Discount Sale
Early July 2024
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KGV Heads
G1090) Australia 1914 KGV 1d Engraved, single wmk 1d Red Mint & C of A wmk 1d Green MUH, also GB 1912 1d ‘Ideal’ stamp in black (imperf) & blue (perf), both MNG, the portrait design of which the Australian KGV portrait is thought to be based on, interesting group, Price $39
G1083) Australia 1914 KGV single wmk smooth paper 1d die II punctured ‘OS’ pair, appears to be a paler shade of Carmine-rose BW 71V, the left unit with ‘merged flaw’, the right with erect spur, probably positions 56 & 57, indistinct ‘JL 23/VICTORIA’ cds, Die II OS Cat $200 each for cheapest shade BW 71(1)ib, strangely, the merged state is unpriced used, scarce & attractive multiple, Price $299
G441) Australia 1914 KGV 1d Carmine-red single wmk smooth paper die II, couple of nibbled perfs at top, centred to upper left, hinge remains Mint, Cat $750, Price $449
G982) Australia KGV 1915 Single watermark 4d Orange variety ‘Watermark inverted’ BW 110a, centred to upper left, centrally struck WA cds, Cat $30, Price $24.99
G1060) Australia 1915 KGV 4d Yellow-orange single wmk BW 110I, centred slightly high, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $60, Price $49
G322) Australia 1918 KGV 5d Bright chestnut single wmk, rough paper single line perf, punctured ‘OS’ BW 134, usual below average centring, indistinct cds, Cat $250, Price $169
G965) Australia KGV 1919 Single watermark 1½d Purple-brown variety ‘Long top bar to second E of THREE’ BW 85(3)g, slightly nibbled right top corner perf MUH, Cat $60 as hinged, Price $69
G984) Australia KGV 1920 Single watermark 2d Orange punctured ‘OS’ BW 95ba, grossly misplaced to lower right, light machine cancel, unusual, Price $49
G1091) Australia 1922 KGV 4d Ultramarine single wmk BW 112 punctured ‘OS/NSW’, indistinct cds cancel, scarce, Price $39
G968) Australia KGV 1924 Single watermark 1½d scarlet variety ‘White flaw over large 1 in right value shield’ BW 89(22)v, MUH, Cat $60 as hinged, Price $89
G590) Australia 1924 KGV 2d Red-brown single wmk BW 97, left marginal (almost separated) block of 8, centred to the left, r/h column of 4 with light gum ‘suntanning’ MUH, Cat $600, Price $349
G1097) Australia 1928 KGV SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ 1/4d Greenish-blue BW 130, centred to lower left MUH, Cat $875, Price $699
G1098) Australia 1928 KGV SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ 1/4d Greenish-blue BW 130, centred a little to the right, corner crease and some minor gum bends MUH, Cat $875, Price $499
G991) Australia KGV 1930 SM watermark perf 13½ x 12½ ‘TWO PENCE’ on 1½d surcharge plate 3 corner plate dot block of 4 BW 101(3)z, hinged in margin only, light marginal gum bend Mint, Cat $75, Price $59
Orders over $1000 deduct 25%
Orders over $2500 deduct 30%
All discounts can be applied to items from previous lists in order to achieve a higher discount level.
No discounts apply to items purchased on Layby
Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request.
Many smaller items, including a lot that are not on this list may be found in our eBay listings. Our store name is 21st-century-auctions
Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500. We accept all cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 9am – 4.30 Mon – Fri, but we will often answer the phone after hours.
All of our items carry our guarantee that if significantly mis-described, they may be returned to us within 7 days of your receipt.
please contact Kevin Morgan on:
Phone: 0425 795 693
Post: PO BOX 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia, 3158