50


APD8819) Australia 1936 SA Centy 1/- Green BW 173, gutter pair lightly hinged Mint, Cat $50 as singles, Price $39


APD8840) Australia 1937 1/6d Hermes watermarked thick surfaced paper Mc Cracken imprint block of 4 BW 162zf, MUH Cat $150, Price $119


APD8756) Australia 1938 4d Green koala perf 13½ x 14 Ash imprint block of 4 (no side margin) flush perf BW 197z, MUH, Cat $75, Price $49

APD8754) Australia 1941 KGVI perf 14.75 x 14 1½d Red-brown Mc Cracken gutter imprint block of 4 BW 185zb, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $90, Price $69

APD577) Australia 1949 £1 Robes (Thin paper) MUH. Centred a tad low. Sydney retail $225, price $169


APD365) Australia 1948 10/- Robes thin paper and 1/- Lyrebird tied to a small piece by indistinct Melbourne cds, scarce thus Price $249

APD8758) Australia 1948 1/3d Bull Authority imprint blocks of 4 x 20, one with perfs extending through the lower margin, the other with single perf in the lower margin BW 260z, MUH, Cat $40, Price $35


APD8841) Australia 1948 1/6d Hermes watermarked thin unsurfaced paper Mc Cracken imprint block of 4 BW 162zf, perfs extending through lower margin, one unit with light gum wrinkle MUH Cat $100, Price $59

APD8842) Australia 1948 1/6d Hermes watermarked thin unsurfaced paper Mc Cracken imprint block of 4 BW 162zf, perfs not extending through lower margin, MUH Cat $100, Price $69

APD427) 1949 1/6d Hermes watermarked Authority imprint block of 4 BW 261zf, lower units affected by narrow pre-printing paper fold, unlisted in BW, lower units MUH, unusual, Cat $12 for normal, Price $ 69


APD546) Australia 1949 £1 Arms THIN PAPER mint lightly hinged, well centred and with full perfs. In the distinct deeper shade that all thin paper varieties for this issue have (5/-, £1, £2) Supplied with normal for comparison. Small minor gum tone not visible from the front mentioned only for accuracy. ACSC 270Ba, cat. $1250. Price $749


APD363) 1949 3½d UPU lower right corner block of 4, the lower right unit showing a faint but distinct 'Kiss print' around the horses head, unlisted in the ACSC, however a faint kiss print for the 1946 3½d Mitchell is recorded in the ACSC, cat value $425, scarce and unusual, Price $349


APD8755) Australia 1951 2d Dull green Queen Elizabeth corner Authority imprint block of 4, coil perf BW 248zh, MUH, Cat $125, Price $99


APD5820) Australia 1952 2/6 Aborigine Authority imprint block of 4 BW 265zc MUH, Cat $50, Price $39

AB18) Australia 1953-57 3/6d - 3½d Carmine-Red QEI Booklet (12 x 3½d), wax interleaving, not stapled with part Pink stitching, (not listed by ACSC), Blue line on cover, 1st pane misperforated to the right, Pfeffer #B58T Cat $150+. MUH. Price: $220


DB48) Australia 1954 3½d Red Cross, postally used, with clear double print of the cross. Possibly unique. Unlisted in ACSC. Supplied with normal for comparison. Price $1950


APD8952) Australia 1959-66 QEII 3d dull blue green & 8d Tiger Cat both Helecon paper tied to complete parcel label by ‘TANUNDA/5 P10AU65/SOUTH-AUST’ cds cancels & scarce thus, 8d Cat $30 on multi franking cover (3d is $25), Price $69


APD8736) Australia 1961-66 1/- Colombo Plan Helecon paper BW 383, horizontal pair with ordinary paper 8d Tiger Cat tied to complete parcel label by ‘ADELAIDE’ cds cancels & scarce thus, Cat $40 for 1/- on multi franking cover, Price $69

APD8547) Australia 1963-63 Pre-Decimal Navigators fresh mint unhinged nicely centred set of 6 with full perfs. Cat. $225, price $195


APD8749) Australia 1963 -66 Navigator set of 6, the 10/- & £1 being cream paper BW 404-06, 407A, 408A & 409, the £2 with margin at right MUH, Cat $223, Price $189


AB14) Australia 1964-65 5/- - 5d Green QEII Booklet (12 x 5d), non helecon, Pink stitching, CTO '25OC65', (adverts 20,18a,44,58,59,6,19a,52,16c), Edition G1, ACSC #B67Bd, Pfeffer #B67Bd Cat $125. Price: $105


AB15) Australia 1964-65 5/- - 5d Green QEII Booklet (12 x 5d), non helecon, Pink stitching, '25OC65', (adverts 20,18a,44,53,60,6,19a,52,16c), Edition N2, Pfeffer #B67Ce Cat $125, Green line on cover, with some stains. Price: $105


AB19) Australia 1964-65 5/- - 5d Green QEII Booklet (12 x 5d), non helecon, wax interleaves, Pink stitching, (adverts 68,18a,66,64,65,6,19a,52b,16d), Edition G6, Pfeffer #B67PdT Cat $285, gum stain from storage rubber band affecting entire booklet, MUH. Price: $90


AB22) Australia 1964-65 5/- - 5d Green QEII Booklet (12 x 5d), non helecon, Pink Stitching, (adverts 18a,52a,19a), CTO '13DE65', Edition S1, Peeve #B68Ad Cat $160, MUH, surface rub on back cover. Price: $90


AB24) Australia 1964-65 5/- - 5d Green QEII Booklet (12 x 5d) CTO, non helecon, tropical wax interleaves, Pink stitching, (adverts 20b,18a,44,58,59,6c,19a,52b,16c), Edn G1, Pfeffer #B67BdT Cat $125, aged cover. Price: $90


Australia Decimals


AD138) Australia 1966 60c Booklet - QEII (4c) Red Bklt Pane - Helecon Paper. Fresh MUH Sydney Retail $35 Price $26


AB20) Australia 1966-67 60c - 4c Red QEII Booklet (15 x 4c Send money), helecon in ink, White stitching, (adverts 68,18b,66,64,65,6,19c,52,16e), CTO '22JE66', Edition DG9, Pfeffer #B73Fe Cat $160. Price: $150


AB01) Australia 1966-67 $0.60 4c Red QEII Booklets (15 x 4c Registered Post), helecon in ink, Pink stitching, (adverts 68,18b,66,6,20,63,19c,52a,16e), Cto '31MR66', Edition DV9, (not listed by ACSC, possibly as 19b is incorrect), Pfeffer #B71Ed, Cat $150. Price: $110


AB02) Australia 1966-67 $0.60 4c Red QEII Booklets (15 x 4c Send money), helecon in ink, White stitching, (advert 68,18b,66,64,65,6,19c,52,16e), Cto '22JE66', Edition DG9, (not listed by ACSC, possibly 'e' as 19b may be incorrect), Pfeffer #B73Fe, Cat $160. Price: $110


AB03) Australia 1966-67 $0.60 4c Red QEII Booklets (15 x 4c Post Your Parcels), helecon in ink, Pink stitching, (adverts 68,18b,66,63,20,55,19c,52,16e), Cto '22JE66', Edition DV8, (not listed by ACSC , possibly 'e' as 19b may be incorrect), Pfeffer #B72Ad Cat $160, small Red mark on front cover. Price: $110


AB04) Australia 1966-67 $0.60 4c Red QEII Booklets (15 x 4c Use Postal Orders), helecon in ink, Pink stitching, (adverts 68d,18d,66a,64e,65a,6d,19c,52a,16e), Cto '31MR66', Edition DV8, (not listed by ACSC, possibly 'e' as 19b may be incorrect), Pfeffer #B75Ae, Cat $150. Price: $110


AB05) Australia 1966-67 $0.60 4c Red QEII Booklets (15 x 4c 9x4 in etc), helecon in ink, Pink stitching, (adverts 68d,18d,66a,64e,65a,6d,19c,52a,16e). Cto '29AP66', Edition DV8, (not listed by ACSC, possibly 'e' as 19b may be incorrect), Pfeffer #B76Ae Cat $150. Price: $110


AB06) Australia 1966-67 60c - 4c Red QEII Booklets (15 x 4c 9x4 in etc), helecon in ink, Pink stitching, (adverts 68,18b,66,64,65,6,19c,52,16e), CTO '29AP66', Edition DV8, Pfeffer #B76Ae Cat $150. Price: $150


AB07) Australia 1966-67 60c - 4c Red QEII Booklets (15 x 4c Use Postal Orders), helecon in ink, Pink stitching, (adverts 68,18b,66,64,65,6,19c,52,16e) CTO '31MR66', Edition DV8, Pfeffer #B75Ae Cat $150. Price: $150


AB26) Australia 1967 $0.50 5c on 4c Red QEII Booklets (10 x 5c "Send Money" etc), helecon in ink, White stitching, (various advertisements) Edition V67/2 Cto; Pfeffer #B104Ad, f, Cat $70 (2). Price: $70


AB27) Australia 1967 $0.50 5c on 4c Red QEII Booklets (10 x 5c "Use Postal Orders" etc), helecon in ink, White stitching, (various advertisements) Edition V67/2 MUH; Pfeffer #B105Ad, e, Cat $70 (2). Price: $70


AB30) Australia 1967 $0.50 5c on 4c Red QEII Booklets (10 x 5c "Post your Parcels" etc), helecon in ink, White stitching, (various advertisements) Edition V67/2 Cto; Pfeffer #B104Ad, f, Cat $70 (2). Price: $70

AD846) Australia 1970 definitives pack unopened as issued. Contains Birds, Fish, QEII Heads, coils & Navigators to $4. Rarest decimal pack other than the Japanese edition for Expo ’70. Some stamps have fallen out of place as is usual with these. Sydney retail $650, first we have had in 35 years! price $487.50


AD844) Australia 1970 Captain James Cook minisheet , with forged ANPEX overprint No. 1502. Fresh mint unhinged. Priced in ACSC at $80. Price $59 (6 avaliable)


AD845) Australia 1970 Captain James Cook minisheet , with forged ANPEX overprint No. 29682. Fresh mint unhinged. Priced in ACSC at $80. Price $59 (9 avaliable)


AD108) Australia 1970 Cook minisheet, overprinted for Anpex, fresh mint unhinged. Retail $25, price $19


AD108b) Australia 1970 Cook minisheet, overprinted for Tullamarine Airport opening in DARK BLUE, fresh cds used at Russell St. Philatelic counter for opening day 1 July 1970, with unhinged gum. Retail $25, price $19

MAD1312) Australia 2008 AFI Favourite Film P&S Minisheet MUH. Price $25


MAD1310) Australia 2008 WYD SYD08 Sheetlet MUH Price $48.75


MAD327) Australia 2014 Concession Stamp Minisheet MUH. Price $25.50


AD151) Australia 2016 Centenary of WWI 1914 - 1918 Cancelled 24th October 2019 Minisheet, MUH. 6 Available. Price: $7.50 each


Australian Postage Dues


PDA118) Australia Postage Dues 1902 Blank at base 6d Emerald CTO with 4 ring cancel BW D9w, full hinged gum, Cat $100, Price $79


PDA124) Australia Postage Dues 1902-04 Design completed watermark Crown over NSW perf 11½-12 x 11 2d Emerald BW D21, fresh MUH, Cat $50, Price $39


PDA115) Australia Postage Dues 1902-04 Design completed watermark Crown over NSW perf 11½-12 5d Emerald BW D29, lightly hinged fresh Mint, Cat $150, Price $119


APD468) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW perf 11.5-12 5d, 10d, 1/- & 2/- ACSC D29, D35, D37 & D40, the 2/- with nibbled corner perf, Mint, all with clean white gum and unusually fresh for these, Cat $750, Price $499


APD474) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW (inverted) ½d Emerald perf 11.5-12 ACSC D13, Fine used block of 4 with gutter margin at left, some faint toning on reverse, Cat $60 (as singles) Price $49


APD467) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW (inverted) 3d Emerald perf 11.5-12 ACSC D23, small stain & toned perf, both only visible on reverse, Fine used, Cat $175, Price $129


APD470) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW 4d Emerald perf 11.5-12 x 11, ACSC D26, a Fine used block of 4, attractive multiple, Price $89


PDA101) Australia Postage Dues 1902-04 Design complete at base watermark Crown over NSW 5d Emerald perf 11 BW D31, Fine used, Cat $75, Price $65


PDA42) Australia 1909 Crown over double lined A thick paper £1 Rose-red & green ACSC D92, some ‘fluffy’ perfs and very faint soiling on front of perfs at top and right, Mint, Cat $850, Price $749


APD448) Australia 1913-21 Crown over double lined A thin paper ½d Carmine & deep yellow-green, perf 14, one line Harrison imprint block of 8 (thus showing the full imprint) ACSC D95Bzb, right hand vertical pair & margin re-enforced, a scarce imprint block, fresh Mint, Cat $750 (for block of 4), Price $599


APD449) Australia 1913-21 Crown over double lined A thin paper ½d Carmine & deep yellow-green, perf 14, a similar Harrison one line imprint block to the one above, but with just a small amount of central re-enforcing, Price $599


PDA103) Australia Postage Dues 1921 watermark Crown over double lined A, thin paper 4d Carmine & yellow-green BW D101A, light centrally struck cds cancel, Fine used, Cat $60, Price $59


PDA104) Australia Postage Dues 1921 watermark Crown over double lined A, thin paper 4d Carmine & pale green, a marginal horizontal pair from the left of the sheet, variety ‘Watermark sideways’ BW D101Ba, the left hand unit and margin are MUH, the right hand unit is lightly hinged, BW states this variety is ‘very scarce’ and ‘the only mint blocks recorded are two blocks of 4’, a rare, fresh multiple, BW Cat $1500 each for hinged, no price for unhinged is listed, Price $3999


PDA132) Australia Postage Dues 1922-30 Third watermark 1d Carmine & yellow-green BW 106, upper left corner block of 4, marginal perf separation, MUH, Cat $80, Price $69

APD452) 1922-30 Third wmk 1½d Carmine & yellow-green Ash imprint block of 4 ACSC D107Czb, fresh lightly hinged Mint, Cat $275, Price $229


PDA135) Australia Postage Dues 1922-30 Third watermark 2d Carmine & yellow-green BW 108E, part Ash imprint block of 4, some faint toning mainly affecting the margins, also resulting in a few very faintly toned perfs on the upper units MUH, Cat $49



APD454) 1922-30 Third wmk 3d Carmine & yellow-green Ash N over N imprint block of 4 with variety ‘Broken frame & shading right of stop’ ACSC D109Ezba fresh lightly hinged Mint, Cat $275, Price $229


PDA49) 1922-30 Third wmk 6d Carmine & yellow green Ash imprint block of 4 ACSC D112Dzb, very light gun bend through left hand vertical pair, lightly hinged on upper units only, Cat $350, Price $299


PDA46) 1922-30 Third wmk 6d Carmine & yellow green ACSC D112D top marginal block of 4, fresh MUH, Cat $300, Price $279


APD457) 1922-30 Third wmk 4d Carmine & yellow-green perf 11 Ash N over N imprint block of 4 ACSC D111z, fresh MUH and scarce thus, Cat for hinged imprint block $200, Price $299


PDA105) Australia Postage Dues 1930 third watermark perf 11 4d Carmine & yellow-green Ash imprint block of 8 BW D111z, lightly hinged on upper units & margin, lower units MUH, fresh, Cat $350, Price $279


PDA136) Australia Postage Dues 1931-37 C of A watermark perf 14 1d Carmine & yellow-green BW D114, block of 4 MUH, Cat $100, Price $79


PDA137) Australia Postage Dues 1931-37 C of A watermark perf 14 2d Carmine & yellow-green BW D116, block of 4, lower units hinged, upper units MUH, Cat $86, Price $69


PDA138) Australia Postage Dues 1931-37 C of A watermark perf 11 3d Carmine & yellow-green BW D118, centred to upper left, fresh MUH & scarce thus, Cat $325, Price $279


PDA51) 1931-37 C of A wmk perf 14 1d Carmine & yellow green Ash imprint block of 4 ACSC D114Bz showing varieties ‘Left frame of value tablet broken at base’ & ‘Left frame of value tablet buckled in centre etc’ fresh lightly hinged Mint, Cat $225, Price $199


PDA52) 1931-37 C of A wmk perf 14 2d Carmine & yellow green Ash imprint block of 4 ACSC D116Bz, fresh lightly hinged Mint, Cat $200, Price $179

PDA114) Australia Postage Dues 1938 C of A watermark New plates 1/- Carmine & yellow-green BW D127, fresh, well centred MUH, Cat $200, Price $179


PDA143) Australia Postage Dues 1938-63 Re-drawn frame plates 2d Carmine & yellow-green BW D124, block of 4, centred to upper left fresh MUH, Cat $120, Price $79


PDA144) Australia Postage Dues 1938-63 Re-drawn frame plates 3d Carmine & yellow-green BW D125, gutter margin corner block of 4, one lower unit very lightly hinged, others MUH, Cat $280, Price $249


PDA141) Australia Postage Dues 1938-63 Re-drawn frame plates 3d, 4d, 6d & 1/- BW D125-128, 3d & 6d a little off centre, others well centred, fresh MUH, Cat $470, Price $429

PDA147) Australia Postage Dues 1946-56 Re-drawn value plates 1d Bright carmine & deep yellow-green Ash imprint block of 4 with dot BW D130zb, hinged on upper units Mint, Cat $60, Price $49


PDA150) Australia Postage Dues 1946-56 Re-drawn value plates 8d Red & deep green BW D137, left marginal block of 4 centred to upper left, fresh MUH, Cat $120, Price $79


APD461) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 8d red & deep green Authority imprint block of 4 ACSC D137Az, Hinged in lower margin only, Mint, Cat $250, Price $199

PDA152) Australia Postage Dues 1953-59 new designs 1/-Carmine &yellow-green block of 4 BW D139A, centred to lower left MUH, Cat $80, Price $59

PDA158) Australia Postage Dues 1958 No watermark 5d Bright brownish red & deep green Die II BW D151 MUH, Cat $100, Price $79


PDA90) Australia Postage Dues 1958 no watermark 8d Red & deep green Die I BW D153, part sheet of 60 from base of the sheet consisting of six horizontal strips of 6 with selvedge both sides BW D153c & block of 24, hinged on selvedge, stamps MUH, a large & scarce multiple, Cat $1800+, Price $1499

PDA162) Australia Postage Dues 1958-63 No watermark 1/- Red & deep green Die I BW D156 block of 4 centred a little high, MUH, Cat $100, Price $79


PDA163) Australia Postage Dues 1958-63 No watermark 1/- Red & deep green Die I BW D156 block of 4 centred a little high, upper units with barest hinge touch, lower MUH, Cat $100 as MUH, Price $59


PDA165) Australia Postage Dues 1958-63 No watermark 1/- Bright brownish red & deep green Die II BW D157 left marginal block of 4, faint gum bend on one lower unit MUH, Cat $100, Price $69


PDA87) Australia Postage Dues 1959 no watermark 5d Bright brownish-red & deep green Die II horizontal strip of 5 with selvedge both sides BW D151c, MUH, scarce, Cat $600, Price $499


PDA91) Australia Postage Dues 1959 no watermark 8d Red & deep green Die II BW D154, full strip of 20 from base of the sheet consisting of horizontal strips of 5 with selvedge both sides & central gutter BW D154c, upper units hinged on selvedge, one with some tone spots, lower units MUH, Cat $375+ (toned not included), Price $299

PDA93) Australia Postage Dues 1959 no watermark 10d Red & deep green BW D155, full strip of 20 consisting of horizontal strips of 5 with selvedge both sides & central gutter BW D155c, upper units & one lower unit hinged, others MUH, Cat $325, Price $279


PDA94) Australia Postage Dues 1959 no watermark 10d Red & deep green BW D155, marginal block of 15 with multiple strikes of ‘FORBES’ cds, Cat $120 as singles, Price $99


PDA98) Australia Postage Dues 1959 no watermark 1/- Bright brownish-red & deep green Die II BW D157, full strip of 20 consisting of horizontal strips of 5 with selvedge both sides & central gutter BW D157c, upper units hinged, others MUH, Cat $425, Price $379


PDA82) Australia Postage Dues 1960 no watermark 3d Bright brownish-red & deep green BW D147 part pane of 35 from the base of the sheet including variety ‘Colour joining second dot in right side of D to frame’, consisting of seven horizontal strips of 6 with selvedge both sides BW D147c x 7, multiple strikes of ‘DUBBO’ cds, Cat $140 for MUH (+ variety), unpriced used in BW, scarce & attractive large positional multiple, Price $129


PDA89) Australia Postage Dues 1960 no watermark 6d Bright brownish-red & deep green BW D152, part sheet of 60 from top of sheet consisting of two part panes with gutter, includes the two ‘C’ position varieties ‘Thin right frame of octagon’ & ‘White flaw in base of 6’, and six horizontal strips of 5 with selvedge both sides BW D152c, multiple strikes of ‘CREMORNE’ cds, strips cat $60 each MUH, unpriced used in BW, scarce & attractive large positional multiple, Price $399


PDA100) Australia Postage Dues 1960 no watermark 2/- Bright brownish-red & deep green BW D158, pair & block of 9 (one short corner perf), latter with multiple ‘FORBES’ cds, Nice-FU, Cat as singles $200, Price $159


Australian Postcards


APC2313) PC RP Australia Wollongong South Coast NSW, set of 2, Lighthouse, The Rose Series P5800, 5785, unused. Price $58.00


APC2310) PC RP Australia Narooma NSW, set of 2, Coronation Hotel, Crossing the Bar, unused. Price $58.00


APC2307) PC RP Australia Yarra Doon Bridge Yarra Junction VIC, embossed border, corners chipped, used. Price $27.00


APC2305) PC RP Australia The Devils Elbow, Black Spur Road VIC, The Rose Series P2236, used. Price $30.00


APC2304) PC RP Australia The Devils Elbow, Black Spur Road VIC, The Rose Series P2236, unused. Price $30.00


APC2302) PC RP Australia Nathania Springs VIC, set of 3, Tree Ferns, The Rose Series P1595, 1589, 1806, unused. Price $70.00


APC2301) PC RP Australia Marysville VIC, set of 3, Cora Lynn Falls, Talbot Drive, Steavenson Falls, The Rose Series 2327, 2312, 2303, unused. Price $70.00

Maximum Cards


MXC651) Maximum card Ciskei 1983, Military Uniforms set of 5, 6th Foot 1st Warwickshire Regiment 1821-1827 unused. Price $25


MXC896) Maximum card Spain 1960, set of 3, The Bull Rushes Out, a Pass with the Cloak, Eluding the Bull, unused. Price $30


Australia First Day Covers


AFD909) Australia 1946 Peace set on registered Kugel or Smyth FDC, some toning around adhesives and reg. label, a scarce cachet, Price $24


AFD6531) Australia 1952 Pan Pacific Jubilee 2½d on official neat typed address FDC with special Greystanes Hexagonal Cancel. $29 (9 available)  


AFD5273) Australia FDC Polar Flight 1955, Hermes, Post Office Communications blue & red cachet, violet cachet First Regular airmail June 1955 via Polar Route, addressed. Price $25


APD908) Australia 1957 QE II 10d definitive on Arnold Wheeler & Co generic FDC, Price $39


AFD5552) Australia 1964 Royal FDC with 10/- Flinders & £1 Bass, GPO Adelaide cds, Price $29


MAFD392) Australia 2014 Remember Me - Large Prestige Cover FDC. Price $31.50


MAFD384) Australia 2014 Wilderness FDC. Price $33.00


Australia Postal History


RVC52) New South Wales Postal stationery 1892 usage of 4d Rose on buff flap at right Registered envelope, text in uniformly large block characters to Hungary uprated with QV ½d Grey & 2d Emu, various back stamps, Price $39


APS31) Australia 1915 1d KGV. ACSC LC25 (M8A) Officers and Crew with King George V on board HMAS Australia. Used by cds of Leichhardt NSW to Five Dock NSW. 18.NOV.15 Scarce and attractive, selvedge removed, correspondence inside. Cat. $120, price $95

APH1150) Kangaroos - 2nd Wmk: Jan.1916 usage of 2½d Bluish Indigo 2nd. Wmk Kangaroo on censored cover from Sydney to Basel, Switzerland, re-addressed to Aarau, via America per "S.S.Sonoma" with purple censorship resealing label and backstamps. Reverse bears very clear San Francisco May 8 1916 Panama California Int. Exposition San Diego 1916 Slogan. Also Aarau arrival cds of 29.V.16. Scarcer shad of the Kangaroo, cat. $250 on cover. Highly attractive piece. Price $179

APS194) Australia 1916-18 KGV 1d ‘Star’ Die 2? Envelope BW EP8, used in 1917 to Sweden and uprated with KGV Single wmk ½d Green & 1d Red, partial straight line ‘PASSED’ censor mark in violet, attractive, envelope Cat $35, Price $59


APH5873) Australia 1917 ‘Valentine & Sons’ ‘Coloured Souvenir of The Blue Mountains’ illustrated folder to the UK with KGV Single wmk 1d Red tied by ‘BRIGHTON/6-P26NO17’/VIC’ cds, containing eight fold out full colour photos/images of the Blue Mountains, some edge wear at top, but in far superior condition to most of these types of folder souvenirs, quite stunning, Price $99


APH577) Australia 1917 KGV 1d Red Embossed Octagonal Stationery Envelope Die 5 to UK cancelled by Queanbeyan NSW cds (date illegible) with boxed “MORE TO PAY” 2d Black Postage affixed and cancelled by London cds of 10 SP 17. Roughly opened at top and stained. Scarce Due Cover, price $159


RWC4) Australia 1919 ‘GWEN FOSTER Postage Stamp Dealer’ registered cover to WA with KGV single wmk 4d Orange & LM wmk ½d Green tied by ‘REGISTERED/9OC1931/SYDNEY N.S.W.’ cds, red Sydney reg label, various backstamps, flap damage due to careless opening, interesting & attractive early Stamp dealer ‘survivor’ 4d Cat $100 on multi franking cover, Price $109


APH8945) Australia 1921 OHMS ‘Report of Death from Contagious or Infectious Disease’ pre-printed long form with KGV single wmk 1½d Red-brown tied by ‘MELBOURNE/?? 2MR21/VICTORIA’ cds, filing punches at right not affecting the adhesive, most attractive, Cat $40 on cover, Price $49


APH5842) Australia 1923 The Australian Bank of Commerce Ltd cover to the USA with KGV Single wmk 1d Violet & 1½d Chocolate pair BW 76 & BW 85C, tied by Melbourne machine cancel, attractive & unusual franking, both stamps Cat $50 on mixed franking cover, Price $49


APH5395) Australia 1925 cover to Switzerland with KGV single wmk 3d Blue die I tied by Sydney machine cancel, cover slightly aged, Cat $60 on cover, Price $49


APH608) Australia 1927 Commonwealth Bank advertising cover, registered Collins St.  – Town Clerk Richmond Vic. Bears 4½d Pale Violet smw Perf. 14 ACSC 119A.  Cancelled by Collins St.  cds of 5DE27 plus reverse cds’s of Melbourne Registered No. 5 and Richmond of the same date. Also Red Reg’d Label, Collins St. No. 5139 and CBA Unbroken wax seal on reverse. Scarce survivor price $179


APH607) Australia 1928 Commonwealth Bank advertising cover, registered Collins St. – Town Clerk Richmond Vic. Bears 4½d Pale Violet smw Perf. 14 ACSC 119A. Cancelled by Collins St.  cds of 20DE28 plus reverse cds’s of Melbourne Registered No. 6 and Richmond of the same date. Also Red Reg’d Label, Collins St. No. 490 and CBA Unbroken wax seal on reverse. Scarce survivor price $179


TS215) Australia 1928 OHMS Registered Cover from “Office of Registrar of Joint Stock Companies” to “The Commonwealth Trust Corporation” Bears solo use 1927 KGV Head SM Wmk Perf 14, 4½d Violet Solo Use. Stamp damaged at lower right corner. Also bears Brisbane Red Reg’n. Label No. 3741 and with Brisbane registered cds of 27NO28 both front and reverse. Cat. $100 minimum as solo use on cover. Price $49


APH4047) Australia 1929 ’T. Binning & Sons’ Airmail cover to Perth with 1929 3d Airmail Type B BW 135 & KGV 1½d Scarlet tied by indistinct ‘CARNARVON/29JUL29’ cds, 3d Type B Cat $75 on mixed franking cover, Price $59


APH2000) Australia 1929? ‘ENGLISH, SCOTTISH & AUSTRALIAN’ pre printed cover to ‘The Manager, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE’ Vancouver with KFV 1½d Scarlet (damaged) & 1d Green paying the Late Fee, both tied by ‘LATE FEE/445P11DE29/SPENCER St VIC’ cds, attractive cover, Price $39


APH5374) Australia c1930 cover to Switzerland with KGV 3d Blue Die II (appears to be SM wmk), tied by indistinct cds. Cat $30 (SM or C of A wmk) on solo franking cover, Price $24.99


APH2063) Australia 1930 small registered cover to Germany. Sent Blanchetown SA to Hanover via Adelaide, Perth, Karachi & London. Bears vertical strip of 3 x 3d Green Airmail type A, plus horiz. Pair of 1½d Sturt and 3d Sturt, 1/3d all up. Cancelled by Blanche Town cds’s of 2DE30 and with Blanchetown (1 word) R6 red reg’n. label No. 172. Reverse bears Blanche Town cds of 1DE30, Registered Aedlaid cds of the following day, Perth registered cds of 8DEC.30 and Hannover arrival; cds of 2.1.31 Attractive cover, price $165


APH651) Australia 1930 long cover sent surface mail to USA. Bears 3d Blue sml. multi. wmk. Perf. 13½ x 12½ Die 1a, perforated OS. Cancelled by Sydney Pictorial Slogan of 31 JAN 1930 “AIR MAIL/SAVES TIME” Neat typewritten cover, price $110


APH1129) Australia 1930 cover to Melbourne with 1930 1½d Sturt & KGV SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ ½d Orange tied by Melbourne machine cancel, ½d Orange Cat $35 on multi franking cover (1½d Sturt is $30), Price $34.99






APH4023) Australia 1931 ‘GEMMELL POWER FARMING’ advertising cover to Perth with 1929 3d Airmail type A & KGV SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ 2d Golden scarlet die III tied by ‘1-AIR MAIL-1/?? 11MY31/SYDNEY N.S.W.’ cds, tape flap repair on reverse, attractive cover, 3d Air Cat $30 on multi franking cover, Price $29

APH733) Australia 1931 small advertising cover for W. J. Moylan, Indent Agent & Broker, Sydney. Sent surface mail to Milan, Italy. Bears solo use 3d Blue KGV sml. multi. wmk. Perf. 13½ x 12½ cancelled by machine cancel of Sydney 16 SEP 1931. Reverse bears arrival cds of Milan, 23 X 31 Neat typewritten cover. Price $75


APH10011) Australia 1931 ‘Avis De Reception’ card with SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ KGV 1½d Scarlet vertical pair punctured ‘OS’, tied by Geraldton WA cds cancels, backstamped ‘BINNU/13JAN31/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’, bend at base, attractive, Price $79


APH606) Australia 1932 Advertising Newspaper Wrapper for NSW Bookstall Co. Ltd. To Scotland. Bears 2d & 3d Recess Printed Sydney Harbour Bridge and cancelled by Sydney Harbour Bridge cds of 21MR32. One week after the issue of the stamps and 2 days after the opening of the bridge. Correct printed matter rate of 5d. This is a rare survivor. Price $225


APH3042) Australia 1934 opened out cover to the USA with KGV C of A 1d Green tied by ‘PYRMONT/14NO34/N.S.W.’ (paying only the newspaper rate to foreign countries) wint a two page printed ‘World Letters Incorporated’ illustrated letter with details of the writers visit to New Caledonia, fascinating item, Price $29


AFC381) Australia 1934 ‘GOVERNMENT HOUSE/SYDNEY’ Airmail cover to the UK with 1934 No wmk 1/6d Hermes & KGV C of A wmk 1d Green, both tied by ‘2-AIR MAIL-2/P 9DE34/SYDNEY N.S.W.’ cds, 1/6d Cat $40 on multi franking cover, Price $35


RVC310) Australia 1934 registered ‘ORLO-SMITH & Co’ cover to Chelsea Vic with KGV C of A wmk 5d Orange-brown tied by indistinct Melbourne cds, ‘Elizabeth St Melbourne’ reg lagel, various backstamps, Cat $30 on cover, Price $24.99


APH8429) Australia 1935 cover to Switzerland with 1935 2d ANZAC & KGV 1d Green tied by Sydney machine cancel, 2d ANZAC Cat $30 on mixed franking cover, Price $24.99


RVC358) Australia 1936 illustrated Queensland Philatelic Society ‘First Exhibition’ souvenir cover with KGV C of A wmk ½d Orange pair tied by ‘Q’LAND PHIL SOC’S EXHBN/6-P24SE36/BRISBANE’ commemorative postmark APM 350/1, Cat $75, Price $49


APH5343) Australia 1936 illustrated Queensland Philatelic Society ‘First Exhibition’ souvenir cover with 1936 2d SA Centy tied by ‘Q’LAND PHIL SOC’S EXHBN/8.45-P24SE36/BRISBANE’ commemorative postmark APM 350/1, Cat $75, Price $49

APH5342) Australia 1936 illustrated Queensland Philatelic Society ‘First Exhibition’ souvenir cover with 1936 2d SA Centy tied by ‘Q’LAND PHIL SOC’S EXHBN/6-P26SE36/BRISBANE’ commemorative postmark APM 350/1, Cat $75, Price $49

APH1221) Australia 1936 small airmail cover to Java. Bears 9d Violet C of A cancelled by cds of Lane Cove NSW 28JY36. Opened a little roughly and minor aging, still scarce. Price $59


APH1304) Australia 1936 cover to the USA with 1936 3d SA Centenary tied by Hobart machine cancel, Cat $40 on cover, Price $29


APH1832) Australia 1936 registered cover to Germany with 1936 SA Centenary 3d Blue BW 172 x 2 tied by indistinct Butine SA cds cancels, with various backstamps and three German ‘Customs Supervision’ labels on reverse, attractive & unusual, Cat $50 on multiple franking cover, Price $39


APH1136) Australia 1936 ‘Robert Bryce & Co Pty Ltd’ cover to Java with 1936 3d Cable tied by Melbourne machine cancel, with typed ‘Pet KEEPONG’, various backstamps, Cat $40 on cover, Price $35


APH1592) Australia 1936 ‘CONCRETE CONSTRUCTIONS (TASMANIA)’ Airmail cover Tas to Sydney with SA Centenary 2d & 3d tied by faint ‘AIR MAIL HOBART/6SE36/TAS’ cds, cover has fault at lower right, 3d Cat $50 on multi franking cover, Price $39


APH1194) Australia 1936 Airmail cover to Java with 1932 6d Kookaburra & 1936 3d Cable tied by Sydney machine cancel, small area of soiling at top of cover not affecting the adhesives, stamps are Cat $50 each on multi franking cover, Price $49

APH1103) Australia 1936 long Airmail cover to Java with 1932 6d Kookaburra & 1936 3d Cable tied by Sydney machine cancel, some corner wrinkling not affecting the adhesives, stamps are Cat $50 each on multi franking cover, Price $49


APH826) Australia 1936 ‘RADIOTRON’ cover to the USA with 1936 3d SA Centenary (fault at base) tied by Sydney machine cancel, Cat $40 on cover, Price $24.99


APH5002) Australia 1936 cover to the USA with 1936 Cable set tied by ‘SYDNEY/25JE36/22’ cds, cover has tear at left & some other edge faults, 3d Cat $50 on multi franking cover, Price $35


APJ1112) Australia 1937 Airmail cover to Java with 1932 6d Kookaburra & 1936 3d SA Centenary tied by ‘3-AIR MAIL-3/515P 26FE37/SYDNEY N.S.W.’ cds, flap torn, both stamps Cat $50 each on multi franking cover, Price $49

APH5426) Australia 1937 ‘Glen’s Pty Ltd’ Airmail cover to Germany with 1934 no wmk 1/6d Hermes & 1937 KGVI 3d Blue Die 1A BW 192, tied by Melbourne machine cancel, endorsed ‘Australia & Italy’, attractive & scarce cover, 3d Cat $50 on multi franking cover, Price $69


APH4103) Australia 1937 Registered cover to Grafton with KGV C of A wmk 4d Olive tied by ‘GUYRA/9AP37/N.S.W.’ cds, typed ‘Philatelic Specimen/Printed Matter only’, provisional registration label with ‘URALLA’ struck out and overprinted with ‘GURYA N.S.W.’ hand stamp in violet, unusual & interesting cover, Cat $50 on cover, Price $49


APH1540) Australia 1938 Sydney 1938 Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir Cover with Cachet in Red, to Egypt. Bears 3d NSW Sesqui. Cent. Cancelled by Hexagonal cancel of 4 AP 38. Reverse bears Exhibition Cinderella Label of HMS Sirius. Backstamped with Port Taufiq arrival cds of 1MA38 and Cook’s Post Office Cairo of the following day. Scarce destination, price $39


APH290) Australia 1938 KGVI P13½ X 14 3d Blue DIE II thick paper in combination with 2d Scarlet KGV on small airmail advertising cover for Hotel Fitzpatrick, Kuranda North Queensland to Rose Bay NSW. Cancelled by cds’s of Cairns, Qld. Of 6JE38 and with Brisbane 2 line slogan on reverse “AIR MAIL/SAVES TIME” of the following day. Nice dual reign cover. Price $42


APH5351) Australia 1939 cover to Switzerland with KGV SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ ½d Orange, 1930 1½d Sturt & 1938 1d Green die II Queen mother all tied by Melbourne machine cancel, attractive three colour franking, KGV ½d Cat $35 on multi franking cover (1½d Sturt is $30), Price $39


APH8123) Australia 1939 registered ‘Fashion Agencies’ Airmail cover to Switerland with KGVI perfv 13½ x 14 3d Blue Die II, 9d Platypus & 1/- Lyrebird all tied by ‘G.P.O. SYF+DNEY/RE/30OC39P/D/N.S.W.-AUST’ cds, Sydney D reg label, 9d Cat $30 on multi franking cover, Price $39


APH5021) Australia 1941 registered cover to the USA with 1940 AIF 1d Green & 6d Purple-brown & ½d Orange kangaroo pair tied by indistinct ‘REGISTERED BRISBANE’ cds cancels, with diamond ‘1/NOT/OPENED BY/CENSOR’ mark in violet & straight line ‘FREE OF DUTY/U.S. CUSTOMS/LOS ANGELES CAL’ handstamp in violet, faint central filing fold away from the sdhesives, attractive, 6d Cat $100 on multi franking cover, Price $79

APH1078) Australia Rare 1944 CINDERELLAS on Censored cover to the BPA ( British Philatelic Assoc.) Bears 3 x 1½d Green Queen Elizabeth (pair and single) cancelled x cds’s of Bowral NSW 21JA44. Carries oval Customs & Excise Handstamp in Black also violet diamond shape cachet “Passed/by/Censor/1366” and “OPENED BY CENSOR” red tape at left. Reverse bears the Lady Gowrie 1d Red Cross Appeal and Rouletted corner marginal “RED CROSS BABY COMPETITION” label. Rare survivor, a little fragile. Price $125 .


APS336) 1946 Food Labels 5/10d cut outs with full gum, pale shade, which appears to be from the scarcer Department of Agriculture label, and has a ‘Blue tear drop’ inking variety MUH & the deeper shade lightly hinged Mint, Price $99


APH8939) Australia 1948 Airmail ‘John Sands Pty Ltd’ cover to the UK with C of A wmk 1/6d Hermes BW 162, tied by Sydney machine cancel, with unusual Red & blue ‘Constellation’ style aircraft illustration Air Mail sticker, filing fold at right not affecting the adhesive, Cat $20 on cover, Price $24.99


APH8941) Australia 1953 Airmail cover to Germany with 1953 2/- QEII Coronation tied by Melbourne machine cancel, some wrinkling not affecting the adhesive, Cat $30 on cover, price $19.99


APH1495) Australia 1954 small airmail Dual Reign cover to Co-operative Insurance Co. Manchester UK. One for the rates collector this! Bears 3 x 3d Green QEII plus 6 x 2½d Brown KGVI sidefaces (block of 4 & a vert. pair) to make correct 2/- rate. The 3d’s cancelled by a double pass of Melbourne machine canceller, the KGVI cancelled by Air Mail Section Melbourne cds’s dated 1 MR 1954. A little aged, opened 3 sides. Price $29


APH1542) Australia 1954small surface mail cover to New York. Bears 1/0½d KGVI cancelled by Brisbane slogan of 6 JNE 1954 “AIR MAIL/SAVES TIME” The rate was 7½d at this time, so 5d overpaid. (The 1/0½d QEII was not issued until 1955, so this was a current stamp at the time of posting, the 1954 7½d Royal Visit was supposed to be the available stamp at the time, but was sold out by this time to collectors and souvenir hunters) Price $39


APH1180) Australia 1956 small airmail cover to Douglas Aircraft Company, USA. Bears solo use of 2/- Crocodile no wmk, cancelled by scarce Sydney Pictorial Slogan with Torch & Olympic Rings of 10 AUG 1956 “OLYMPIC GAMES 1956/22 NOVEMBER – 8 DECEMBER/MELBOURNE” Neat hand addressed cover. Price $39


APH1547) Australia 1956 2/- Melbourne Olympics Solo use on airmail cover from ELSTERNWICK 15 NOV 1956 to Lauterbad uber Rosenheim, Germany. The cover has been neatly opened at the top, the stamp is fine, cancelled by slogan "PLEASE POST EARLY | BEFORE LUNCH | OR BEFORE FOUR O'CLOCK". BW(ACSC) 335. Price: $29


APH8919) Australia 1957 Airmail cover to the UK with 1956 7½d Olympics pair & 1957 QEII 10d definitive, tied by ‘SHEPARTON/30JY57/VIC-AUST’ cds, 7½d Cat $25 on multi franking cover (10d is $20), Price $24.99


APH1182) Australia 1957 small typed address surface mail cover to Washington State Advertising Commission USA. Bears solo use of 7½d 1956 Olympics cancelled by Melbourne slogan 9 MAY 1957 “KEEP AUSTRALIA/CLEAN/PLANT QUARANTINE” Scarce solo usage, price $29


APH1001) Australia 1957 long Airmail reg’d Commercial cover to Anglo Egyptian Resettlement board. Bears 5/- Arms & 3d Green QEII cancelled by Elizabeth St. Melbourne Registered cds of 15NO57 and with oval Egyptian Resettlement Board receiving h/stamp in Purple of 19 NOV 1957. A little aged, but rare survivor. Price $37.50

APH659APH573) Australia 1969 5c Edgeworth David Booklet Pane on small Airmail Cover to Germany. Together with 5c Ports & Harbours to make 30c rate. Cancelled by Darwin cds’s of 4MAR69. Booklet panes on commercial cover are rare. Price $69


APH709) APH710) Australia 1971 A5 size OHMS Airmailed Military cover to Singapore. Bears 20c Australia Asia & 25c Cooktown Orchid, cancelled by Naval P.O. Balmoral NSW cds of 7AP71, and with Naval P.O. Balmoral Reg’n label. Reverse bears Singapore arrival cds of the following day. Addressed to” R.A.N. Communication Detachment, Royal Airforce , Seletar, Singapore 28. Scarce survivor! Price $95


APH1546) Australia 1973 35c National Development on a CSIRO, Int. Astronomic Union Advertising airmail cover from DARLINGTON 21 AU 1973 to Denmark. The envelope has been nearly opened at the top and has a small tear, the stamp is fine used. Cat $45 on cover in 2002. BW(ACSC) 634. Price: $42


APH1548) Australia 1973 30c Christmas Solo use on airmail cover from COLLAROY NSW 14 DEC 1973 to Denmark. The envelope has been neatly opened at the top, the stamp is fine. BW(ACSC) 652. Price: $29


APS33) Australia 1977 18c Red QEII Lettercard used 15MR77 to Hunters Hill NSW, with cds of Lord Howe Island. Scarce. Price $39


APH657) Australia 1988 37c Leadbeaters Possum PSE uprated for Priority Paid by 2c, 25c & $1 Living Together. Sent Bentleigh East to Melbourne SEC and cancelled by single cds of 25OC88. Correct rate of $1.64. Priority paid label to top left. Reverse has violet time date stamps. Rare combination of stamps. Small coffee? stain to front of envelope. Price $39


APH655) Australia 1989 Priority Paid cover Zillmere Qld to Diners Club Melbourne.  Bears $1, 39c & 25c Living together to make correct $1.64 rate. Cancelled by Zillmere cds of 3JAN89 and with Zillmere time/date stamp in black on front in black and received time/date stamps in violet on reverse of Brisbane 3/1 and Melbourne 4/1. Nice tri-value franking. Price $35


APH478) Australia 1989 Long airmail cover to Finland. Bears 32c Christmas and 90c Living Together. Cancelled by slogan of Fremantle WA 10 MAR 1989 "ADDRESS MAIL TO PRIVATE BOX NO. EXPEDITES DELIVERY". Price: $29


APH483) Australia 1989 Small airmail cover to Finland. Bears 35c Blue Tiger Butterfly X 2, 1c Living Together and 39c Merino. Cancelled by slogan of NSW 16 MAR 1989 "AUSTRALIA POST HAS THE SPEED YOU NEED". Price: $29


APH482) Australia 1989 Small airmail cover to Finland. Bears $1 Corriedale Sheep and 10c Living Together. Machine cancel of Footscray Mail Centre VIC 21 MAR 1989. Price: $29


APH476) Australia 1990 Large airmail cover to Finland. Bears 15c Living Together and $1 Fun Run. Cancelled by slogan of Perth WA 10 JUL 1990 "COLLECT AUSTRALIAN STAMPS". 5c overpaid. Price: $39


APH584) Australia 1991 Long Airmail Security Post cover to Auckland NZ. Bears $1 Sulphur Crested Cockatoo overpaying by 30c the airmail rate to NZ, & $10 gardens for Security Post Fee. Cancelled by counter h/stamp of Crows Nest NSW 12 SEP 1991. Rare! Price $79


APH470) Australia 1994 airmail cover to Denmark. Bears 60c Living Together and 65c Rock-Climbing. Cancelled by CDS of Glen Waverley VIC 4 MR 94. 5c underpaid. Price: $39


Australia First Flight Covers


AFC1432) Australia 1929 ‘A. TROUCHET’ Airmail cover to Perth with 3d Airmail Type ‘A’ & KGV 1½d Scarlet tied by indistinct ‘CARNARVON/2 JE 29/WESTn? AUSTRALIA’ cds, inscribed ‘Per Airways Ltd’, attractive cover, 3d Cat $30 n multi franking cover, Price $29

AFC141) Australia 1930 AN INWARDS ZEPPELIN-FLOWN COVER: 31 May 1930 (Sieger 64F) Pan-American Flight cover with 2 x 65c Zeppelins tied by PHILADELPHIA duplex dispatch datestamps; the cover with red and violet flight cachets, Friedrichshafen and CAULFIELD (arrival) backstamps. Unpriced in the Sieger catalogue. For comparison, 8th South American Flight covers to Australia (S.311) are valued at Eu.2000; 7th North American Flight covers to Australia (S.430) are valued at EU.9500. A 1936 Cover to Australia bearing lesser stamps sold at Phoenix Auctions lot. 945 in sale 21 of 7 June 2013 at $4600 plus the buyers’ premium = $5359. Price $5500


AFC30) Australia 1931 Purple H/Stamp cacheted airmail cover, Hobart TAS - Edinburgh Scotland. Bears 2d Red KGV and 3d Green Airmail Type A cancelled by CDS of Hobart 30APR1931 on face. Handwritten cover listed as AAMC 195. Price: $112.50


AFC320) Australia 1940 First flight by TEAL of regular airmail between Australia & New Zealand by flying boat AAMC 899. Price: $75


AFC333) Australia 1940, First Flight by Teal of regular airmail between Australia & New Zealand by flying boat Aotearoa ZK-AMA, AAMC 899, Price $75


AFC63) Australia 7 December 1951 Round Australia Flight from Canberra to Glandore, South Australia, with purple cachet, franked with 2/- Crocodile, backstamped at all eight stops. AAMC1286, roughly opened on two sides, price $25


AFC61) Australia 1 September 1952 First Direct Service from Australia to South Africa, boomerang cover from Mitcham, South Australia. Franked with a plethora of current definitives (11 in total). AAMC doesn’t provide a number for boomerang covers, price $35


AFC89) Australia 1934 Purple H/Stamp cacheted airmail cover, Australia - New Zealand. Bears 4d Olive KGV, 3d Green Airmail Type A BOOKLET STAMP cancelled by slogan "Airmail saves time" Sydney NSW 5AP34 and on face. With Auckland NZ 12AP34 on reverse. Hand addressed cover listed as AAMC 369. Somewhat aged. Price: $135

AFC120) Australia 2 May 1940 Opening of regular airmail service between Australia and New Zealand, registered cover from Sydney to Nelson, NZ. Franked with 6d Air Mail and 2d Red KGVI (Die II). AAMC900, price $75


AFC138) Australia 17 February 1934 First Official Mail New Zealand – Australia, boomerang cover from Christchurch, franked with 7d Orange Air Mail and a pair of 1d Green KGV heads for the return to NZ. AAMC doesn’t provide a number for boomerang cover, price $75


AFC311) Australia 1967 replica card 50th anniversary of the 1917 Mt Gambier-Melbourne air mail commemoration re enactment flight, signed by pilot and PR AAMC 1594. Price: $30


TS543) Great Britain 7 January 1932 “Christmas” Mail flight to Australia (delayed), cover from Kent to Burnie, franked with GB 1/- Bistre and 4d Grey-Green KGV’s. AAMC245, price $100


Australia inwards Mail


ROW234) Netherlands July 1921 Dordrecht to Brisbane registered cover (b/s) franked 5c Independence + 'Zestig Cent' surcharge on 30c maroon & mauve. Reverse bears Brisbane arrival cds of 28OC21, plus 5 x Red Wax Seals. Scarce survivor. Price $115


BC107) Straits Settlements 1935 small registered re-addressed Airmail cover to Melbourne. Bears 10c & 30c KGV Tablet types tied by cds of Penang 17 JA 1935, and with registration label for Mantin overprinted Penang No. 6. Addressed to Bendigo and re-addressed to Hawthorn. Reverse bears large Red & Black circular seal for “The Chartered Bank of India Australia and China” and with central PENANG” also has cds’s of Singapore 18 JA 1935, Darwin 23 JA 35, Bendigo 28 JA 35, Registered Melbourne 26 JA 35 and finally Hawthorn 30 JA 35. A much travelled cover! Neat and clean (and scarce!) Price $129



APH828-843) Australian Forces in the Middle East 1941-42. Scarce lot of 14 covers & 2 Air Mail Letter cards, 1 of these is a front only. Pmks. Inc. AIF Field PO’s, Div. HQ PO DM1, 3RD BDE HQ etc. With items emanating from Syria, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt. Most are franked 9d, either 9d Platypus or 3 x KGVI 3d Blue thin paper. The lettercards are franked 3d and there is one unstamped Green Active Service Envelope form A.F. W3078. A fine and rare group all to private addresses around Australia, some aging as is to be expected. Price $1195


Australian Commonwealth Postal Stationery


APS37) Australia Postal stationery 1913 1d red DRY INK WITH CERT. Kangaroo wrapper ACSC W2, cat $150, Drury certificate of 13/6/2019, 1st noted by him. Possibly unique survivor. Some folds and general ageing. Price $299


LM29) 1922 2d red.  Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards, grey stock inside & out, ASC #LC18, view 'PINEAPPLES QUEENSLAND' unused, fresh. Price $190


APS185) Australia 1928 1d green KGV pre-stamped postcard (die III) on off-white card, uprated with a ½d orange KGV, small multiple watermark, perf. 14¼ x 14. Used from Sydney 11 DE 1928 to Leeuwarden, Netherlands. The stamp and the card are fine. The ½d CAT $150 on cover. BW(ACSC) P64(2) + 67A. Price: $125

LM28) 1943 Lettercard KGVI. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 2.5d red, text on front T base 'DO NOT NEGLECT. . ...', ASC #L44, unused. Price $55


LM24) 1943 Lettercard KGVI. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 2.5d red, text on front at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT. . ...', ASC #L44, unused. Price $55


LM35) 1949 Lettercard KGVI. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 2.5d red, Arms at upper left, 134mm between vertical perforations, text on front in red panel at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT . . ...', ASC #L47a, uprated to 3.5d postage with 1d violet QEII (some toned perforations), unused. Price $50


LM34) 1949 Lettercard KGVI. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 2.5d red, Arms at upper left, 127mm between perforations, text on front in red panel at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT . . ...', ASC #47, unused. Price $40

LM44) 1953 (October) Lettercard QEII. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 3.5d red Die I (base of neck unshaded), Arms at upper left, text on front & back in red panel at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT . . ...', ASC #L51, unused. Price $55


LM42) 1953 (October) Lettercard QEII. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 3.5d red Die I (base of neck unshaded), Arms at upper left, text on front & back in red panel at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT . . ...', ASC #L51, unused. Price $55


LM37) 1954 (March) Lettercard QEII. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 3.5d red Die I (base of neck unshaded), Arms at upper left, text on front & back no longer in red panel at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT . . ...', ASC #L52, unused. Price $35


APH1042) Australia 1955 uprated 3½d red QEII Lettercard to New York. Bears ½d Orange Kangaroo no wmk. Coil pair plus 3dGreen QEII & 2d Green Queen Mother. All cancelled by Goulburn NSW cds’s of 5NO55 and with straight line “LATE FREE PAID” in magenta. Coils are scarce on cover, rare on stationery. Neat and clean handwritten item, un-opened. Nice dual reign item. Price $75


LM23) 1956 Lettercard QEII. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 3.5d red Die ll (base of neck solid colour), Arms at upper left, text on front & back no longer in red panel at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT . . ...', Sender's Address & three lines added to back, ASC #L54, unused. Price $70


LM38) 1956 Lettercard QEII. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 3.5 red Die II (base of neck solid colour), Arms at upper left, text on front & back no longer in red panel at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT . . ...', Sender's Address & three lines added to back, ASC #L54, unused, edge wear at top. Price $40


LM22) 1958 Lettercard QEII. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 4d red Die l (base of neck unshaded), Price removed, Arms at upper left, text on front & back no longer in red panel at base 'DO NOT NEGLECT . . ...', Sender's Address & and three lines on reverse, ASC #57, variety Misplaced perforations through admonition legend. Price $55

LM20) 1966 Lettercards QEII. Australia - Postal Stationery - Letter Cards. 4c red, pale yellow within & grey within, ASC #61,61a, unused. Price $70

Australian Territories

AAT/Nauru/NWPI/New Guinea/Papua/PNG/BCOF/Christmas Is./Norfolk Is./Cocos (Keeling) Is.

CIFD73) Christmas Island 2008 Year of the Rat FDC (4 covers). Price $25.50


CK22) Cocos Keeling Island 1963 Definitives MUH set of 6, price $41.25


MCK144) Cocos Keeling Island 1963 Definitives MUH. Price $51


MCK145) Cocos Keeling Island 1963 Definitives MUH. Price $39

LM68) Nauru 1923 2d orange Die II Central Ovpt. On KGV SG 5. Well centred vfu cds example with full perfs. Price $125


MNI100) Norfolk Island 1998 Stamp Sets MUH. Price $51.00


MNI102) Norfolk Island 1999 Stamp Set & Minisheets MUH. Price $25.00

MNI106) Norfolk Island 2001 Stamp Sets, Minisheets MUH. Price $43.85

MNI109) Norfolk Island 2002 Phillip Island Flowers - Part I & II MUH. Price $35.25


MNI117) Norfolk Island 2005 New Seabirds Part I + Minisheet MUH. Price $30.00


BC952) New Guinea 1914-15 GRI overprints on German New Guinea, 6mm spacing, 1d on 3pf Brown SG 1, small hinge thin, hinge remains Mint, a scarce stamp, Cat £750, Price $599


BC956) New Guinea 1914-15 GRI overprints on German New Guinea, 5mm spacing, 3d on 25pf Black & red/yellow SG 22, pin head size thin at upper left, slight corner bend, expertising mark on reverse, Mint, Cat £190, Price $169

PNG230) Papua 1907 Lakatoi Small ‘Papua’ overprint, wmk vertical thin paper (comb perf) 1/- Black & orange, SG 44b, tiny thin at top, Fine used, Price $39

PNG1807) Papua 1907-10 Lakatois Small Papua watermark sideways perf 11 1d Black & carmine with partial centrally struck ‘BONAGAI S.E.D.’ cds, scarce postmark, Price $69

PNG1812) Papua 1907-10 Lakatois Small Papua watermark sideways perf 11 ½d Black & yellow-green, 2½d Black & dull blue, 4d Black & epia & 6d Black & myrtle-green, SG 59, 62-64, Fine used, Cat £64, Price $89

PNG1859) Papua 1907-10 Lakatois small Papua watermark sideways perf 12½ ½d Black & yellow-green (2 shades) & 2d Black & purple SG 66 & 68, Fine used, Cat £24, Price $29


PNG3165) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk upright perf 11 set of 6 1d Black & rose to 1/- Black & orange ex 6d SGO4 – O7 & O9, Fine used, Cat £105, Price $149


PNG3166) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk upright perf 11 1/- Black & orange x two shades SG O9, both with central Port Moresby cds Fine used, Cat £48, Price $69

PNG3167) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk upright perf 11 1/- Black & orange SG O9, light central Port Moresby cds Fine used, Cat £24, Price $35


PNG3168) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk sideways perf 11 set of 7 ½d Black & yellow-green to 1/- Black & orange SG 14 – O20, Fine used, Cat £160+, Price $229


PNG3169) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk sideways perf 11 2d, 2½d, 4d & 6d SG O16 – O19, each value with wmk to left & to right, Fine used, Cat £58, Price $79


PNG3170) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk sideways perf 11 2d Black & purple SG O16, right marginal block of 4, few toned perfs and overall light gum tropicalisation, lower units MUH, Cat £180 as hinged singles, Price $199

PNG3172) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk sideways perf 12½ ½d Black & yellow-green SG O21 block of 4 with the “OS’ puncture having been applied almost diagonally, scarce & unusual, attractive & striking multiple, Price $199


PNG3205) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk sideways perf 12½ ½ to 2½d & 1/- SG O21-24 & O26, Fine used, Cat £88, Price $119


PNG3217) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk upright perf 11 2½d Black & pale ultramarine, 4d, 6d & 1/- SG O6a-O9, Fine used Cat £90, Price $129

PNG3218) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk upright perf 11 1/- Black & orange SG O9, Fine used Cat £24, Price $35


PNG3219) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk sideways perf 11 set of 7, ½d to 1/- SG O14-O20, Fine used Cat £150, Price $209


PNG3220) Papua 1908-10 Lakatois small Papua punctured ‘OS’ wmk sideways perf 12½ ½, 1d, 2d & 1/- SG O21-O23 & O26, Fine used Cat £66, Price $59

PNG1808) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois Large Papua watermark upright perf 12½ 6d Black & myrtle-green with crisp centrally struck ‘BONAGAI S.E.D.’ cds, scarce postmark, Price $79

PNG1810) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois Large Papua watermark upright perf 12½ 4d Black & sepia SG 79, block of 4 with centrally struck ‘PORT MORESBY’ cds, light horizontal bend affecting lower units, Fine used, Cat £56, Price $69

PNG1813) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois Large Papua watermark upright perf 12½ ½d Black & green, 1d Black & carmine, 2d Black & dull purple, 4d Black 7 sepia & 2/6d Black & brown type C, SG 75-77, 79 & 83, Fine used, Cat £130, Price $179


PNG3210) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois large Papua punctured ‘OS’ ½d, 2d, 4d, 6d, 1/- & 2/6d Type B SG O29, O31, O33-O36, Fine used, Cat £117, Price $159


PNG3211) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois large Papua punctured ‘OS’ ½d Black & green SG O29, Fine used, Cat £27, Price $39


PNG3212) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois large Papua punctured ‘OS’ 2d Black & dull purple SG O31, Fine used Cat £28, Price $39


PNG3214) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois large Papua punctured ‘OS’ 1/- Black & deep orange SG O35, two distinct shades Fine used, Cat £24, Price $35


PNG3215) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois large Papua punctured ‘OS’ 2/6d Black & brown Type B, unusually well centred Fine used, Cat £35, Price $49

PNG3174) Papua 1911-12 Lakatoi monocolours punctured ‘OS’ ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d & 6d SG O38-40, 42 & 43, Nice-fine used, Cat £57, Price $79


PNG3175) Papua 1911-12 Lakatoi monocolours punctured ‘OS’ 2½d Bright ultramarine SG O41, faint gum bend lightly hinged Mint, Cat £45, Price $49


PNG3176) Papua 1911-12 Lakatoi monocolours punctured ‘OS’ 2½d Bright ultramarine SG O41, light corner cds Fine used, Cat £35, Price $49

PNG3208) Papua 1911-12 Lakatoi monocolours punctured ‘OS’ ½d Yellow-green SG O38 block of ten being the two rows from the top of the sheet, Port Moresby CTO, most attractive multiple Cat £22.50 as used singles, Price $39

PNG1805) Papua 1911-15 Lakatois monocolours 1d Rose-pink with partial centrally struck ‘KANOSIA’ cds, scarce postmark, Price $49

PNG1818) Papua 1916-31 Lakatois bi-colours 2/6d Maroon & bright pink SG 103a, horizontal pair with central ‘SAMARAI’ cds, Fine used, a scarce multiple, Cat £90 as singles, Price $159

PNG1825) Papua 1917 Lakatois ‘ONE PENNY’ surcharges on 4d Olive-green, 6d Orange-brown & 2/6d Rose-carmine SG 109-11, all with light cds cancels Fine used, Cat £40, Price $59

PNG1961) New Guinea 1918 NWPI overprints KGV Surcharge ‘One Penny’ on 5d Brown SG 100, light central RABAUL cds Fine used, Cat £90, Price $139

PNG1960) New Guinea 1921-22 NWPI overprints KGV 4d Violet SG 123, light corner cds Fine used, Cat £40, Price $59

PNG1827) Papua 1929-30 Airmail overprint Ash printing 3d Black & blue-green SG 114, block of 4 with central ‘SAMARAI ED’ cds cancel, Fine used, Cat £58 as singles, Price $79


PNG1838) Papua 1929-30 Airmail overprint Harrison printing 3d Sepia-black & bright blue-green SG 113, MUH, Cat £50 as hinged, Price $89

PNG1841) Papua 1929-30 Airmail overprint Harrison printing 3d Sepia-black & bright blue-green SG 113, top right corner block of 6, hinged in margins only, attractive positional block, Cat £300 as hinged singles, Price $599

PNG1854) Papua 1929-30 Lakatois overprinted ‘AIRMAIL’ Cooke printing 3d Black & Bright blue-green SG 112, Fine used, Cat £26, Price $35

PNG1864) Papua 1929-30 Lakatois overprinted ‘AIRMAIL’ 3d Black & bright blue-green Cooke printing SG 112 (4) & 3d Black & blue-green Ash printing SG 114 (6, including a part Ash imprint pair), some shade variation Mint, Cat £42, Price $59


PNG3178) Papua 1930 Lakatoi bi-colours punctured ‘OS’ 1d Intense black & red & 2d Deep brown-purple & lake SG O47 & O49, Fine used, Cat £71, Price $99


PNG3179) Papua 1930 Lakatoi bi-colours punctured ‘OS’ 2d Deep brown-purple & lake SG O49, Fine used, Cat £55, Price $69


PNG3181) Papua 1930 Lakatoi bi-colours punctured ‘OS’ 6d Dull purple & pale purple SG O52, part Harrison imprint pair, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £84 as singles, Price $119

PNG1826) Papua 1930 Airmail overprints Ash printing 6d Dull purple & red-purple SG 119, vertical top margin pair with central ‘PORT MORESBY’ cds, Fine used, Cat £50, Price $69

PNG1828) Papua 1930 Airmail overprints Ash printing set 3d, 6d & 1/- SG 118-20, Fine used, Cat £42, Price $59

PNG1835) Papua 1930 Lakatois bi-colours ½d Myrtle & apple-green punctured ‘OS’ SG O46, Fine used, Cat £45, Price $69

PNG1840) Papua 1930 Airmail overprints Harrison printing 6d Dull & pale purple, left marginal block of 4, the lower right unit variety ‘POSTACE’ SG 116a, attractive positional block, MUH, Cat £92 as hinged, Price $169

PNG1855) Papua 1930 Lakatois Airmail overprints Ash printing 3d Black & blue-green & 1/- Brown & yellow-olive SG 118 & 120, Fine used, Cat £23+, Price $29


PNG3180) Papua 1930 Lakatoi bi-colours punctured ‘OS’ ½d Myrtle & apple-green SG O46, block of 6 with overall lightly tropicalised gum MUH, Cat £162 as hinged singles, Price $199


PNG3182) Papua 1930 Lakatoi bi-colours punctured ‘OS’ 1/- Brown & yellow-olive & 2/6d Maroon & pale pink SG O53 & O54, some gum tones, 2/6d with hinge remains Mint, Cat £315, Price $329


PNG3202) Papua 1930 Lakatoi bi-colours punctured ‘OS’ ½d Myrtle & apple green SG O46, part Ash imprint single, Mint n gum, Cat £27 for Mint, Price $19.99

PNG3203) Papua 1930 Lakatoi bi-colours punctured ‘OS’ 2d Deep brown-purple & lake SG O49, some light hinge remains Mint, Cat £50, Price $69

PNG1829) Papua 1931 surcharges Mullett printing 1½d Cobalt & light brown SG 121, left marginal block of 4, the lower left unit with variety ‘Brown lines under PAPUA in vignette area’, central ‘PORT MORESBY’ cds, Fine used, striking & unusual variety, Cat £108 as normal, Price $149

PNG1861) Papua 1931 Lakatois surcharge ‘TWO PENCE’ on 1½d Ash printings SG 121 two shades, Fine used, Cat £7, Price $12.99


PNG3206) Papua 1931-32 Lakatois optd ‘OS’ 5d Bluish-slate & pale brown SG O61, right marginal block of 4, upper units with hinge remains Mint, lower units MUH, one with small tone, Cat£24, Price $29

PNG1836) Papua 1931-32 Lakatois bi-colours ½d Myrtle & apple-green, 1d Intense black & red & 6d Dull purple & red-purple all overprinted ‘OS’ SG O55-56 & O62, Fine used, Cat £34+, Price $49


PNG3204) Papua 1931-32 Lakatois optd ‘OS’ 4d Light brown & orange SG O60, with partial Samarai cds Nice used, Cat £25, Price $35

PNG1831) Papua 1932 Lakatois bi-colours new values 9d Black & violet & 1/3d Black & pale-greenish-blue SG 127-28, Fine used, Ca £93, Price $129


PNG1892) New Guinea 1932-34 Undated birds 4d Olive-green overprinted ‘OS’ SG O48, light cds cancel, Fine used, Cat £35, Price $49

PNG1844) Papua 1933 Registered Airmail front to the UK with 1932 Pictorials 2/6d SG 142 horizontal strip of 3 (r/h unit creased), some minor toning along top perfs, endorsed ‘Australian Services/Karachi-London Service’, spectacular high value franking, Cat from £180 for on cover, Price $199

PNG1893) Papua 1937 Coronation 5d Purple SG 157, Ash imprint block of 4 CTO, unusual, Cat £7 as 4 singles, Price $14.99

PNG1843) Papua 1938 Declaration 2d Rose-red SG 158, Ash imprint block of 10 from the left of the sheet, hinged on upper pair & margin, Cat £30 as hinged singles, Price $59

PNG355) New Guinea 1939 Airmail 1/- Blue Green SG 221 on registered Airmail cover to the UK, cancelled incorrectly endorsed “1st Day of Issue” as these stamps were issued 1/3/39 and the cds though faint appears to be 13/3/39. Couple of toned perf. Tips. Otherwise fine. Price $59


PNG374) New Guinea 1939 Airmails 1/- SG 221 horizontal pair on 1940 registered cover Kavieng to Auckland NZ with boxed 'Passed by Censor/T.N.G. No 8' censor marking in violet, some light soiling, Price $119 


PNG8026) Papua 1940? “GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PORT MORESBY, PAPUA’ OHMS Parcel label to the UK, appears to be rouletted at top & bottom so possibly from a roll, with 1932 Pictorials 1d tied by fain Port Moresby cds & additional strike of the same cds at base, also partial strike of boxed Censor marking in violet, unusual & attractive, Price $99

Papua New Guinea Full Sheets

PNG757) Papua New Guinea 1958 1/7d Cattle on 1959 registered cover Rabaul to Victoria with an almost full strike of 'RELIEF No 6 PAPUA N.G./1 MY 59' 'RABAUL S.P.C.' straight line marking in black directly under the stamp and Rabaul registration label with 'SPC' handstamp in violet, REGISTERED MELBOURNE cds on reverse, scarce and attractive cover, Price $179

British Empire/Commonwealth


BC1358) Aden – Kathiri State of Seiyun 1942 Pictorials set of 11 SG 1-11, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £70 for MUH, Price $79

BC1359) Aden – Kathiri State of Seiyun 1942 Pictorials set of 11 SG 1-11, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £70 for MUH, Price $69

BC1360) Aden – Kathiri State of Seiyun 1942 Pictorials set of 11 SG 1-11, all with cds cancels, Nice – fine used Cat £80, Price $99

BC1347) Aden – Kathiri State of Seiyun 1942 Pictorials set of 11 SG 1-11, the 1½a with adhesion, 2r creased & 5r with light overall gum ‘suntanning’ MUH, Cat £70, Price $59

BC1363) Aden – Quaiti State of Hadhramaut 1942-46 Pictorials set of 11, SG 1 – 11, some hinge remains Mint Cat £70 for MUH, Price $69

BC1364) Aden – Quaiti State of Hadhramaut 1942-46 Pictorials set of 11, SG 1 – 11, all with cds cancels Fine used Cat £55, Price $69

BC1349) Aden – Quaiti State of Hadhramaut 1942-46 Pictorials 9 values to 5r including 2r MUH, Cat £60+, Price $79

BC1368) Aden – Quaiti State of Hadhramaut 1951 New currency surcharges set of 8, SG 20-27, all with cds cancels Fine used, Cat £75, Price $99

BC1362) Aden – Kathiri State of Seiyun 1964 Pictorials set of 3 SG 39-41, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £17 for MUH, Price $19.99

BC1352) Aden – Kathiri State of Seiyun 1954 Pictorials set of 10 SG 29-38, MUH, Cat £30, Price $39

BC1353) Aden – Kathiri State of Seiyun 1964 Additional values set of 3 SG 39-41, MUH Cat £17, Price $24.99

BC1369) Aden – Quaiti State of Hadhramaut 1969 Pictorials set of 12, SG 41-52, MUH, Cat Cat £50, Price $69

DB181) Antigua 183 6d Green, SG 8a. Wmk upright fine used with barred numeral 02, full perfs and good colour. Cat. £195, price $195

BC1811) Bahamas 1906-11 Edw VII watermark Crown CA ½d Pale green, 2½d Ultramarine & 6d Bistre-brown SG 71, 73, 74, all marginal, 6d with plate 1, Mint Cat £52, Price $69

BC3044) Batum 1919 Colour changes & new values 25k Orange-yellow SG 13, corner cds cancel Fine used, Cat £28, Price $39


DB189) Bermuda 1866 2d Dull Blue, SG 3. Mint lightly hinged, with small part remainder, fresh full perf example, centred left, Cat.  £475, price $379


DB193) Bermuda 1918 10/- Green & Carmine on pale bluish green, SG54. Superb postally used with light steel cds 1923 cancel of Hamilton, well centred and with full perfs. Cat. £350, price $420


BC930) British Guiana 1860-63 thick paper perf 12 2c Deep orange SG 30, few nibbled perfs, 1863 thin paper perf 12½-13 24c Green SG 56, small thin, Used, Cat min £105, Price $69


BC3049) British Guiana 1862-65 medium paper perf 12½-13 4c Greyish blue SG 60, light barred cancel Nice used cat £22, Price $29

BC3051) British Guiana 1862-65 thin paper perf 12 12c Dull purple SG 47, neat barred ‘403’ ? cancel Nice used cat £38, Price $49

BC1649) Brunei 1922 10c River Issue Overprinted "MALAYA - BORNEO EXHIBITION, 1922." Mint Sweated Gum. Price $50

BC1427) Brunei 1952-58 watermark Script CA set to $5 SG 100-113, some hing remains Mint, Cat £65 as MUH, Price $49

BC1426) Brunei 1952-58 watermark Script CA set to $5 SG 100-113, several lower values MUH, high values lightly hinged Mint, Cat £65 as MUH, Price $59

CAN120) Canada 1859 simplified set of 5, 1c to 17c SG 29-43a group, mostly fine, the 10c a little soiled, all with mostly light barred cancels, Good-fine used, minimum Cat £360, Price $469

BC1484) Canada: Nova Scotia 1860-63 QV yellowish paper 12½c Greyish-black SG 17a, usual uneven perfs, light barred cancel Nice used, Cat £30, Price $39

BC1530) Canada: New Brunswick 1860-63 QV 2c Orange SG 10, Mint no gum, Cat £38 as Mint, Price $24.99

BC1557) Canada: New Brunswick 1860-63 12½c Indigo SG 18, light barred cancel Nice used, Cat £50, Price $69

BC1532) Canada: Newfoundland 1865-70 QV 24c Blue SG 30, couple of nibbled perfs at top, light cancel Fine used, Cat £40, Price $45

BC1529) Canada: Newfoundland 1865-70 QV medium white paper 12c Chestnut SG 33, couple of nibbled perfs, indistinct cork cancel Nice used, Cat £48, Price $55

NF15) Canada: Newfoundland 1868-73 QV perf 12 3c Blue SG 37, indistinct cancel Nice used, Cat £35, Price $45

BC1488) Canada 1870-90 Small Queens 10c Pale lilac-magenta SG 87, crisp central barred ‘1’ numeral cancel, couple of nibbled perfs, ink mark on reverse Cat £60, Price $59

CAN115) Canada 1882 Small Queens ½c Black SG 101, marginal horizontal strip of three from the top of the sheet with part ‘British American Banknote Co’ imprint & plate 1, Mint no gum, attractive multiple, Cat £66 as Mint singles, Price $69

NF19) Canada: Newfoundland 1897 400th Anniv of Discovery set of 14 SG 66-79, the 1c used, others Mint no gum, Cat £325 as Mint, Price $199

CAN112) Canada 1946-47 Peace set of 7 SG 401-07, mostly Fine used, Cat £18, Price $24.99

BC1394) Cape of Good Hope Postal stationery 1892 QV 1d + 1d Brown on light buff Reply card H & G 7 Mint, Price $29.99


BC1400) Cape of Good Hope Postal stationery 1892 QV 1d Brown-carmine on grey Letter card H & G A1 Mint, Price $24.99


BC1406) Cape of Good Hope Postal stationery 1892 QV 1d Brown-carmine on grey Letter card H & G A1 Mint, Price $24.99


BC1396) Cape of Good Hope Postal stationery 1892-94 QV ½d Slate on white envelope 137 x 79mm H & G B1 Mint, Price $29.99


BC1397) Cape of Good Hope Postal stationery 1892-94 QV 1d Pink on white envelope 137 x 79mm H & G B2 Mint, Price $29.99

CEY5) Ceylon 1857-59 White paper watermark Star 1d Blue SG 2a, two very close to ample margins with part of the adjoining stamp at base, others touching, crisp barred cancel Nice used Cat £80, Price $49


CEY4) Ceylon 1857-59 White paper watermark Star 2d Green SG 3, three close to ample margins with part of the adjoining stamps at top & left, others touching, light barred cancel Fine used Cat £65, Price $49


CEY3) Ceylon 1857-59 White paper watermark Star 2d Yellowish-green SG 3a, three close to ample margins with part of the adjoining stamp at left, touching at base, light barred cancel Fine used Cat £90, Price $69

DB195) Ceylon 1859 6d Brown, imperf. SG6a. Nearly 4 margins, just touched at both sides of lower left corner. Postally used with lightish barred cancel. Cat.  £550, price $269


DB199) Ceylon 1861 9d Olive - Sepia, SG33b. Good used example with heavier cancel. Cat. £85, price $39

CEY17) Ceylon Receipt stamp 1862 1d Blue overprinted ‘Receipt/Draft/Order’ private roulette, light boxed & m/s cancels, Barefoot 2a, Cat £35 (2008), Price $59


DB207) Ceylon 1866 5d Yellow - Olive SG54b. Used example with light indistinct cancel, but with some minor gum toning, price $55


CEY13) Ceylon 1867-70 watermark Crown CC perf 12½ 1/- Reddish-violet SG 71b x 2, lighter & deeper shades Nice used, Cat £28, Price $39


DB210) Cyprus 1880 4d Sage Green ovpt. on GB Plate 16, SG4. MNG, full perf, but used with medium barred numeral 975. Cat. £225, price $169


BC1893) Ceylon 1945 pair of Air letters (January & April) to the UK, the Jan Air letter with KGVI 20c definitive tied by ‘TPO/No 163?/9JAN45’ cds, the April example passed without stamp with the same cds dated ‘12APR45’, both with ‘UNIT CENSOR/X44’ circular stamps & ‘PASSED/65/CENSOE’ triangular markings, attractive pair, Price $39


DB213) Cyprus 1882 30 Paras on 1p Rose, SG 24. Nice fine used example, with light squared circle cancel at right, leaving profile clear. Well centred and with full perfs. Cat. £110, price $119


DB214) Cyprus 1894 6p Olive - Grey, SG36. Mint original gum example, well centred and with full perfs. Tiny insignificant minor scuff top left corner mentioned only for accuracy. Cat. £250, price $195


BC739) Cyprus 1921-23 KGV Mult Script CA wmk 10pa to 1pi both colours of each value, SG 85-90, some HR Mint Cat £70+, Price $89

BC934) Dominica 1903-07 Roseau wmk Crown CC 1/- Magenta & grey-green SG 33 Mint, Price $55


BC945) Falkland Is. 1891-1902 QV 2½d Ultramarine SG 30, Mint, Price $69


BC175) Falkland Is. Small commercial airmail cover to Hampshire UK. Bears 11p Ship Shore Communications and 1p Pig Vine cancelled by a single cds of Port Stanley, 16 NO 77. Clean and neat typed address. Price $29


BC1889) Fiji 1937 sepia ‘Grand Pacific Hotel Suva Fiji’ picture postcard with KGV 1912-23 Die I 1/- & 1922-27 Die II 2d & 3d, all tied by multiple strikes of the ‘SUVA/3AP3711AM/FIJI’ cds, attractive, 1/- Die I minimum Cat £42 on cover, Price $59

BC1892) Fiji 1941 registered ‘A S Farebrother & Co’ advertising cover with seven different KGVI frankings including 5d Blue cane, 6d Die I, 1/- & 2/- etc, also with reply enclosure, Suva registration handstamp, some edge faults,  attractive cover, Price $39


BC938) Fiji 1970-72 Birds set of 16, MUH, Price $39


BC3042) Gibraltar 1904-08 Edw VII wmk Mult Crown CA 1/- Black & Carmine SG 61, vertically punctured ‘(CAN)CELLED’, some trimmed perfs at lower left MNG, unlisted in SG, and no mention of De La Rue & Co perfin Cancelled is made, unusual, Price $69


DB165) Gibraltar 1907 2/- Green & Blue, SG 62a. Very fine used cds example with full perfs and good cantering. Cat. £150, price $149

BC1751) Heligoland 1867-68 rouletted Head Die I 6sch Green & rose SG 4, surface thin at lower right, indistinct double circle cds cancel, Nice used, Cat £325, Price $199

HK635) Hong Kong 1900-01 watermark Crown CA QV 30c Brown SG 61, light hinge remains Mint Cat £75, Price $99


HK634) Hong Kong 1903 wmk Crown CA Edw VII 8c, 12c & 20c SG 66, 68 & 69 all with private perfin ‘H & S/BC’, Nice-fine used, normal Cat £16.75, Price $24.99

HK633) Hong Kong 1903 wmk Crown CA Edw VII 30c Dull green & black SG 70 private perfin ‘H & S/BC’, Fine used, normal Cat £30, Price $39

LM54) Hong Kong 1926 $3 Green & Dull Purple SG 131. Superb well centred vfu example with full perfs and cds cancel of 11 MR 37. This value was not replaced in the KGVI set of 1938. Cat. £70.  A better example you will not find! Price $85


BC588) Hong Kong 1946 Surface Mail advertising cover for Tat Kuan & Co. to Melbourne. Bears solo usage 20c Black KGVI SG 147, cancelled by HK cds of 25 SE 1946. Neat typewritten cover to Broken Hill Co. Pty. Ltd. Price $25


HK639) Hong Kong 1938-52 KGVI $2 Red-orange & green SG 137, neat cds cancel Nice used, Cat £45, Price $59

IN71) India 1874 QV 1r Slate SG 79, Fine used Cat £40, Price $55


BC890) India 1874 QV 1r Slate SG 79, used in Burma with neat RANGOON cds, Cat £38, Price $59


BC577) India 1895 QV 2r Carmine & yellow-brown SG 107 with barred ‘B’ cancel of Bandar Abbas, (appears to be SG type Z11) tiny tear at top, this value is not listed in SG as used in Bandar Abbas, the Edw VII 2r is catalogued at £70, Price $99

IN73) India 1911-23 KGV 2a Purple SG 166, vertical pair, upper unit with hinge remains, lower MUH, Cat £22 as hinged, Price $35

IN77) India 1914? WWI Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund Bombay branch ½a Ultramarine Cinderalla, paper adhesions Mint Price $9.99


IN66) India 1926/33, 5 Rupee Ultramarine & Purple, KGV INVERTED WMK MLH. Attractive high value with deep original colours. Even normal watermark on these are scarce!SG 216w, cat. £120. Price $149

IN79) India 1951 Indian Posts & Telegraph dept. ‘Indian Telegraph Centenary Souvenir sheet’ imperf Cinderella sheet, some gum bends MUH, attractive, Price $49

BD740) K.U.T 1947-50 KGVI 3/- Deep violet-blue & black, both perfs, SG 147a & ac, Mint, Cat £135, Price $129

DB179) K.U.T., 1937 £1 Black & Red, SG 150. Fine cds used example, good perfs and cantering. Cat. £160, price $159


DB246) Lagos, 1876 4d Carmine, wmk swys. SG 14a. Nice used example, with lightish barred "L" cancel. Well centred and full perfs. Cat. £130, price $110


BC581) Lagos 1879 1/- Orange SG 16 well centred used with light barred cancel, slightly aged and with a small thin. Cat. £85, price $52.50


DB245) Lagos 1884 - 1886 1d Rose, inv. wmk. SG 22w. Fine used example with light barred cancel, well centred and good perfs, cat. £120, price $98


BC1439) Malaysia - Straits Settlements 1867-72 QV watermark Crown CC 8c Orange-yellow SG 14, Mint no gum, Cat £275 as Mint, Price $149

BC947) Malaysia Postal Union Postage Dues 1938 50c Black SG D6, MUH, Price $39


BC948) Malaysia Postal Union Postage Dues 1945-49 New values & colours 15c Pale ultramarine SG D12, Mint, Cat £110, Price $99


BC983) Malaysia – Malaysian Postal Union 1951-63 Postage Dues perf 14 2c, 4c, 5c x 1 ea, 8c, 12c & 20 x 2 shades ea, SG D15, 17-18, 19-21, Fine used, attractive group, Price $89


BC984) Malaysia – Malaysian Postal Union 1951-63 Postage Dues 4c Sepia perf 12½ SG D17a, fine used, Price $39


BC969) Malaysian States – Perak 1939 Sultan 25c Dull Purple & Scarlet SG 115, marginal MUH, Cat £50, Price $79


BC1451) Malaysia - Perak 1938-41 Sultan Iskandar 1c, 2c Green, 4c & 5c all punctured ‘SPECIMEN’ SG 103-04s, 107-08s, hinge remains Mint, Price $59


BC968) Malaysian States – Perak 1940 Sultan $1 Black & Red/Blue SG 119, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £150, Price $169

MY23) Malaysia 1963-1965 Selection of 8 sets on 3 album pages. FU/MUH Includes : 1963 Inauguration of Federation (FU), 1963 Orchids Conference (FU), 1963 Parliamentary Conference (FU), 1964 Eleanor Roosevelt (FU),  1965 ITU Centenary (FU), 1965 National Mosque (FU), 1965 Airport (MUH) & 1965 National Birds (FU).  Price $32

BC1813) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1867-72 QV 2c Brown, 4c Rose, 6c Bright lilac, 12c Blue & 24c Blue-green SG 11-13, 15 & 16, usual heavier cancels Good-fine used, Cat £68, Price $89 

BC1815) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1885-98 ‘THREE CENTS’ surcharges on 32c Pale magenta x 2 & on 32c Deep magenta & on 32c Rose-carmine, also 1898 4c on 8c Ultramarine SG 83, 83a, 94 & 108, hinge remains Mint, Cat £36, Price $45


BC1816) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1892-99 QV 3c Carmine-rose & 5c Brown SG 96 & 99, hinge remains Mint, Cat £33, Price $45


BC1817) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1904-10 Edw VII watermark mult Crown CA 25c Dull purple & green, appears to be chalk surfaced paper, SG 133b, light hinge remains Mint, Cat £65, Price $89


BC1820) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1904-10 Edw VII watermark mult Crown CA 25c Dull purple & green, appears to be chalk surfaced paper, SG 133b, light corner cds cancel, Cat £48, Price $59


BC1818) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1902-03 Edw VII watermark Crown CA 1c to 10c SG 110-15, some heavy hinge remains Mint, Cat £55, Price $69

BC1821) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1906-12 Edw VII watermark mult Crown CA 25c Dull & bright purple SG 161, hinge remains Mint, Cat £35, Price $45


BC1822) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1912-23 KGV watermark mult Crown CA set 1c to $1 SG 193-210 group, with shades/papers etc of most values to 50c (3), mostly Fine used, attractive group Cat £145+, Price $199


BC1823) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1921-33 KGV watermark mult Script CA 10c Purple/pale yellow Die I SG 231, two distinct shades Nice-fine used, Cat £40, Price $49


BC1825) Malaysia: Selangor 1895-99 Tiger 3c to 10c SG 54-57, some hinge remains, rich colour Mint, Cat £93, Price $129


BC1826) Malaysia: Selangor 1895-99 Tiger 25c Green & carmine SG 58, light cds cancel Fine used, Cat £65, Price $89

BC1829) Malaysia: Federated Malay States 1904-22 watermark mult Crown CA Leaping tiger 8c Grey-brown & ultramarine SG 41b, light hinge remains Mint Cat £25, Price $35


BC1830) Malaysia: Federated Malay States 1904-22 watermark mult Crown CA Leaping tiger 50c Grey & orange, three shades including Black & orange- brown, SG 47/47db group, Nice-fine used minimum Cat £61, Price $79


BC1831) Malaysia: Federated Malay States 1904-22 watermark mult Crown CA Leaping tiger 1c Green, 1c Brown (2 shades), 2c Green, 3c Brown, 3c Carmine, 3c Grey (2 shades), 4c Scarlet Die I, 5c Green & carmine/yellow, 6c Orange & 8c Ultramarine SG 29-42 group, some hinge remains Mint, minimum Cat £82, Price $119


BC1832) Malaysia: Straits Settlements 1937-41 KGVI Die I 1c pair, 2c (small paper adhesion) & 30c SG 278, 279 & 287, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £70as MUH, Price $69


BC1833) Malaysia: Perak 1938-41 Sultan Iskandar 2c Green, 8cGrey, 10c & 40c SG 104,110-11 & 116, light hinge remains Mint, Cat £111 as MUH, Price $119


BC3039) Malta 1935 1/- Jubilee SG 213, corner cds Fine used, Cat £25, Price $35


BC652) Mauritius 1926 REGISTERED 7 COLOUR FRANKING COVER SENT VIA "CLAN" STEAMER to Madagascar. Bears 1900 8c SG147, 1c, 2c, 6c & 8c 1910 defins, plus 1925 10 c & 15c surcharges all cancelled by Port Louis Centre cds’s of JA 29 26 and with blue reg’n label No. 4631. Reverse bears Tananarive arrival cds of Feb 1927 (date unclear) Very nice postal history item to scarce destination. Price $179

NZ34) New Zealand 1857 1d Dull Orange Imperf Chalon, wmk. Large Star, SG 7. Nice example with 2½ margins and clear barred numeral 14 cancel of Nelson. Minor blue staining on reverse, likely from blue envelope. A HUGE RARITY cat. £30,000. Price $41,500


NZ80) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 11 3d Yellow-brown SG 309, light gum bend, usual uneven perfs, Mint, Cat £42, Price $49


NZ81) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 11 5d Red-brown SG 311, faint gum bends, usual uneven perfs, Mint, Cat £55, Price $69


NZ83) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 11 6d Rose-red SG 312a, some light gum bends Mint, Cat £42, Price $49


NZ84) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 11 8d Blue SG 313, top marginal example, usual uneven perfs MUH Cat £55 as Mint, Price $89


NZ86) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 11 2/- Green SG 316, toned perf, usual uneven perfs Mint Cat £180, Price $119


NZ87) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 11 5/- Vermilion SG 317b, few gum tone spots, usual uneven perfs Mint Cat £275, Price $349


NZ88) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 14 2½d Blue & 2½d Deep blue SG 320 & 320a, the former with some gum tones, usual uneven perfs, Mint, Cat £54, Price $59


NZ90) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 14 2½d Deep blue SG 320a, usual uneven perfs, very lightly hinged Mint, Cat £27, Price $39


NZ91) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 14 5d Black-brown SG 323, some gum tones & a vertical gum bend, usual uneven perfs, Mint, Cat £60, Price $49


NZ92) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 14 8d Steel-blue SG 325, some faint gum tones, usual uneven perfs, Mint, Cat £50, Price $49


NZ94) New Zealand 1902-07 Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 14 2/- Green SG 328, usual uneven perfs, Mint, Cat £140, Price $199


NZ98) New Zealand 1907-08 reduced size Pictorials thin hard Cowan paper watermark single NZ & star perf 14 x 15 3d Brown SG 383, Mint Cat £50, Price $69


NZ101) New Zealand 1909-16 Edw VII perf 14 (line) 1/- Vermilion SG 399, fresh MUH, Cat £75 as Mint, Price $149


BC651) New Zealand 1931 1st Flight cover Invercargill – Auckland. Bears 2d Orange KGV 2d. & 3d Chocolate airmail. Cancelled by cds of Christchurch 11NO31– 2nd day of the 3d. Airmail. Signed M.C. McGregor - pilot. Only 66 flown. Triangular authentication certificate on reverse in violet from the Airmail Soc. Of NZ. Price $179


NZ10) New Zealand 2004 Wearable Art set, SG 2701 – 2705, COMPLETE mint unhinged IMPERFORATE SHEETS OF 25 SETS. Rarely seen, these are a NZ Post limited edition reserved only for those who spent $2000 plus in the preceding 12 months with the Philatelic Bureau. Price $345.


NZ10a) New Zealand Wearable Art Imperf Singles $27.50


NZ10c) New Zealand Wearable Art Imperf lower right corner block of 4 with Imprint and barcode $165

NZ10e) New Zealand Wearable Art Imperf lower left block of 6 with designer & printer and colour bars $165


NZ10f) New Zealand Wearable Art Imperf upper right block of 6 with sheet value $165


NZ139) New Zealand 2008 Tarapex Exhibition Imperf. Proof minisheet, MUH SG 3105var., one of only 20 donated by  NZ Post to the Exhibition at New Plymouth Nov. 2008. Top left hand corner from the master sheet of 20 showing printers guidelines on all sides. Very rare exhibition piece! Price $895

NZFD282) NZ 2010 Personalised Stamps set of 2 FDCs. Price $26.00


BC1107) North Borneo 1909 - 23 8c Lake & Black, ploughing with buffalo. Perf 14½ - 15 fresh mint original gum, SG 169a. Unpriced as mint in Gibbons. A rarity, likely missing from 99.99% of all collections. Price $3950


DB242) Northern Nigeria, 1911 10/- Green Red on Green, SG39. Vfu with light steel cds of 1912. Nicely centred with good perfs, cat. £48, price $45


BC3041) Nyasaland Protectorate 1919-21 KGV wmk mult Crown CA 6d Dull purple & bright violet SG 92a MUH, Cat £17 as hinged, Price $39


BC967) Nyasaland 1951 Diamond Jubilee set SG 167-70 Mint & FU, Price $35

BC950) Penrhyn Island, Cook Is. 1914-15 overprints on NZ Edw VII 1/- Vermilion SG 23, hinge remains Mint, Price $65


BC2) Pitcairn Is. 1953 Coronation unaddressed, illustrated FDC, lower marginal stamp, cover 100% fresh. Good value at $39


ROW209) Rarotonga, Cook Is. 1931 REGISTERED COVER SENT TO UK with ½d Capt. James Cook Landing, 2½d, 3d & 6d 1920 definitives SG cat. £60 for used stamps, on cover are very rare from this period. Cancelled by Rarotonga cds of 10 NO 31 and with reg’n label No. 137 similarly date stamped. Arrival oval registered cancel of Hendin NW$ dated 31 DE 31 on reverse. VERY SCARCE POSTAL HISTORY ITEM, a little aged. Neat typed address. Price $225


BC1499) Rhodesia 1892-94 Arms 2d Dull green & vermilion SG 20, nibbled corner perf, hinge remains Mint, Cat £29, Price $34.99

BC1497) Rhodesia 1892-94 Arms 4d Chestnut & black SG 22, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £48, Price $65

BC1498) Rhodesia 1892-94 Arms 8d Red & ultramarine SG 24, couple of nibbled perfs, light corner cds Fine used, Cat £30, Price $34.99

BC1496) Rhodesia 1892-94 Arms 4/- Grey-black & vermilion SG 26, couple of nibbled perfs. bold Bulawayo cds, Nice used, Cat £80, Price $89

BC1564) Rhodesia 1896-97 Die I 8d Green & mauve/buff SG 34, hinge remains Mint, Cat £22, Price $29

BC1562) Rhodesia 1896-97 Die II 2/6d Brown & purple/yellow SG 48, light fiscal cds, Cat £75 postally used, Price $29

BC1556) Rhodesia 1896-97 Die II 10/- Slate & vermilion/rose SG 50, central thin, light oval fiscal cancel & punctured ‘USED’, Cat £80 postally used, Price $19.99

BC1589) Rhodesia 1897 set ½d to 8d SG 66-72, the ½d & 1d Mint, the 6d Mint no gum, others Fine used, Cat £56 (6d as Mint), Price $39

BC1175) Singapore 1948-52 KGVI definitive perf 14 set to $5 ex the $2, SG 1-13 & 15, mostly lightly hinged Mint, few with hinge remains, Cat £132, Price $149


BC1175) Singapore 1948-52 KGVI definitive perf 14 set to $5 ex the $2, SG 1-13 & 15, mostly lightly hinged Mint, few with hinge remains, Cat £132, Price $149


RSA3054) South African Commemorative FDC, set of 5, 1970-83, Biblia 70 the Year of the Bible 14 addressed, Steam Locomotives 4.4, CJ Langehoven 30, World Sugar Congress 36, Satellite Communications Systems 2.11, unaddressed. Price $44


RSA3047) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 5, 1974, 1820 Settlers National Monument 38, 50 Years of Broadcasting in South Africa 37, the Burgerspond 34, Restoration of Church Street Tilbagh 1974 3.3, Dr Daniel Francois Malan 35, unaddressed. Price $38


RSA3035) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 5, 1976, Wildlife 2.15, World Tournament Lawn Bowls 2.12, Third World Bowls Championship 2.12A, Emily Hobhouse 2.16, Erich Mayer 2.14, unaddressed. Price $27


RSA3064) South African Commemorative FDC, set of 5, 1977, Centenary Supreme Court 2.23, Eighth Congress 1977 3.2, Metrication 3.3, Uranium Development 25 Years 3.4, South African Flag 3.5, unaddressed. Price $27


RSA3036) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 6, 1978, World Tournament Lawn Bowls 2.12, Emily Hobhouse 2.16, Ocean Mail Service Contract 2.18, History of Polo in Sth Africa 2.17, Our Childrens Day 2.19, Gary Player 2.20, unaddressed. Price $30

RSA3051) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 5, 1980-84, State President Mr PW Botha DMS4.9(a), Beaches 4.6, Boy Scouts of South Africa 75 Years 3.34, Poet Louis Leipoldt 1880-1947 3.23, unaddressed. Price $39


RSA3050) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 5, 1980-85, Frans David Oerder 1867-1944 4.11, State President Mr PW Botha DMS4.9(a), Beaches 4.6, Boy Scouts of South Africa 75 Years 3.34, Poet Louis Leipoldt 1880-1947 3.23, unaddressed. Price $49


RSA3043) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 5, 1981, State Theatre Pretoria 3.28, The Voortrekker Movement 50 years 3.33, the Battle of Amajuba Sunday 27 February 1881 3.27, Republic of South Africa 3.29, The National Cancer Association of South Africa 3.31, unaddressed. Price $44


RSA3044) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 4, 1982, Boy Scouts of South Africa 75 Years 3.34, the Battle Against Tuberculosis 3.35, Naval Base Simonstown 3.36, Karoo Fossils 4.2, unaddressed. Price $41


RSA3045) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 3, 1982, Boy Scouts of South Africa 75 Years 3.34, the Battle Against Tuberculosis 3.35, Karoo Fossils 4.2, unaddressed. Price $30


RSA3049) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 4, 1983, Beaches 4.6, Sport in South Africa 4.5, Weather Stations 4.3, Steam Locomotive 4.4, unaddressed. Price $46


RSA3057) South African Commemorative FDC, set of 4, 1984, English Writers of South Africa 4.7, Bridges in South Africa 4.9, Commencement of the New Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 4.9, Boy Scouts of South Africa 75 Years 3.34, unaddressed. Price $48


RSA3058) South African Commemorative FDC, set of 3, 1984, English Writers of South Africa 4.7, Boy Scouts of South Africa 75 Years 3.34, State President Mr PW Botha DMS4.9(a), unaddressed. Price $35


RSA3040) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 5, 1985, Floral Emigrants 4.13, Old Cape Silver 4.14, Frans David Oerder 1867-1944 4.11, the Parliamentary Building 4.12, Port Elizabeth additional stamp value 4.11.1, unaddressed. Price $48


RSA3041) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 4, 1985, Floral Emigrants 4.13, Old Cape Silver 4.14, Frans David Oerder 1867-1944 4.11, the Parliamentary Building 4.12, unaddressed. Price $45


RSA3059) South African Commemorative FDC, set of 4, 1985-8, Parliamentary Building 4.12, 25th Anniversary the Republic of South Africa 4.16, Rock Paintings 4.21, Flood Disaster 4.22.1, unaddressed. Price $38


RSA3042) South Africa Commemorative FDC, set of 6, 1986, 25th Anniversary of the Republic of South Africa 4.16, Cultural Heritage 4.17, Johannesburg The Golden City 4.18, Scenic Beauty 4.19, Introduction of Postage Labels 4.16.1, Donate Blood & Save Lives 4.15, unaddressed. Price $52


RSA3060) South African Commemorative FDC, set of 3, 1986-8, 25th Anniversary the Republic of South Africa 4.16, Rock Paintings 4.21, Flood Disaster 4.22.1, unaddressed. Price $25

B256) St. Helena 1861 6d Blue SG 2a. Clean postally used stamp with lightish bar cancel. Cat.  £130, price $110


STH147) St. Helena 1938 KGVI set minus 5/- 3d FU rest MUH. Price: $96.40


BC153) St Lucia 1947 1d scarlet perf 12½ SG 129b, complete sheet of 120, cat £180 as singles, some perf separation and creasing affecting two units at upper right, MUH. Price $119


BC1840) Tobago 1882-84 watermark Crown CA 4d Yellow-green SG 18, bold barred numeral cancel Good used, Cat £95, Price $109


BC1838) Tobago 1885-96 QV colour changes ½d Dull green & 1d Carmine SG20 & 21 in blocks of 4, ½d block lightly hinged, 1d block MUH, Cat £62 as hinged, Price $89


BC1839) Tobago 1891-92 Surcharges ½d on 4d Grey & 2½d on 4d Grey SG 30 & 31, hinge remains Mint, Cat £56, Price $69


BC1841) Tobago 1896 ½d Surcharge on 4d Fiscal stamp variety ‘Space between ½ & d’ SG 33a, small bend at left, dull gum Mint, Cat £180, Price $149


BC1844) Tonga 1895 Surcharges 7½d on 2½d Vermilion SG, extensive paper adhesion on gum Mint, Cat £65, Price $59

BC1849) Tonga 1897 watermark turtles 2d Type I, 3d to 10d SG 40, 43-49, unchecked for watermark direction, hinge remains Mint, minimum Cat £148, Price $199


BC1855) Trinidad 1896-1906 Britannia watermark Crown CA 1d Dull purple & rose, 4d to 1/- SG 115, 118-121, most lightly hinged Mint, Cat £42, Price $59


BC1856) Trinidad 1901-1906 Britannia watermark Crown CA colour changes ½d, 2½d, 4d & 1/- SG 127, 129-31, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £52, Price $69


BC1857) Trinidad 1904-1909 Britannia watermark mult Crown CA 1d Rose-red, 2½d Blue x two shades & 4d Grey & red/yellow SG 135, 137-38, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £34+, Price $45


BC1858) Trinidad 1909 Britannia 1d Rose-red & 2½d Blue SG 147-48, light hinge remains Mint, Cat £38, Price $49


BC1444) Turks Islands Postal stationery 1881-85 QV 1½d Reddish brown on buff postcard H & G 1 Mint, Price $24.99

NZ185) Turks Islands Postal stationery 1881-85 QV 1½d + 1½d Reddish brown on white reply card perf 6 H & G 2 Mint, Price $29.99


BC1443) Turks Islands Postal stationery 1893 QV 1d Carmine on buff postcard H & G 5 Mint, Price $24.99

BC1447) Turks Islands Postal stationery 1893 QV 1d + 1d Carmine on buff reply card  H & G 6 Mint, Price $34.99

BC966) Turks & Caicos Islands 1900-04 Badge ½d, 1d, 2d & 4d, few KGV values to 5d and 5 different War Tax opts, all Mint, Price $24.50


BC979) Virgin Islands 1866-70 St Ursula perf 12 White wove paper 6d Rose SG 3 & perf 15 1d Blue-Green SG 9, both MNG, Cat £155 as Mint, Price $99


BC977) Virgin Islands 1887-89 wmk Crown CA 4d Brown-Red SG 37 Mint with hinge remains, Price $59

Southern & South Africa


Cape Triangulars


DB271) Another similar, price $149


BC163) Cape of Good Hope triangle 1853 1d brick red on slightly blued paper SG 5, cat £350, margins close to touching, Used. Price $199


BC164) Cape of Good Hope triangle 1855-63 1d Rose SG 5a, margins touching all around, used. Cat £300 Price $99


DB273) Cape of Good Hope 1863/4 1/- Bright Emerald Green Triangular, SG 21. Nice 2.5 margin example with indistinct cancel. Cat. £700, price $345


BC912) Natal 1863-65 QV Crown CC wmk 6d Violet SG 24, light horizontal bend, hinge remains Mint, Cat £90, Price $79


DB277) Natal 1869 1d Bright Red wmk. reversed, SG 33c, nice used slightly example with indistinct lightish barred cancel. Cat. £90, price $59


BC11027) Natal Postal stationery 1900 QV 1d Carmine on blue Letter card H & G 1 Mint, Price $29.99

BC11023) Natal Postal stationery 1901 QV 4d Blue on white Registered envelope 152 x 96mm H & G 1 Mint, Price $49


BC11022) Natal Postal stationery 1901 QV 4d Blue on white Registered envelope 152 x 96mm H & G 1 Mint, some soiling/spotting, Price $39


Union of South Africa


DB284) South Africa 1927 2d Grey & Maroon, SG 24. Mint unhinged Imprint Block of 4, attractive full perfs, centred left Cat. £32 as hinged stamps. Scarce piece, price $49


DB285) South Africa 1927 4d Brown Pair, SG 35bc. mint unhinged pair perf. 14 x 13.5, cat. £60 for hinged. Nice Ink flaw in margin of left stamp. Price $98


DB287) South Africa 1938 2d Blue & Purple Pair SG 58. Mint unhinged top marginal pair, fresh well centred and with full perfs. cat. £75, price $69


DB289) South Africa 1954 5/- Black & Deep Yellow Green, SG 122a. Lower right corner plate block of 4, showing plate 8 in pale grey and the sheet No. 75 in pale green. Light hinge on top pair only, and very fresh mint unhinged lower pair. Well centred and with full perfs, cat.  £100 for the stamps alone. My price is full catalogue, very reasonable for an item of this scarcity. Price $169


BC1851) South Africa: Transvaal 1904-09 Edw VII watermark mult Crown CA 1/-, 2/6 to £1 SG 267, 269-272a, strong colours, all with neat cds cancels Fine used, Cat £38, Price $55


BC1853) South Africa: Transvaal 1905-09 Edw VII watermark mult Crown CA colour changes set of 4 with ½d Green both shades, SG 273-76, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £39, Price $49


BC1854) South Africa: Transvaal 1907 Postage Due set of 7 to 1/- SG D1-D7, most lightly hinged Mint, Cat £55, Price $75


BC3045) South Africa 1950-54 10/- Blue & charcoal overprinted ‘OFFISIEEL/OFFICIAL’ 19mm apart O51, single Fine used, Cat £22, Price $29


DB294) Sudan 1897 10p Mauve, ovpt. on Egypt, SG 9. Nice full perf. postally used example. Cat.  £50, price $42


BC1835) Sudan 1898 watermark Quatrefoil set 1m to 10pi SG 10-17, the 1pi with some paper adhesion, hinge remains Mint, Cat £150, Price $189


BC1836) Sudan 1902-21 watermark Star & crescent 1m to 4m (both), 2pi & 5pi SG 18-22, 26 & 27, high values very lightly hinged Mint, Cat £66, Price $89


DB295) Swaziland 1938 KGVI 5/- Grey SG 37. Mint lightly hinged example, full perfs. Centred left and gum slightly aged. Cat. £70, price $35


BC1432) Zanzibar 1936 New currency set of 13 5c to 10s SG 310-22, mostly lightly hinged Mnt, Cat £140, Price $179

BC1430) Zanzibar 1936 Silver Jubilee set SG 323-26, usual tropicalized gum, Cat £42, Price $49

BC1431) Zanzibar 1957 Pictorial set of 15 to 10s SG 358-72, several lower values MUH, others lightly hinged Mint, Cat £45, Price $39

BC1429) Zanzibar 1961 Sultan Sir Abdullah high values 5s, 7s50, 10s & 20s SG 385-88, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £30 as MUH, Price $24.99

Europe & Rest of the World


GNG6) German New Guinea 5pf Yacht type Green P.S. card sent to Baden, & re-addressed. Cancelled by Simpsonshafen cds of 30 9 01, and with Waldkirsch arrival cds of 19.12.01. Minor water staining to left. Price $175


GNG8) German New Guinea 10pf Red Yacht type P. S. card used to Paris & re-addressed. Cancelled by Herbertshohe cds of 1906. Rare card and usage, price $249


GNG9) German New Guinea 5pf Yacht type Green P.S. card sent to Ludweiler, Germany. Cancelled by cds of Freidrich-Wilhelm –Stadt 13 12 06 and with arrival cds of Ludweiler 2.2.07. Correspondence has mention of Drummoyne, “Near Sidney Australien” Slightly aged. Price $175


GNG10) German New Guinea 5pf Yacht type Green P.S. card H & G 8 sent to Nuremburg, Germany. Cancelled by cds of Herbertshohe 5 8 07 and with arrival cds of Nuremburg 21 SEP 07. Neat & Clean, Price $210


GS86) German States – Bavaria 1919-20 Second Free State issue set 3pf to 20m ex 40pf & 75pf, Fine used/CTO, the values to 3m are each tied by a cds to a small piece, Cat £667, Price $799

ROW185) Indo China 1911 cover to Madurai, India, via Colombo. Bears 25c Blue & Black SG 58 cancelled by indistinct Saigon cds. Reverse bears Palavangudi transit cds of 28 FE 11 and Oyakondan cds of the same date. Cover is a bit aged, but quite presentable. Price $29

ROW426) Indonesia 1949 New Currency set of 24 1s to 25r, mostly lightly hinged Mint, Cat £460+ as MUH, Price $349


ROW427) Indonesia: Riau-Lingga Archipelago 1954 set of 22 5s to 25r overprinted ‘RIAU’ SG 1-22, most values MUH, few (including 50s Brown) with slightly dull gum, Cat £1230+ as MUH, Price $999


JP346) Japan 1926 10s Red Yomei Gate SG 304 in fresh mint unhinged top right corner block of 25 with imprint. Cat. £12.50 x 25 = £312.50, price $379


JP341) 1947 National Athletics Meeting block of 4, fresh mint unhinged. SG 460/63 Cat. £56, price $69 (13 available) 


JP335) Japan 1948 National Athletic Meeting 5y Green se-tenant block of 4, Baseball to top left. SG 509/12 cat £54, price $67.50


JP336) Japan 1948 National Athletic Meeting 5y Green se-tenant block of 4, Sprinter to top left. SG 509/12 cat £54, price $67.50


JP333) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Green SG 557, fresh mint unhinged top left corner strip of 3. Cat. £11.50 x 3 = £34.50. Price $43


JP349) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Green SG 557, fresh mint unhinged bottom part sheet of 16 with imprint. Cat. £11.50 x 16 = £184. Price $229 


JP343) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Green SG 558, fresh mint unhinged top left block of 10. Cat. £4.75 x 10 = £47.50, price $59


JP330) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Green SG 559, fresh mint unhinged right marginal block of 4. Cat. £4.75 x 4 = £19. Price $28.50


JP332) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Violet SG 561, fresh mint unhinged top left corner strip of 3. Cat. £12.50 x 3 = £37.50. Price $46.50


JP350) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Violet SG 561, fresh mint unhinged bottom part sheet of 16 with imprint & Plate No. 2 in left selvedge. Cat. £12.50 x 16 = £200. Price $279 


JP328) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Violet SG 564, fresh mint unhinged lower left corner block of 8. Some perf separation to left margin. Cat. £11.50 x 8 = £92. Price $99


JP331) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Red SG 565, fresh mint unhinged lower left corner strip of 3 with imprint. Cat. £18 x 3 = £54. Price $69


JP327) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Red SG 565, fresh mint unhinged top left corner block of 8. Some perf separation to left margin. Cat. £11.50 x 8 = £144. Price $179


JP334) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Red SG 566, fresh mint unhinged top left corner strip of 3. Cat. £30 x 3 = £90. Price $112.50


JP351) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Red SG 566, fresh mint unhinged bottom part sheet of 16 with imprint. Cat. £30 x 16 = £480. Price $599 


JP338) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 8y Blue SG 568, fresh mint lightly hinged lower left corner block of 8. Minor thin bottom left in selvedge only. Cat. £14 x 8 = $112. price $139


JP326) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 10y Green SG 569, fresh mint lightly hinged. Cat. £60, price $59


JP339) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 10y Green SG 569, fresh mint unhinged hinged block of 4. Cat. £60 x 4 = £240, price $299 (3 available)


JP344) ) Japan 1949 Men of Culture Portraits 10y Purple SG 570, fresh mint unhinged top left block of 10. Cat. £12.50 x 10 = £112.50, price $139


JP354) Japan 1951 8y Red Tourism SG 643 in complete sheet of 20, fresh mint unhinged with imprints. Cat. £250 as single stamps. Price $325


JP340) Japan 1952 5y Red New Year’s stamp, SG 647. Fresh mint unhinged lower left corner block of 4, with 1952 date imprint. Cat. £14 x 4 = £56, price $69


JP452) Japan 1952 5y Red New Year’s stamp, SG 647. Fresh mint unhinged top part sheet of 12. Cat. £14 x 12 = £168, price $199


ROW131) Luxembourg 1852 SG1-4 FU, mostly 4 margins. CV £500, price $675

ROW225) Martinique 1886 20c red and green overprinted MQE 15c SG7 MH. CV £100, price $129


ROW222) Monaco 1885 25c green SG6 FU, a couple of short perfs. CV £100, price $95


ROW223) Monaco 1885 2c lilac SG2 MH. CV £75, price $95


ROW219) Netherlands 1852 15c orange SG3, VFU with four excellent margins. CV £140, price $189


ROW220) Netherlands 1952 5c blue SG1 x 2 shades, VFU and both with four excellent margins. CV £110, price $149


ROW227) Norway 1855 4s blue SG1 with four margins, three huge and one close, used with an indistinct three ring numeral cancel (36?). Small thin, CV £200, price $199


ROW206) Persia 1929 1sr Flight cover Tehran – Meched. Bears 2ch Blue SG 629 & Horiz Pr. Of 2ch Airmail ovpt. SG 659 cancelled by Tehran double ring cds of 9-V.29. Additional Tehran Airport arrival Double ring cds in Arabic, plus arrival and double ring cds’s departure (collection) at Meched. 2 x 1½ inch square 1st flight cachets on face, one in red at departure and a 2nd in Violet upon arrival. Also airmail etiquette in grey in French and Arabic. Neat printed address cover, small 3mm tear at base does not detract. A rare cover! Price $225


ROW230) Portugal 1853 25r blue SG4 four margins, MNG. An uneven print, but we have no reason to doubt its authenticity. CV £1,400, price $1,299


ROW437) Portugal small used selection on 3 stock sheets with 1895 King Carlos 22 different to 300r, including 15r (both), 75r, 150r & 180r, 1912 Ceres 24 values to 10e & 1943 Caravel 14 values to 2e Blue, also 1954 Sao Paulo set, the 2e30 Mint with light hinge remains (Cat £95 as MUH) few faintly toned perfs, nice pickings, Cat £205+, Price $149

ROW423) Portugal 1910 King Manoel II set of 14 to 1000r Black & blue overprinted ‘REPUBLICA’ SG 404-417, all with cds cancels, Nice-fine used, Cat £70+, Price $89

ROW424) Portugal 1931 Camoes Poem Lusiad simplified set of 23 to 5e SG 835-52 group, mostly Fine used, Cat £26+, Price $35

ROW425) Portugal 1941 Costume set of 10to 2e SG 932-41, 15c with perf faults at top, most with cds cancels, Nice – fine used Cat £50, Price $69

ROW426) Portugal 1943 Caravel selection of 12 different, 1e80 to 50e including 4e, 6e & 7e50 SG 951-58 group, Fine used, Cat £25+, Price $35

ROW427) Portugal 1945 President Carmona set of 8 to 3e50 SG 977-84, Fine used, Cat £29, Price $39

ROW428) Portugal 1947 Regional Costumes set of 8 to 3e50 SG 1002-09, Good-fine used, Cat £27, Price $35

ROW430) Portugal 1948 St Joao de Brito set of 4 to 1e75 SG 1016-19, some light hinge remains Mint, Cat £36+ as MUH, Price $39

ROW431) Portugal 1949 Portraits set of 8 to 3e50 SG 1021-28, some light hinge remains Mint, Cat £170, Price $179

ROW433) Portugal 1949 Portraits set of 8 to 3e50 SG 1021-28, Nice-fine used, Cat £55, Price $69

ROW434) Portugal 1950 Holy Year set of 4 to 5e SG 1035-38, Mint no gum, Cat £175 for MUH, £48 for used, Price $59

ROW435) Portugal 1952 St Francis Xavier set of 4 to 5e SG 1075-78, Fine used, Cat £25+, Price $35

ROW436) Portugal 1953 Medieval Knight definitives selection of 14 different 5c to 50e SG 1079-93 group including 90c, 1e40, 2e30, 10e & 20e, odd minor gum bend, lightly hinged Mint, some MUH, Cat £155+, Price $169

ROW432) Portuguese India 1931 St Francis Xavier Exhibition set of 6 to 2½t SG 498-503, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £45, Price $59


SWZ120) Switzerland set of 3, 1881 Swiss Cross - Inscription ‘TELEGRAPHIE’ granite paper, used, Price $211


SWZ116) Switzerland set of 6, 1908/9 Postage dues, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100c, brownish olive/cinnamon, MLH, Price $131


ROW216) Switzerland 1922 League of Nations overprint on 1914 5fr blue mountain view, SGLN30. VFU with a SON cancel for the League of Nations dated 11 XI 35. CV £110, price $149


SWZ109) Switzerland 1924-37 Postage Stamp of 1921-25 overprinted ‘S.d.N. - Bureau - International - du Travail’, 70 dark violet, used, Price $29


SWZ129) Switzerland 1945, M/S, For the War Victims, MUH, Price $231


SWZ130) Switzerland 1945, M/S, 100th Anniversry of Basler Taube, MUH, Price $144


SWZ131) Switzerland set of 13, 1945 Truce in Europe, MUH, Price $570


SWZ134) Switzerland 1946, Airmail - Pro Aero 1946, MUH, Price $35


SWZ152) Switzerland 1948 M/S International Philatelic Exhibition, Basel IMABA 1948, MUH, Price $70


SWZ139) Switzerland set of 6, 1948 Landscapes - New Colours, MUH, Price $50


SWZ141) Switzerland set of 2, 1948 Airmail New Colours, multi coloured 30 & 40, used & MLH, Price $87


SWZ146) Switzerland set of 12, 1949 Engineering, MLH, Price $28


SWZ143) Switzerland 1949, Airmail - Pro Aero 1949, MUH, Price $46


ROW213) Switzerland 1950 United Nations overprint on 3fr, 5fr and 10fr 1938 Parliament issues, SGLU18-20, MH. CV for MUH is £585, price $479


SWZ121) Switzerland set of 6, 1950 Postage Stamps of 1938-42 overprinted ‘NATIONS UNIES - OFFICE EUROPEEN’ used, Price $92


ROW214) Switzerland 1950 International Refugees Organisation overprints on 1949 Landscapes and 1941 Historicals, SGLR1-8 MH. This is a complete set for this organisation. CV £304 for MUH, price $249


ROW215) Switzerland 1950 World Health Organisation overprint on 3fr, 5fr and 10fr 1938 Parliament issues, SGLH23-5, MH (5fr MUH). CV £220 for MUH, price $189


SWZ150) Switzerland set of 5, 1951 Pro Patria Zurich 600 Anniversary of the Confederation, MUH, Price $27


SWZ149) Switzerland 1951, M/S, National Philatelic Exhibition LUNABA Luzern, MUH, Price $290


SWZ167) Switzerland 1955 M/S, National Philatelic Exhibition Lausanne 1955, MUH, Price $70


SWZ168) Switzerland set of 4, 1959 Europa Stamps, European PTT Conference Montreux, MUH, Price $38

ROW233) Togo c1947 Sunken Die Proof for 10c postage due SGD185 in issued colour. Price $100

USA232) 1904 Louisiana Purchase 10c Brown Scott 327, centred low, oval cancel Nice used, Cat US $27.50, Price $24.99

USA203) USA 1930 International Philatelic Exhibition/APS Convention Boston set of 4 poster stamps, MUH, scarce set Price $69

USA205) USA 1934 NY National Philatelic Exhibition set of 4 ABN poster stamps in blocks of 4, some perf separation, MUH, Price $69


USA206) USA 1935 Columbus Ohio Philatelic Club CSA 5c Blue Jefferson Davis reproduction mini sheet of 9, issued under the authority of ‘YAMES A FOLLY’ MUH, Price $39


USA207) USA 1935 National Stamp Week set? of 8 different bi-coloured stamp reproductions including a se-tenant pair, mostly MUH, one with light gum bend, unusual, Price $69

USA208) USA 1936 New York Philatelic Exhibition 50c Gold Statue of Liberty ‘ROCKET-POST’ unusual, Mint no gum, Price $29


USA209) USA 1936 International Philatelic Exhibition set of 4 ABN poster stamps, MUH, Price $29


USA210) USA 1936 International Philatelic Exhibition set of 4 ABN poster stamps, MUH, Price $29


USA211) USA 1936 International Philatelic Exhibition ABN poster stamp in Brown, block of 2 MUH/2 Mint, Price $24.99


USA212) USA 1938 53rd APS Convention multi coloured poster stamp mini sheet, attractive, MUH Price $24.99


USA213) USA 1939 53rd APS National Stamp Congress Washington multi coloured Penny Black imperf poster stamp in mini sheet format MUH, Price $29


USA214) USA 1939 Akron Ohio Rubber City Stamp Club 20th Anniv. Set of 4 bi-coloured poster stamps featuring an Airship, unusual, Mint no gum, Price $24.99


USA216) USA 1986 AMERIPEX’86 issues with Presidents mini sheets MUH set in envelope, $1.76 Commem set booklets x 2 + 2 sets on cover, singles on cover with 10 different pictorial postmarks, stationery, PNG 70t Bird on commem cover etc, attractive group, Price $39


USA217) USA 1940 APS Buffalo NY sheetlet of 10 different Poster stamps (top pair separated) in deep blue Mint, attractive, Price $24.99


USA218) USA 1941 New Airmail stamps commemoration large imperf poster stamps featuring ‘Silverliner’ & ‘PanAm Airways Clipper’ MUH, also 1941 APS Convention Baltimore perf ‘Silverliner’ stamp Mint, very attractive group, Price $39


USA219) USA 1947 First stamps Centenary ABN Co Queen Victoria/Hill/Polk poster stamp set of 4 & Bi-coloured Washington Franklin poster stamp in 6 different colour combinations, also Grand Central Palace NY Exhibition set of 2 imperf, also 1947 mini sheet, mixed MUH/Mint, attractive group, Price $39


USA220) USA 1947 First stamps Centenary Grand Central Palace NY International Philatelic Exhibition Black & vermilion poster stamp imperf sheet of 10 MUH, Price $49


USA221) USA 1947 First stamps Centenary 3c Blue commem on six different (mostly ArtCraft) cachet FDC’s & a CIPEX cover, similar range of five FDC’s with the 1947 Mini sheet & five x 5c Airmail stationery envelopes including with Masonic Stamp Club of NY cachets, all cancelled with various dates of NY Exhibition commem roller cancels, Price $39

USA223) USA Selection of 21 1933-51 Exhibition covers or covers with Exhibition cancels with 1933 Century of Progress 1c & 3c imperfs, 3c Byrd imperf pair, mini sheets set, interesting group, Price $49


USA224) USA Selection of 10 1950 postal stationery envelopes including 6 uprated with ‘Prexie’ 1c or 2c coils, 3 x 6c Airmail envelopes, some with Exhibition cachets, all with Exhibition/FDC cancels, Price $24.99


USA226) USA 1938 BIPEX, 1940 SOJEX, 1941 TRENPEX, 1942 BIPEX/War Bonds, 1949 Edgar Allan Poe/BALPEX & Berwyn Ill New PO Exhibition souvenir mini sheets, MUH/Mint, Price $35


USA227) USA Selection of 45 1947-97 Exhibition covers or covers with Exhibition cancels, includes 15 stationery items some with mini sheets etc, few with appropriate Cinderellas on the reverse, few Exhibition stamps & mini sheets, 1934 3c Byrd on CPS Open House & Bourse card, show tickets with 1992 World Columbian Expo Season pass x 2, few other FDC’s etc, interesting & colourful lot, Price $69


USA228) USA Array of 24 different 1936-1977 Philatelic Exhibitions/Conventions etc labels with several poster stamps including a set, several sheetlets etc odd fault, MUH/Mint, attractive group, Price $39


USA229) USA Interpex 75 foreign souvenirs with Samoa Interpex ‘Joiyita’ folder & ‘Joyita’ mini sheet on FDC signed by the designer, UN Interpex FDI folder, also Interphil76 souvenirs Samoa Interphil76/Bicentenial folder + mini sheet MUH & on FDC, Hungary Interphil set on FDC, Isle of Man booklet & Portugal Interphil set on FDC, attractive group, Price $39


US230) USA 1934 Byrd imperf mini sheet on Special Delivery FDC tied by ‘NATIONAL STAMP EXHIBITION STA./FEB/10/11AM/1934/NEW YORK N.Y.’ machine cancel, Scott 735, with various cancels/cachets on reverse, attractive cover, Cat US $40(2020), Price $39


US231) USA 1934 Byrd imperf mini sheet on FDC tied by ‘NATIONAL STAMP EXHIBITION STA./FEB/10/11AM/1934/NEW YORK N.Y.’ machine cancel, Scott 735, Cat US $40(2020), Price $35



Australia Pre-Decimal

Bulk Pennies & Halfpennies


CB508d) minted 1911 – 1964 Wholesale bulk lot, unpicked for dates or condition selling by weight Pennies, 450g for $34, 1kg for $68


CB508f) As above but Pennies and Halfpennies mixed, 450g for $34, 1kg for $68



CB3782) Australia 1933 Halfpenny AEF, nice fault free coin with some lustre. $12.50


CB3783) Australia 1934 Halfpenny GVF, nice fault free coin with some lustre. $12.50


CB3514) Australia 1934 Halfpenny, aUnc. Cat $100, Price $75


CB3784) Australia 1935 Halfpenny AUNC, nice fault free coin with full lustre, has been lacquered at some time in the past. $55


CB3785) Australia 1936 Halfpenny EF, nice fault free coin with some lustre. $15


CB3786) Australia Perth Mint 1948 Halfpenny EF, nice fault free coin with some lustre. $5

CB301) Australia 1961 Halfpenny, GEM uncirculated. Superb coin with stunning “Rainbow” toning. Cat. $75, price $66


CB302) Australia 1962 Halfpenny, choice uncirculated. Lovely lustred coin with some nice toning beginning to develop. Cat $30, Price $24




CB517) Australia 1911 Penny, GEM uncirculated. Brilliant original lustre coin, cat. $2250, price $1195


CB114) Australia 1912 1d A/UNC. Lovely deep chocolate coin with small amount of lustre on reverse. Cat. $300, price $249


CB3790) Australia 1913 Penny Fine, with huge planchette flaws both sides $85

CB3670) Australia 1920 Penny, NO DOTS. gF. Price $225


CB3671) Australia 1922 Penny, gEF. Price $325

CB1435) Australia 1925 Penny. About EF, 8 pearls & centre diamond visible. Price $625


CB75) Australia 1932 Penny, choice uncirculated, with full original lustre. Cat. $1500, price $1295


CB3667) Australia 1933 Penny, gEF. Price $60

CB3672) Australia 1935 Penny, aUnc. Cat $100, Price $75


CB3787) Australia Melbourne Mint 1951 Penny AUNC nice fault free coin with lustre. $15


CB3788) Australia Perth Mint 1953 Penny Fine, with huge diagonal Planchette flaw on reverse. $85




CB92) Australia 1936 3d brilliant uncirculated, cat. $165, Price $115


CB3229) Australia 1940 3d, gEF. Price $40


CB312) Australia 1944S San Francisco USA Mint 3d GEM uncirculated. Superb original full lustre & bloom coin ex mint roll. Cat $150, Price $115


CB310) Australia 1944S San Francisco USA Mint 3d GEM uncirculated. Superb original full lustre & bloom coin ex mint roll. Cat $150, Price $115


CB311) Australia 1944S San Francisco USA Mint 3d GEM uncirculated. Superb original full lustre & bloom coin ex mint roll. Cat $150, price $115

CB3227) Australia 1954 3d, Unc. Die Crack adjacent to Beth. Price $188

CB3230) Australia 1955 3d, ChUnc. Cat. $65 Price $49


CB322) Australia 1960 3d GEM uncirculated. Brilliant coin with full lustre and bloom. Cat. $70, price $49

CB321) Another as above, $24


CB317) Australia 1964 3d, GEM Uncirculated. Brilliant full lustre and bloom, impossible to improve on. Cat. $50, price $35




CB19) Australia 1912 6d in almost extremely fine condition. Cat $550 as EF, this one $379


CB3176) Australia 1928 6d, VF. Cat. $100. Price $75


CB285) Australia 1954 6d, “Gem” Uncirculated. Top coin with original lustre & bloom, price $125


CB323) Australia 1963 6d, “Gem” Uncirculated. Top coin with original lustre & bloom, price $125


CB324) Another as above, price $125


CB326) Another as above, price $125




CB2500) Australia 1912 1/- GEF. Price: $1150


CB2501) Australia 1913 1/- GEF. Price: $965

CB20) Australia 1920 1/- in Extremely Fine condition. Cat. $475, price $410

CB2509) Australia 1920 1/- GEF. Price: $625


CB2510) Australia 1921 1/- Star GEF. Price: $1400


CB2512) Australia 1924 1/- EF. Price: $375

CB2547) Australia 1928 1/- GEF. Price: $685


CB2516) Australia 1931 1/- GEF. Price: $160


CB2517) Australia 1933 1/- GEF. Price: $2475

CB2519) Australia 1935 1/- AUNC. Price: $220

CB365) Australia 1960 Shilling, GEM uncirculated. Full original lustred coin ex. mint roll, cat. $150, price $110


CB333) Australia 1960 Shilling, choice uncirculated. Lovely lustred coin, cat. $70, price $59


CB332) Australia 1962 Shilling, choice uncirculated, lovely example. Cat. $50, price $35


CB634) Australia 1927 Canberra Florin. Nice uncirculated with lustre. Cat. $225, price $119

Australia Decimal

CB3520) Australia Bulk 1c & 2c coins, 1kg – Approx. 250 coins per kg. Many appear uncirculated! Price $28.50


CB3093) Australia BU 1977 Silver Jubilee Commemorative Medallion. Price $90.00


CB571) Australia 1982 XII Commonwealth Games Brisbane 1982 Royal Australian Mint Unc. in original wallet. Price: $21.50


CB3793) Australia 1984 $1, superb lustred UNC $5


CB654) Australia 1995 4 x $1 “Waltzing Matilda” set of all four mintmarks: ‘B’ ‘C’ ‘M’ ‘S’. Cat. $155 for the set. Price $115

CB362) Australia 1996 Parkes $1 mintmark “M” in presentation card as issued. Melbourne Mintmark is the scarcest. Price $39


CB3796) Australia 2006 $1, superb lustred UNC $6


CB743) Australia 2006 RAM Commonwealth Games set of 3 Stamp Ingots. Gold Plated, Silver Plated and Bronze Plated). In original packaging. Price: $88.50

CB818) Australia 2018 RAM XXI Gold Coast Commonwealth Games Three Proof set of 3 Coins ($1 Copper, $5 Fine Silver and $10 Gold Plated Fine Silver). In original packaging. With Certificate. Price: $343.50

Coins other than Australia

CB3419) Bahamas 1974 Proof Set. Coins in case as issued but no longer heat wrapped in plastic. $94


CB3634) Bahamas 1974 Proof Coin Set, in case of issue. 4 Values 50c  to $5 in either fine silver or .800 silver and 4 lower values in base metals. 2.8721oz Pure Silver. $279 (4 available)


CB3425) Ethiopia 1977 “National Coinage of Ethiopia” Five Coin Proof Set in case as issued w/ COA. Price $125


CB3636) Great Britain 1807 King George III Halfpenny, key date, nice VF $65reat Britian


CB3675) Great Britain 1862 – 1956 Collection of 10 farthings. Dates Included: 1862, 1905, 1910, 1916, 1929, 1932, 1935, 1939, 1946, 1956. Price $59


CB3781) Great Britain Farthings. nice selection of all 4 reigns. 1873, 1894, 1905, 1909, 1917, 1926, 1928, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1954,1955. All circulated condition, plus 1933 & 1937 uncirculated. 16 coins. $85


CB3798) Great Britain superb 1986 Brilliant UNC set in folder of issue. $25

CB3637) Isle of Man 2018 QEII 65th anniversary of Coronation Crown, special gold & silver coloured proof coin....rare! This was quickly sold out, and few are seen on the open market today, in fact the first we have owned. In case of issue.  $195


CB3639) 1971 Mauritius 10 Rupee, QEII with Dodo reverse! RARE coin Mintage only 50.000. Price $945

CB1005a) Niue 2017 Sydney Harbour Bridge 2oz High Relief Fine Silver Proof $5 coin. In original packaging. With Certificate. Front of packaging torn. Price: $250

CB3432) Republic of Panama 1978 20 Balboas Huge 61mm .925 Silver Proof Coin with box & COA. $435


BN115) New Zealand 1992 presentation folder with $5 Sir Edmund Hillary note, in uncut block of 4, uncirculated. $135 (4 available) 

BN117, 118, 119) Australia 1992 $5 Polymer note Renniks 214 Uncirculated. Cat. $50, $37.50 (3 available)

BN123, 124) Australia 1993 $10 Polymer note Renniks 316a Uncirculated. Cat. $55, $41.50 (2 available)


BN125) Australia 1998 $10 Polymer note Renniks 318c Uncirculated. Cat. $75, $56.50


BN121, 122) Australia 2002 $5 Polymer note Renniks 219 Uncirculated. Cat. $35, $26.50 (2 available)

PNC Covers


MAFD636) Australia 2010 Australian Commonwealth Coinage PNC / FDC Price $24 (10 available)

MAFD615) Australia 2012 International Year of the Cooperatives PNC / FDC Price $26.25 (4 available)

MAFD614) Australia 2012 AFL Premiers Sydney Swans PNC / FDC Price $33.75 (4 available)

MAFD623) Australia 2013 AFL Premiers Hawthorn Hawks PNC / FDC Price $31.50 (4 available)

MAFD630) Australia 2017 Bananas in Pyjamas PNC / FDC Price $41.25 (3 available)

MAFD629) Australia 2017 Trans-Australian Railway PNC / FDC Price $26.25 (4 available)

MAFD634) Australia 2018 Porky Pig PNC / FDC Price $33.75 (4 available)

MAFD633) Australia 2018 John Monash PNC / FDC Price $30 (4 available)

MAFD632) Australia 2018 Diwali PNC / FDC Price $24.75 (4 available)

MAFD631) Australia 2018 Christmas Looney Tunes PNC / FDC Price $33.75 (4 available)

MAFD635) Australia 2019 Eureka Stockade PNC / FDC Price $25.50 (4 available)

PNC81) Dominican Republic 1980 Coins of All Nations Limited Coin & Stamp PNC/FDC. Price $29.95

Medallions, tokens & Other Collectables


CB3507) Australia 1887 Queen Victoria Jubilee Medallion, nice condition compared to others seen. Price $75

CB3642) Australia 1887 Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee, large (37.5mm) Silver plated medallion, scarce. $49

CB3640) Victoria, Australia. KGV 1911 & KGVI 1937 Coronation Medallions, gilt on bronze. Scarce pair, $69 

CB3641)  Victoria, Australia. QEII 1953 Doncaster & Templestowe Coronation Medallion gilt on bronze, scarce. $49

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This is list 2 of 7.

7/756 Burwood Highway, Ferntree Gully.

Office Hours: 9.30 – 4.30 Monday – Friday NOW BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, (Weekends by arrangement)
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New Better Discount terms:
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All discounts can be applied to items from previous lists in order to achieve a higher discount level.
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EXCEPTIONS: There are no discounts on brand new catalogues or accessories.

Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request.
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Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500. We accept all cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 9am – 4.30 Mon – Fri, but we will often answer the phone after hours.
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