Discount Sale
Early July 2024
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MCI102) Christmas Island 1968/70 Fish MUH, Price $51
CI273) Christmas Island 1987 Wildlife MUH. Price $29
MN78) Nauru 1974 UPU blocks of 4 + Minisheet MUH, Price $28.50
MN88) Nauru 1981 Year Sets (blocks + Minisheet) MUH, Price $75.75
MN102) Nauru 1985 Year Sets MUH blocks, Price $42
MN104) Nauru 1987 Year Sets (blocks + minisheet) MUH, Price $60
MN106) Nauru 1989 Legends MUH blocks of 4, Price $66
MNI74) Norfolk Island 1947 Ball Bay FDC Cover, Price $37.50 (Several available)
NI246) Norfolk Island 1966 7c Headstone Bridge variety ‘Light blue (sky etc) misplaced approx 2mm to the left’ resulting in a blue left margin, striking unlisted variety, MUH Price $199
NI248) Norfolk Island 1971 10c Patterson pair SG 123/24 with horizontal perforations shifted approx. 3mm down resulting in the top part of the inscription (NORFOLK ISLAND 10c) being at the base of the stamp and missing from the top, particularly noticeable on the left hand stamp, unusual MUH, Price $39
PNG1790) New Guinea Red Cross stampless cover inscribed ‘ISSUED FREE BY/AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY/TO HOSPITAL PATIENTS’ to South Bougainville with typed ‘INTER-ISLAND MAIL’ & two line ‘PASSED FREE/OF POSTAGE’ marking in black, believed to have been sent from Kavieng, no censor or date markings, slightly reduced at right, interesting & unusual, Price $69
PNG1470) Papua 1901-05 Lakatois BNG watermark horizontal 4d Black & sepia SG 5, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £65, Price $89
PNG1907) Papua 1901-05 Lakatois watermark vertical ½d Black & yellow green thin paper (comb perf) SG 9a, lower right horizontal strip of 4 with guide lines, some toning Mint, Cat £120, Price $99
PNG1928) Papua 1901-05 Lakatois watermark vertical 1/- Black & orange SG 15, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £65, Price $89
PNG844) Papua 1906 Lakatois. Large ‘Papua’ overprints simplified set of 7, ½d to 1/-, the ½d to 2½d watermark vertical SG 21-24, other values watermark horizontal SG 17-19, all fresh, very lightly hinged Mint, Cat £411, Price $499
PNG1475) Papua 1907 Lakatois BNG overprinted small Papua watermark horizontal 2½d Black & ultramarine SG 35, light corner cds cancel, Cat £85, Price $139
PNG1481) Papua 1907 Lakatois BNG overprinted small Papua watermark vertical 2d Black & violet & 2½d Black & ultramarine SG 40 & 41, lightly hinged Mint, Cat £30.50, Price $45
PNG1933) Papua 1907 Lakatois small Papua overprint watermark horizontal ½d Black & yellow-green SG 34, light hinge remains Mint, Cat £75, Price $119
PNG1934) Papua 1907-10 Lakatois small Papua watermark upright perf 11 2½d Black & bright ultramarine & 2½d Black & pale ultramarine SG 51 & 51a, some hinge remains Mint, Cat £47, Price $69
PNG1039) Papua 1907-10 Lakatois Small Papua watermark Crown over double lined A upright perf 12½ 4d & 1/- SG 57 & 58, hinge remains Mint Cat £89, Price $119
PNG1942) Papua 1907-10 Lakatois small Papua watermark upright perf 11 2d Black & purple SG 50, light hinge remains Mint, Cat £32, Price $45
PNG1908) Papua 1910-11 Lakatois ½d to 4d & 2/6d type ‘C’ SG 75-79 & 83, mostly lightly hinged Mint, Cat £137, Price $199
PNG1927) Papua 1911-15 Lakatois monocolours set of 8 ½d to 2/6d SG 84-91, Mint, some low values with hinge remains, the 2/6d is MUH, Cat £75 as hinged set, Price $139
PNG1893) New Guinea 1915 Registered cover to NSW with 1915-16 NWPI overprints 5d Brown SG 72 horizontal pair type ‘a’ overprints, tied by ‘RABAUL’ cds, with ‘Rabaul/(Deutsch Newguinea)’ red & black registration label & straight line ‘PASSED BY CENSOR’ marking in violet, attractive cover, 5d on cover Cat £72, Price $129
PNG1916) Papua 1916-23 Lakatois bi-colours selection with ½d x 4 one with part Harrison imprint, 1½d, 2d, 3d, 4d & 5d x 3ea, 1d, 2½d & 1/-, nice range of shades, unchecked for printings etc, Mint,, minimum Cat £71, Price $119
PNG730) New Guinea NWPI overprints 1918-23 Kangaroo 6d SG 110 solo franking on long registered OHMS cover to the USA, tied by faint strike of ‘RABAUL/23NO22/NEW BRITAIN’ black/white Rabaul registration label, various transit & ‘EAST DOWNINGTOWN/JAN/19/730P/19/PA’ arrival backstamps, some age discolouration & two small tears at upper right, scarce commercial cover, Price $349
PNG1892) New Guinea 1924 Airmail cover to WA with 1918-22 NWPI overprints KGV ½d Green, 1d Violet, 2d Scarlet & 2½d Indigo Kangaroo tied by two crisp strike of ‘RABAUL’ cds, some perf toning mainly affecting the 2d Scarlet, some light creasing, veryattractive four colour cover, Cat £70 (2½d on cover is £64), Price $119
PNG1898) New Guinea 1925 Huts ½d Orange to 3d Blue, latter on small piece SG 125-128, odd minor fault, Fine used, Cat £24, Price $35
PNG1361) Papua 1930 Lakatois bi-colours ½d Myrtle & apple-green punctured ‘OS’ SG O46, marginal MUH, Cat £27 as hinged, Price $49
PNG1363) Papua 1930 Lakatois bi-colours 2d Deep brown purple & lake punctured ‘OS’ SG O49, horizontal pair MUH, Cat £100 as hinged, Price $169
PNG1364) Papua 1930 Lakatois bi-colours 2d Deep brown purple & lake punctured ‘OS’ SG O49, MUH, Cat £50 as hinged, Price $79
PNG1899) New Guinea 1931 Dated birds Airs ½d Orange SG 163, Ash imprint block of 4, lightly hinged on one unit, others MUH, Cat £13 as hinged singles, Price $24.99
PNG672) New Guinea 1931 Dated birds 9d optd ‘OS’ SG O38 on registered cover to the UK tied by ‘MARIENBERG/15MY32/NEW GUINEA’ Rabaul & Sydney backstamps, lovely cover, Cat £224 on cover, Price $299
PNG665) New Guinea 3d Huts tied to cover to the USA by a faint strike of ‘FINSCHHAFEN/10JA33/NEW GUINEA’ (Powell type 3) cds, scarce postmark, Price $69
PNG662) Papua ½d Bi-colour Lakatoi x 2, each tied by ‘PORT MORESBY/28JE33/PAPUA’ cds on cover to the Cayman Is, also with Cayman Is 1932 2d Centenary paying the postage due, straight line ‘TAX’ due marking in black on front, Georgetown arrival cds on front & rear, narrow band of fading at left, scarce & unusual cover, Price $449
PNG661) Papua ½d Bi-colour Lakatoi pair, each tied by indistinct ‘BUNA BAY /9NOV33/PAPUA’ cds on cover to the Cayman Is, also with Cayman Is 1932 2d Centenary paying the postage due, m/s ‘T’ due marking in blue on front, Georgetown arrival cds on front & rear, scarce & unusual cover, Price $499
PNG1912) Papua 1932 Pictorials 1d, 1½, 3d, 4d & 6d SG 131,32,34,35 & 37, Lightly hinged Mint, Cat £32, Price $45
PNG1883) Papua 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG 150-53, some creasing, MLH or MUH, Cat £19, Price $19.99
PNG743) Papua 1938 Anniversary set of 5 to 1/- on registered FDC to Port Moresby, tied by 3 strikes of ‘SAMARAI.E.D./6SP38/PAPUA’, Samarai & Port Moresby backstamps, some very faint perf toning affecting the 3d & 8d values, Price $149
PNG752) Papua 3d 1938 Anniversary solo franking on illustrated ‘Esperanto’ cover to the USA, tied by ‘PORT MORESBY/19SP38/PAPUA’ cds minor creasing at right, attractive cover, Price $59
PNG756) Papua 1939 Airmails 3d & 5d on registered Airmail FDC to Melbourne, each tied by ‘PORT MORESBY/6SP39/PAPUA’, various backstamps, Price $59
PNG1538) New Guinea 1940 Airmail cover to the UK with 1939 Airmail 6d & 1/- (some perf toning) tied by ‘RABAUL/11DE39/NEW GUINEA’ cds, with ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in red & boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No 8’ in violet, Townsville machine cancel on reverse, stamps Cat £96 on cover, Price $79
PNG1541) New Guinea 1940? cover to the USA with 1932-34 Undated Birds 3d tied by ‘MANUS/24AUG40?/NEW GUINEA’ cds, with ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in red & boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No 8’ in violet, damaged at top due to careless opening, Price $59
PNG1542) New Guinea 1940 cover to NSW with 1932-34 Undated Birds 2d pair & 1939 Airmail 1d tied by two light strikes of ‘/LAE/??OC40/NEW GUINEA’ cds, with ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in red & boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No 11’ in violet, ‘SALAMAUA’ cds backstamp, flap damaged due to careless opening, Price $69
PNG1543) New Guinea 1940? Airmail cover to Qld with 1932-34 Undated Birds 5d tied by light strike of ‘SALAMAUA/??????/NEW GUINEA’ cds, with ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in red & boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No 11’ in violet, damaged at top due to careless opening, Price $59
PNG1544) New Guinea 1940? Airmail cover to Qld with 1932-34 Undated Birds 5d tied by light indistinct strike of ‘SALAMAUA/??????/NEW GUINEA’ cds, with ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in red, diamond shaped ‘1/PASSED/ BY/CENSOR/4’ & boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No 11’ in violet, Price $69
PNG1545) New Guinea 1940 cover to the USA with 1932-34 Undated Birds 1d tied by indistinct strike of ‘KIETA/10FE40?/NEW GUINEA’ cds, an underpaid cover which has passed untaxed (surface rate to the USA was 3d), and appears not to have been opened by Censor, but with boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No 12’ in violet, unusual, Price $79
PNG1547) New Guinea 1940 bi-colour printed Airmail cover to NZ with 1932-34 Undated Birds 1½d, 1937 Coronation 3d & 1939 Airmail ½d, tied by three strikes of ‘RABAUL/27AP40?/NEW GUINEA’ , with ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in red & boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No 8’ in violet, Price $69
PNG1550) New Guinea 1941? cover to the USA with 1932-34 Undated Birds 3d tied by indistinct strike of ‘BUKA PASSAGE/??????/NEW GUINEA’ cds, with ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in red & very faint boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No ?’ in violet, Price $69
PNG1548) New Guinea 1942 long Airmail cover from the Lutheran Mission Madang to the USA with 1939 Airmail 9d (couple of toned perfs) tied by indistinct ‘MADANG/????42?/NEW GUINEA’ cds, with boxed ‘Passed by Censor/T.N.G No 16’ in black, stamp Cat £90 on cover, Price $89
PNG1771) New Guinea 1942 censored Airmail ACF front only to NSW with KGVI 3d Brown tied by ‘A.F.P.O./2DE42/No 201’ Air Force cds (Milne Bay}, endorsed ‘On Active Service’ with oval R.A.A.F. CENSOR/456’ marking in violet, Price $29
PNG1793) New Guinea 1942 stampless censored cover to NSW with ‘FIELD P.O./25OC42/0138’ (Port Moresby?) endorsed ‘O.A.S.’ with blue ‘Opened by Censor’ tape, Crowned circle ‘PASSED/BY/CENSOR/175’ & boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN/MILITARY FORCES/PASSED BY CENSOR/71’ markings in violet, it is thought that blue Censor tape may have been used by Civilian Censors, Price $39
PNG1795) New Guinea 1942 stampless censored cover to NSW with ‘FIELD P.O./7JE42/0139’ (Milne Bay?) endorsed ‘On Active Service’ with boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN/MILITARY FORCES/PASSED BY CENSOR/814?’ marking in violet, Price $39
PNG1796) New Guinea 1942 ‘NEW GUINEA MISSION/FROM THE BISHOP OF NEW GUINEA’ illustrated cover to the UK, with typed ‘NO STAMPS AVAILABLE’, oval ‘TAX’ marking in black with m/s 25c. diamond shaped ‘1/PASSED/BY/CENSOR/77’ marking in violet, backstamped ‘BRISBANE/1O-p 15DE42/QUEENSLAND’ cds, missing flap, some toning spots & vertical filing bend, Price $39
PNG1797) Papua 1942 censored J.G. Spychiger cover to NSW with 1932 ½d Pictorial McCracken printing & 1938 5d Declaration tied by ‘PORT MORESBY/3FE42/PAPUA’ cds, with red ‘2 OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape & two line ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/S 153’ marking in violet, February 3rd 1942 was the first day of the Battle of Port Moresby, and Civilian mail was suspended Feb 14th 1942, the ½d McCracken printing is Cat £200 on cover, Price $149
PNG1798) Papua 1942 censored cover to QLD with 1932 Pictorials ½d & 1½d SG 131-32 tied by ‘Buna Bay/4-Mar42/PAPUA’ cds, with plain brown Censor tape & boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN/MILITARY FORCES/PASSED BY CENSOR/2000’ marking in violet applied on front & reverse, central horizontal crease, Civilian mail was suspended Feb 14th 1942, but the civilian PO continued to function for a short time after this, Price $39
PNG1799) Papua 1942 censored cover to the UK with 1932 ½d Pictorial McCracken printing (slight perf toning) & 1939 2d Airmail tied by ‘FIELD P.O./13JE42/0139’ cds, with plain brown Censor tape & boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN/MILITARY FORCES/PASSED BY CENSOR/3099’ marking in violet, the ½d McCracken printing is Cat £200 on cover, Price $119
PNG1800) Papua 1942 censored cover to NSW with 1932 2d Pictorial x 2 tied by ‘ARMY POST OFFICE/7MY42/058’ cds, with red ‘2 OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape & faint boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN/MILITARY FORCES/PASSED BY CENSOR/27’ & diamond shaped ‘2/PASSED/BY/CENSOR/1534’ markings in violet, vertical filing bend, Price $39
PNG1794) New Guinea 1943 stampless censored cover to Vic with ‘ARMY P.O./12JY43/0112’ cds (Port Moresby) endorsed ‘No Stamps Available’ with blue ‘Opened by Censor’ tape, Crowned circle ‘PASSED/BY/CENSOR/111’ & boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN/MILITARY FORCES/PASSED BY CENSOR/71’ markings in violet, it is thought that blue Censor tape may have been used by Civilian Censors, Price $39
PNG1786) Australia-New Guinea 1943 Censored Airmail cover NSW to serviceman in New Guinea with 4d Koala tied by ‘COOGEE/8MR43/N.S.W’ cds, redirected with m/s ‘Kokoda’ in red, red ‘2 OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape & diamond shaped ‘PASSED/ BY CENSOR/1401’ marking in violet, Price $29
PNG1787) Australia-New Guinea 1943 Censored Airmail cover NSW to serviceman in New Guinea with KGVI 1½d Green & 2½d Red tied by ‘MARRICKVILLE/6MR43/N.S.W’ cds, redirected with m/s ‘Kokoda’ in red on reverse, red ‘2 OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape & diamond shaped ‘PASSED/ BY CENSOR/1394’ marking in violet, Price $29
PNG1783) Australia-New Guinea 1943 Censored Airmail cover NSW to serviceman in New Guinea with 4d Koala tied by ‘CROYDON/22FE43/N.S.W’ cds, redirected with m/s ‘Kokoda’ in red, red ‘2 OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape & diamond shaped ‘PASSED/ BY CENSOR/1392’ marking in violet, Price $29
PNG1784) Australia-New Guinea 1943 Censored Airmail cover NSW to serviceman in New Guinea with Queen Elizabeth 1d Maroon & 1½d Green x 2 tied by SYDNEY machine cancel, redirected with m/s ‘Kokoda’ in red, red ‘2 OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape & diamond shaped ‘PASSED/ BY CENSOR/1696’ marking in violet, Price $29
PNG1777) New Guinea 1943 opened out censored Airmail registered cover to NSW with KGVI 3d Brown x 2 tied by indistinct ‘A.F.P.O./7MY43/No201’ cds (Milne Bay), endorsed ‘On Active Service’ with boxed ‘AIR FORCE P.O. 201/REG’D No.’ registration marking & oval ‘R.A.A.F. CENSOR/446’ markings in violet, Price $49
PNG1772) New Guinea 1943 Airmail cover to NSW with KGVI 3d Brown tied by ‘A.F.P.O./25JA43/No 200’ Air Force cds (Port Moresby}, appears to have been signed by Censor but no other Censor markings, unusual, Price $49
PNG1773) New Guinea 1943 Airmail cover to Vic with KGVI 3d Brown tied by ‘AIR FORCE P.O./8NO43/236’ cds (Finschhafen}, endorsed ‘On Active Service’ with oval R.A.A.F. CENSOR/764’ marking in violet, Price $39
PNG1774) New Guinea 1943 Airmail cover to Vic with KGVI 3d Brown tied by ‘AIR FORCE P.O./1OC43/233’ cds (Jackquinot Bay or possibly Goodenough Is Papua}, endorsed ‘On Active Service’ with oval ‘R.A.A.F. CENSOR/672’ marking in violet, Price $39
PNG1791) Papua 1943 stampless ACF cover to serviceman in 2/1st Field Regt. with ‘A.F.P.O./m/s date: 15 Mar 43/No 021’ Air force cds (Milne Bay) and oval ‘R.A.A.F. CENSOR/764’ marking in violet, also with ‘RETURNED TO SENDER:/FROM /DEAD LETTER OFFICE’ tape at top & straight line ‘UNCLAIMED’ in violet on front, attractive cover, Price $69
PNG1792) New Guinea 1944 censored Airmail cover to NSW with KGVI 3d Brown tied by ‘No 7 AUST BASE P.O./20SE44/-C-‘ (Port Moresby) with blue ‘Opened by Censor’ tape, Crowned circle ‘PASSED/BY/CENSOR/60’ & faint boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN/MILITARY FORCES/PASSED BY CENSOR/71?’ markings in violet, it is thought that blue Censor tape may have been used by Civilian Censors, Price $49
PNG1788) New Guinea 1944 censored Airmail cover to NSW with KGVI 3d Brown tied by ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/27MR44/026’ cds (Finschhafen?) with straight line ‘H.M.A. SHIPS’ marking & ‘Tombstone’ shaped ‘FROM H.M. SHIP/PASSED BY CENSOR’ marking, both in violet, Price $39
PNG1779) New Guinea/Pacific 1944 Airmail ‘Decorative’ censored cover to Vic featuring hand drawn coloured ink illustration of ‘Native & tree’ with KGVI 3d Brown tied by ‘AIR FORCE POST OFFICE/12SE44/No 254’ (Balikapapan or Aitape?) cds, endorsed ‘OAS’ with oval ‘R.A.A.F. CENSOR/735’ markings in violet, in ‘The Postal History of the Australian Army during WWII’ Collas states of these Decorative covers at page 219 that ‘few appear to have survived the years’, a lovely example, Price $149
PNG1781) New Guinea/Pacific 1944 Airmail ‘Decorative’ censored cover to Vic featuring hand drawn coloured ink illustration of ‘Female native & tree’ with Queen Elizabeth 1d Maroon x 3 tied by indistinct ‘AIR FORCE POST OFFICE/19SE44/No 254’ (Balikapapan or Aitape?) cds strikes, endorsed ‘OAS’ with oval ‘R.A.A.F. CENSOR/735’ markings in violet, in ‘The Postal History of the Australian Army during WWII’ Collas states of these Decorative covers at page 219 that ‘few appear to have survived the years’, a lovely example, Price $149
PNG1769) New Guinea 1945 censored Airmail registered Salvation Army/ACF/YMCA cover to Tas with KGVI 3d Brown x 2 tied by ‘AUST F.P.O./14FE45/180’ cds (Jackquinot Bay?), with boxed ‘AUST ARMY POSTAL SERVICES/REG’D No.’ registration marking & boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN MILITARY/FORCEs/PASSED BY CENSOR/3522’ marking, both in violet, various back stamps, Price $59
PNG1770) New Guinea 1945 censored Airmail registered Salvation Army/ACF/YMCA cover to Vic with KGVI 3d Brown x 2 tied by ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/24AP45/069’ cds (Bouganville), with two light strikes of boxed ‘AUST ARMY POSTAL SERVICES/REG’D No.’ registration marking, blue Opened by Censor’ tape & boxed ‘AUSTRALIAN MILITARY/FORCEs/PASSED BY CENSOR/555’ & indistinct large Crown circular censor markings, all in violet, various back stamps including ‘AUST ADV BASE P.O. B No 7/100023?AP45’ cds, Price $59
PNG1775) New Guinea 1945 censored Airmail registered cover to Tas with Queen Elizabeth 1d Maroon x 6 tied by ‘AIR FORCE P.O./13JY45/No236’ cds (Finschhafen}, with boxed ‘AIR FORCE P.O. 236/REG’D No.’ registration marking & oval ‘R.A.A.F. CENSOR/675’ markings in violet, Price $49
PNG1776) New Guinea 1945 censored Airmail registered cover to Tas with KGVI 3d Brown x 2 tied by indistinct ‘AIR FORCE P.O./13JY45/No238’ cds (Madang} – clear strike on reverse, endorsed ‘OAS’ with boxed ‘AIR FORCE P.O. 238/REG’D No.’ registration marking & oval ‘R.A.A.F. CENSOR/824’ markings in violet, Price $49
PNG1785) New Guinea 1945 Salvation Army/ACF/YMCA Airmail registered cover to Tas with KGVI 3d Brown x 2 tied by ‘AUST ARMY P.O./7OC45/217’ (Wewak) with boxed ‘AUST ARMY POSTAL SERVICE’APO/217/R’ registration marking in violet, no censor markings as this was a little more than a month after the Japanese surrender, Price $39
PNG1888) Papua New Guinea 1958-60 New values set of 7 to 5/-, SG 18-24, MUH, Cat £17, Price $79
PNG795) Papua New Guinea 1959 airmail cover Rabaul to NZ with 7d surcharge, with ‘S.S. DEEBANK’ BELFAST boxed cachet in violet, appears to have been carried by surface mail though the cover is adequately franked for airmail, attractive, Price $39
PNG1889) Papua New Guinea 1963 £1 QEII SG 45, lower marginal horizontal pair, Price $39
SPECIAL OFFERS of Papua New Guinea
PNG5) PNG 1990 Year set mint unhinged, 7 complete issues plus set of 3 Framas, price $23.50
PNG14) PNG 2003 Anniv. Of Powered Flight. Minisheet & sheetlet, SG 987/88 mint unhinged cat. £11, price $9.95
PNG13) PNG 2003 Tree Kangaroo sheetlet of 4 sets, SG 989/92, cat. £28, stunning price $7.95
PNG12) PNG 2005 Mushrooms minisheet SG MS 1090 mint unhinged, cat. £5.50, price $4.95
PNG18) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K5.35 in sheet of 20 with Port Moresby Waterfront in Tab, SG 1180, cat. £120, so cheap at only $23.95 (10 Available)
PNG18a) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K5.35 in sheet of 20 with Motuan Hiri Trading Double Log Canoe in Tab, SG 1180, cat. £120, so cheap at only $23.95 (10 Available)
PNG18b) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K5.35 in sheet of 20 with Fly Islands, Mirobe South Coast in Tab, SG 1180, cat. £120, so cheap at only $23.95 (10 Available)
PNG18c) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K5.35 in sheet of 20 with Seasons Greetings in Tab, SG 1180, cat. £120, so cheap at only $23.95 (10 Available)
PNG18d) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K5.35 in sheet of 20 with Kenu & Kundu Milne Bay Province in Tab, SG 1180, cat. £120, so cheap at only $23.95 (10 Available)
PNG18e) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K5.35 in sheet of 20 with Butterfly in Tab, SG 1180, cat. £120, so cheap at only $23.95 (10 Available)
PNG21) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Orchids of Papua New Guinea in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21a) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with The Leatherback Turtle in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21b) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Benchback Wildlife, Western Province in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21c) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Merer’s Butterfly Fish in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21d) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Ornithoptera Alexandrae in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21e) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Siac Dancing Lasses, Morobe Province in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21f) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Madang Lighthouse in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21g) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Butterfly in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21h) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Native Orchid in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21i) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with Woodland Island Cuscus in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21j) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. K3.35 in sheet of 20 with National Parliament Haus in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $16.95 (10 Available)
PNG21k) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. 17 Complete Sheets as above, Special Price $295
PNG7) PNG 2007 Contemporary Art Minisheet SG MS 1220, cat. £12.20 mint unhinged, price $8.95
PNG11) PNG 2008 World Aids Day 10K Minisheet, SG MS 1285 mint unhinged. Cat. £14, price $7.95
Orders over $1000 deduct 25%
Orders over $2500 deduct 30%
All discounts can be applied to items from previous lists in order to achieve a higher discount level.
No discounts apply to items purchased on Layby
Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request.
Many smaller items, including a lot that are not on this list may be found in our eBay listings. Our store name is 21st-century-auctions
Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500. We accept all cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 9am – 4.30 Mon – Fri, but we will often answer the phone after hours.
All of our items carry our guarantee that if significantly mis-described, they may be returned to us within 7 days of your receipt.
Please contact Kevin Morgan on:
Phone: 0425 795 693
Post: PO BOX 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia, 3158