Discount Sale
Mid-Late July 2024
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KGV Heads
G1335) Australia KGV 1913 Engraved 1d Pale red & 1d Carmine-red BW 59A & 59C MUH, Cat $42, Price $35
G1338) Australia KGV 1913 Engraved 1d Carmine-red BW 59C, vertical strip of 3, all nits showing unlisted variety ‘Weak entry/white flaws in top frame’ most pronounced in upper unit, centre unit MUH, others MLH Cat $22 as normal, Price $29.99
G1341) Australia KGV 1914 Single watermark smooth paper 1d Carmine-red variety ‘Watermark inverted’ BW 71a, centred slightly high, very lightly hinged Mint, Cat $50, Price $39
G1343) Australia KGV 1914 Single watermark smooth paper 1d Red BW 71 group x 8 with a nice selection of shades, noted two with ‘Compartment line’ traces, all MUH, minimum Cat $240, Price $229
G1347) Australia KGV 1914 Single watermark smooth paper 1d Red BW 71 group x 8 with a nice selection of shades, mixed centreing, attractive group Mint, minimum Cat $80, Price $69
G1340) Australia KGV 1915 Single watermark ½d Emerald BW 63, a pale & a deeper shade, both MUH, Cat $44, Price $35
G1310) Australia KGV 1915 Single watermark single line perf 5d Chestnut BW 122, centred a little high MUH, Cat $375, Price $299
G1344) Australia KGV 1916 Single watermark rough paper 1d Red BW 72 group x 3 deeper shades, noted one with ‘Compartment lines’, all MUH, minimum Cat $225, Price $209
G1348) Australia KGV 1916 Single watermark rough paper 1d Red BW 72 group x 8 with a lovely range of shades, noted two with ‘Compartment lines’, mostly well centred Mint, minimum Cat $320, Price $309
G1311) Australia KGV 1917 Single watermark comb perf 5d Chestnut BW 123, centred low MUH, Cat $325, Price $249
G1349) Australia KGV 1918 Single watermark 1d Carmine-red Die III BW 75, right marginal example, unusually well centred MUH, Cat $275, Price $249
G1350) Australia KGV 1918 Single watermark 1d Carmine-red Die III BW 75, centred to the right MUH, Cat $275, Price $229
G1351) Australia KGV 1918 Single watermark 1d Carmine-red Die III BW 75, centred low, very lightly hinged Mint, Cat $75, Price $49
G3182) Australia 1918 Cooke 1d Carmine-Pink vertical pair (lower unit small surface rub at base), with characteristic "golden orange" ultra violet lamp reaction, lightly toned gum, MUH; BW:71A - Cat. $2500 as two singles. Rare multiple. $1495
G1352) Australia KGV 1918-24 LM watermark ½d Bluish-green, 1½d Purple-black & 1d Green BW 65, 78 & 84B, all MUH, Cat $85, Price $69
G1315) Australia KGV 1918-24 Large multiple watermark ½d Bluish-green & 1d Green BW 65 & 78, both centred high MUH, Cat $55, Price $35
G1314) Australia KGV 1919 Large multiple watermark 1½d Black-brown variety ‘Watermark inverted’ BW 84a, centred to lower right MUH, Cat $175, Price $139
G666) Australia KGV 1920 1/4d Turquoise single wmk. Cancelled by near full strike of ALBURY RAILWAY cds, AP 16 1921. EXTREMELY RARE! Price $325
G820) Australia 1920 Single watermark KGV 2d Brown-orange BW 95A vertical pair, centred to the left, fresh MUH, Cat $90, Price $65
G1316) Australia KGV 1924 No watermark 1d Green variety ‘RA of AUSTRALIA joined’ BW 79(4)j, slight bend, centred to the right, lightly hinged Mint Cat $60, Price $29
G665) Australia KGV 1924 1½d Red Single Wmk., cancelled by near full strike of NSW Relief Stamp cds of 12 OC 25. (Lower left blunt corner perf) Rare! Price $149
G719) Australia 1924 Single watermark KGV 1½d Scarlet Harrison N over M setting, no stop imprint pair BW 89(?)z, faint overall gum toning Mint, Price $149
G700) Australia 1924 Single watermark KGV 1½d Scarlet Electro 24? No imprint (Mullett) pair BW 89(24)za Mint with some hinge remains, Price $199
G1319) Australia KGV 1926 SM watermark perf 14 1½d Rose-red BW 91, centred slightly high MUH, Cat $40, Price $29
G1322) Australia KGV 1926 SM watermark perf 14 1d Green variety ‘Flaw under neck’ BW 80(4)h, nicely centred, light hinge remains Mint, Cat $300, Price $249
G1323) Australia KGV 1926 SM watermark perf 14 1d Green variety ‘Secret mark’ BW 80(4)d, nicely centred MUH, Cat $60 as hinged, Price $69
G1321) Australia KGV 1926 SM watermark perf 14 1½d Rose-red punctured ‘OS’ BW 91bb, centred to upper left MUH, Cat $100, Price $69
G674) Australia 1927 SM watermark perf 14 4d Greenish olive Ash imprint block of 4 BW 115(3)z, lower right hand unit has a small spot of soiling on the gum, the block is somewhat fragile with some separation at the top, MUH, Cat $1200 as hinged, Price $1299
G676) Australia 1927 SM watermark perf 14 KGV 4d Olive plate 4 Ash imprint pair with variety ‘Diagonal white line on King’s neck’ BW 115(4)z(pair), centred low, lightly hinged Mint, Price $499
G711) Australia 1927 SM watermark perf 14 KGV 4½d Violet 4 Ash imprint pair with variety ‘Deformed left frame..2nd state with break in left frame’ BW 119za(pair), left unit with faint corner bend, MUH, Price $249
G749) Australia 1928 SM watermark perf 13½ x 12½ KGV 2d Red brown Ash imprint block of 4 with varieties ‘Doubled left frame at top’ & ‘Irregular upper left frame’ BW 99(1)z, lower line of imprint has been guillotined off, gum ‘suntanning’ bands MUH, Cat $250 as hinged, Price $199
G1202) Australia 1931 C of A watermark KGV 1d Green block of 4 with variety ‘Defective final A of AUSTRALIA’ BW 82(2)h, light diagonal crease just affecting the variety unit, Mint, Cat $80, Price $49
G1206) Australia 1931 C of A watermark KGV 1d Green block of 4 with varieties ‘White spot in SE corner’ & ‘Run N retouched’ BW 82(4)s & vc, latter variety with corner crease, MUH, Cat $104 with varieties as hinged, Price $69
G1203) Australia 1931 C of A watermark KGV 1d Green upper left corner block of 4 with variety ‘Notch in left frame opposite wattles’ BW 82(3)e, stamps MUH, Cat $76 with variety as hinged, Price $69
G1198) Australia 1933 C of A watermark KGV ½d Orange BW 69 lower left corner block of 10, some perf separation fresh MUH, Cat $200, Price $159
G1183) Australia 1936 C of A watermark KGV 1½d Red-brown BW 94, lower left corner block of 4, minor gum bends affecting one stamp, stamps MUH, Cat $120, Price $79
please contact Kevin Morgan on:
Phone: 0425 795 693
Post: PO BOX 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia, 3158
Discounts - Excluding New Catalogues & Accessories
Orders up to $100 are strictly net. $101 - $250 deduct 10%, $251 - $500 deduct 15%, $501 - $1000 deduct 20%
Orders over $1000 deduct 25%
Orders over $2500 deduct 30%
All discounts can be applied to items from previous lists in order to achieve a higher discount level.
Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request.
Many smaller items, including a lot that are not on this list may be found in our eBay listings. Our store name is 21st-century-auctions
Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500. We accept all cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 9am – 4.30 Mon – Fri, but we will often answer the phone after hours.
All of our items carry our guarantee that if significantly mis-described, they may be returned to us within 7 days of your receipt.
EXCEPTIONS: There are no discounts on brand new catalogues or accessories.