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 Discount Sale
Early July 2024


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Albums & Accessories


ALB41) Norway 1945 – 2000 Lighthouse Hingeless Album, in 2 Black Classic Binders and Slipcases. Virtually as new, cost to buy today around $1600! Under a quarter of that, only $395

Opt1) BRAND NEW Lighthouse Optima “Gigant” 75mm 4 ring Binder & Slipcase, leather look, available in Brown, Blue, Red or Black. RRP $74.95, special price $59.95 each.
Opt2) Optima Pages, as new (Once used for an exhibition) to suit above, 2 divisions to suit postal history or postcards etc. Clear or black available RRP per pack of 5 = $15.95, price $7.95. Black interleaves to complement clear sheets RRP $9.50 per pack of 5, price $4.75.
SGN) Stanley Gibbons superb heavy duty “Nubian” Black Springback Album, brand new in original box. Comes with 50 black Quadrille faced leaves. One of the “Top of the Range” Gibbons products. Price $165, or if wanted with White leaves instead $129. (3 available)
GP1) Collector’s gift Pack. Australia Post Padded Binder, in Red or Black with 10 Hagner style stocksheets, 2 each of 5, 6, 7 & 8 strip or 1, 2, 3 & 4 strip; or any configuration you may choose. Plus Freestanding 110mm Illuminated Magnifier with Dual magnification up to 4 x,  detachable so that can also be used hand held, plus Quality German Made Stainless Steel 150mm sharp point tweezers, and Australian Made Perforation Gauge. All for only $69.
ALB41) Pitcairn Is. 1940 – 1990 Seven Seas Burgundy Padded Hingeless Album with Slipcase, almost as new. Current retail approx. $462.50, less than a half, price $225
SSP3) Prinz 64 black page hard cover stockbooks RRP $81.75 each, price on eBay $94.50 post-paid, price here $73 each, Black, Brown Blue, Green or Maroon
SSP4) Prinz 32 black page hard cover stockbooks, price on eBay $49.50 post-paid, price here $35 each 3 for $100, Black, Brown Blue, Green or Maroon.
SSP5) Mix and match any three 64 page stockbooks from the above list and save $5 from each stockbook
SSP6) Mix and match any five 64 page stockbooks from the above list and save $7.50 from each stockbook
SSP7) Mix and match any ten 64 page stockbooks from the above list and save $10 from each stockbook
ACC17) VST Pre-Decimal Coin Album, post type with spaces for all Australian coins 3d to Crown 1910 – 1964. Available in Black, Blue, Brown, Green or Burgundy. Price on eBay $54.50, price here $39.95
ACC15) Pre-owned empty stockbooks in decent condition. Good brands, no oriental rubbish! Mix of sizes and brands. Cheap storage! 5kg lot for $99, 10kg for $195
ACC11) Recraft Magnifying Aid with Adjustable Stand Dies Cast Metal Base (100mm Lens 2.5x Mag) Price $39.50 (1 only)
ACC12) Stamp Tweezers – Pouched. VST Brand Solingen Stainless Steel, 150mm Pointed End. Listed retail $18.70, price under a half…. One pair for $9.50, 2 for $17.50 Dealer special, 5 pairs for $40, 10 pairs for $75
ACC9) Super Clip-on Eye Glass Magnifier - with Protective Pouch - 2x Magnification, Clear acrylic Optical clarity for everyday usage Distortion free Shatterproof price $17
PR1) Prinz 64 Black Page stockbook, available in Red, Black, Blue, Green or Brown. RRP $84.50 each. Per 1 $76.50, per 3 $219.50, per carton of 5 $316.50 (Can mix colours in the carton lots)
PR2) As above, but White pages, available in Red, Black or Blue. RRP $80 each. Per 1 $72, per 3 $205, per carton of 5 $299.50 (Can mix colours in the carton lots)
PR3) ) Prinz 32 Black Page stockbook, available in Red, Black or Blue. RRP $52 each. Per 1 $47.50, per 3 $133.50, per 5 $210. Per carton of 10 $356 (Can mix colours in the carton lots)
PR3) Prinz 32 White Page stockbook, available in Red, Black or Blue. RRP $49.75 each. Per 1 $44.75, per 3 $127.501, per 5 $199. Per carton of 10 $373 (Can mix colours in the carton lots)
ACS1) New Zealand 2024 Colour Catalogue from Auckland City Stamps. Superb A5 size pocket catalogue of 148 pages. Covers all issues 1855 to 2021 Christmas inc. Ross dependency. Bargain at $24.95 
SHS1) Hagner or similar stocksheets, good secondhand, or even some that appear unused. New price is now $1.75 each. Our choice of sizes 1 to 8 strip (Not all sizes are always available) Good mixture of what is available. Less than half price. $75 per 100.
ACC6) Lumagny - 6x Illuminated Magnifying Glass - 1.25inch Diameter. Compact High power for artists, engineers, hobbyists, photographers, scientists, stamp collectors and students Takes two AA Batteries (not supplied) Price $18
ACC10) 75mm Diameter 5x Magnification Stand Loupe Prefocused dual Hands-free observation Clear acrylic base permits ambient light to illuminate subject for clear, bright, viewing. Price $35. Also available 7 x Magnification 50mm diameter for $29, 10 x Magnification 30mm diameter for $25
ACC3) Hands-Free Magnifier - Bi-Focal Lens - 110mm. Comes with adjustable around the neck cord for a comfortable fit. Magnification is 1.5X with 4.25X bifocal segment for fine detail. Price $25
PZM1) Prinz Mounts, clear, mixed sizes, as they come, big bag of 500g, elsewhere $89, my price $69…will keep you going for ages!
AMMY2) As new Stocksheets, some never used. Mix of brands like Hagner, Prinz & Eureka. Now at UNDER HALF NEW PRICE OF $175 per 100 our choice of sizes. Single sided sizes available 1 - 3 strips, $72.50 per 100. Double sided available in 1 – 5 strips, $137.50 per 100.
MN41) Magnificent Magnifier: Large 110mm Illuminated Magnifier with Stand. This magnifier can be used with/without the base. Suitable for stamp and coin collectors, and art and craft, artists etc. Magnification: 2.5x, plus 4x Spot. Diameter: 110mm, bigger than the Lighthouse similar product. Battery operated: 2 x AA (not included). Adjustable height up to 200mm and angle to 45 degrees. RRP $36.95. Price each only $15, under 50% retail! $69 per 5.

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